

Keep Learning 在学习和分享中,探索未来人才培养的创新之路

06-14 08:37发布于广东



我校卢晓君老师作为授课教师,应邀参加本次研讨会。在会上,卢晓君老师为苏科外四年级的学生带来了一堂生动有趣的绘本课《Big animals that hide》。

On May 17th, Hundreds of educators from all over the country gathered at Suzhou Science and Technology Town Foreign Language School to participate in the third national cross-cultural innovative talent development seminar (Suzhou) focused on "expanding excellence and improving quality."

Vivian Lu, as a teaching faculty, was invited to attend this seminar. She brought a vivid and interesting picture book class Big Animals that Hide for the fourth-grade students of Suzhou Science and Technology Town Foreign Language School.

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Big animals that hide是《新魔法英语分级读物》第六级别的一本非故事类绘本,其主题属于“人 与自然”范畴下的“自然生态”这一主题群,子主题内容为“常见的动物,动物的特征与生活环境”。该绘本主要介绍了polar bears, crocodiles, tigers, lions, hippos, chimpanzees等六种动物通过不同的方式隐藏自身和捕获食物,从而获得生存。

Big Animals that Hide is a non-narrative picture book at the sixth level of New Magic English Readers, falling under the theme group of "Natural Ecology" within the category of "Human and Nature." Its sub-theme focuses on "Common Animals, Animal Characteristics, and Habitats." This picture book mainly introduces six animals, which include polar bears, crocodiles, tigers, lions, hippos, and chimpanzees, using various methods to hide themselves and capture food, thereby ensuring their survival.

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动物话题贴近学生日常生活,学生兴趣浓厚。为了激发孩子们的探索欲,卢老师一开始便让学生从图片中找到那些善于利用环境来伪装自己的大型动物,激活对 big animals hide的 已 有 认 知 ;围 绕 主 题 和 目 录 页 , 培 养 学 生 的 提 问 和 预 测 能 力

The topic of animals is close to students' daily lives and has a strong interest among students. In order to stimulate children's exploration, Ms. Vivian started by having students identify large animals that are good at using their environment to disguise themselves from the pictures, activating their existing knowledge of "Big Animals That Hide." She also taught students how to ask questions and make predictions around the topic and index page, cultivating their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

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During learning process, Teacher Lu adopted the methods of self-reading, reading together, information exchange, which not only helped students understand the general idea of the text, but also let students master the way of reading non-story picture books. At the same time, it also made full use of teaching resources, so that students can have a deeper experience of the survival wisdom of large animals, and think about the deeper food chain relationship.

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After class, the experts made comprehensive and in-depth comments on the teachers' classes, helping them continue to give full play to their advantages, and at the same time, check the omissions and fill the gaps, and constantly improve their professional ability.

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小学英语评课专家  鲁⼦问


In this cross-cultural education seminar, there are not only the high guidance of education experts, but also the curriculum reform sharing of peer teachers, so that teachers can carefully observe the relationship between 'teaching' and 'learning', and jointly explore new paths and new strategies of teaching reform.

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