












In the past academic year, students have practiced mindfulness, curiosity, courage, tenacity, morality, and leadership. They have emerged as outstanding student representatives in our FLA community in the fields of comprehensive ability, as well as academic, sports, and art.


The FLA Scholarship of Excellence and individual scholarships to student representatives who have persevered and worked hard. The FLA scholarship represents the high standards of the students, carrying the six core values of FLA and the ardent expectations of teachers and parents for the students.


In the eyes of students and teachers, what does a scholarship mean? What kind of students can get a scholarship?



王洋凌九   William Wang


All people are ordinary people, and excellence depend on themselves. In academics, he has the courage to face challenges; in hobbies, he is persistent. In the eyes of his teachers, he is diligent and studious; in the eyes of his classmates, he is warm and friendly. "The good wind will send him to the blue clouds with its power." He will grow up with FLA, heading towards a better future and the vast world.

林鹭茜  Lucy Lin



Her guiding principle is: Understanding limits brings stability; self-respect commands respect from others. Learning is akin to a morning run; at first, the glaring sunlight and the endless track may be uncomfortable, yet gradually, one begins to relish basking in the sun and cherishing the moments when sweat trickles down.

In what seems like a bewildering and wavering youth, opportunities abound everywhere. Each person's youth is unique. She believes we will all find our own paths and become the exceptional individuals we envision. In the future, she will continue to uphold this belief and persist in her efforts!

马浩恬  Maria Ma


“Wisps of fog are elusive, but what we can grasp are only the things that are within our reach.” As a student, what she can do is seize every opportunity that can help her improve. “People are obsessed with time, pursuing eternal life. Throughout history, this constant remains… it is both a driving force and a limitation.” Therefore, each of us must recognize that time never comes back, so we should make good use of this limited time to enhance our achievements and enrich our experiences.

周恒 Linda Zhou


Receiving the scholarship was a huge boost for her. In class, she swims in the ocean of knowledge, and although she occasionally gets slapped back on the beach, she never stop trying no matter how many times she fails. After the lesson, she actively developed her interest in violin, and she persisted for a long time, getting back up as many times as she wanted to give up. She had a great time studying at FLA, and she is grateful to her teachers for recognizing her, and she'll continue to work hard.

孙逸婵 Cathy Sun

在FLA学习的这几年,我越来越清晰地找到适合自己的学习步调和方法,这样的学习方法能够让学习随时随地发生,学习过程更自主,更有趣!课堂已经不是学习的边界了。《论语》有云“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。” 好学让我在学习中保持自由,而乐学又让我常得喜悦。成为一个快乐的学习者,总是乐此不疲地探索着周边的世界,找到自己的热爱和目标并且立刻付诸行动。感谢引领我的老师们和陪伴我的同学们!我会继续努力成为更好的自己!

During her years of study at FLA, she has become increasingly clearabout finding a learning pace and method that suits her. This approach allowslearning to happen anytime, anywhere, making the process more autonomous andenjoyable. The classroom is no longer the boundary of learning. As Confuciussaid in the Analects, 'Those who know, are not as good as those who love, andthose who love are not as good as those who enjoy.' Loving to learn keeps herfree in my studies, and enjoying learning brings constant joy. Being a joyfullearner, she tirelessly explore the world around her, discovering her passionsand goals and immediately putting them into action. Thanks to the teachers whohave guided her and the classmates who have accompanied her! she will continueto strive to become a better version of herself!


林汐晓 Mifu Lin

作为蓝途净滩行动创始家庭之一,我坚持每周参加净滩行动,并与伙伴们一起宣讲海洋环保知识,撰写原创环保文稿。净滩行动从起初的十几,到现在已达到近百人规模,并不断影响更多的人加入到净滩环保的行动中。我认为这就是“From me to we”的过程。在未来我会尽自己最大的努力,做更具领导力精神的人,协同周边的人,共同努力达到我们心目中的目标。

As one of the founding families of the Blue Bay Beach Cleaning Action, she continued participating in  Beach cleaning , preaching Marine environmental protection knowledge with her partners, and writing environmental protection documents. The beach cleaning action from the initial ten, has now reached nearly 100 people, continuing to influence more people to join the beach cleaning environmental protection action, she will do her best to work for her community. She consider that as the process from “me” to “we”. In the future, she will do all she can to become someone who possess leadership spirit and remain flexible in daily life.

金伊依 Bella Jin

路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。”这是我们常常引用的一句话,它表达了我们对探索和追求的决心和勇气。我们不断寻找自己的方向和目标,不断实现自己的梦想,因为我们知道,只有通过不断的探索和追求,我们才能获得更多的机会和成就。在我追求梦想的道路上,我遇到了许多困难和挑战,但是我从未放弃过。我坚信,只有坚持和努力,才能克服一切困难,实现自己的梦想。我也深知,只有不断地学习、探索和尝试,才能找到自己的方向和目标。让我们一起change for better!

"The road is long and winding, but she will pursue and explore upwards. She has encountered many difficulties and challenges on her journey to pursue her dreams, but she never gave up. She believe that only through persistence and effort can she overcome all obstacles and achieve her goals. She also understand that only by constantly learning, exploring, and trying can she find her direction and goals. Let's change for better together!"

琚茁萌  Cecelia Ju


She is both amazed and surprised to be awarded the Leadership Scholarship. She is grateful to her teachers for their continuous support and teaching, and at the same time, She is even more convinced that the result will never be too bad if she do her best. In the future, she will work harder to do her best in everything, and study hard to get better in her academics.


杜怡霏 Lisa Du


In the past few semesters, her principle has been to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude. She believes excellence goes beyond academic achievements; it involves staying committed to one's interests and continuously exploring new endeavors. Every individual is imperfect, but the key is to strive for personal improvement. She is committed to working towards her goals, embracing future challenges with enthusiasm, and constantly surpassing her own limits.

侯元齐 Kevin Hou

在FLA的这一年里,我的学习成绩突飞猛进,同时也交到了许多知心的朋友。在这段时间里,我也渐渐的喜欢上了运动和读书。喜欢并不是我读书的全部原因,热爱才是我对读书更多的一部分原因。但这并不是我的最终目标,我的最终目标是成为一名热爱学习,运动的少年。学习就如逆水行舟,不进则退,只有做到坚持不懈,不断努力,才能取得更优异的成绩。以后我会更加的努力,坚持完善自己,取得更好的成绩。Change for better!

During this year in FLA, his academic performance has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has also made many close friends. During this time, he also gradually fell in love with sports and reading. Love is not the whole reason why he read, love is part of the reason why he read more. But this is not his ultimate goal. His ultimate goal is to become a teenager who loves learning and sports. Learning is like a boat against the current, not to advance is to retreat, only to do perseverance, continuous efforts, in order to achieve better results. In the future, he will work harder, insist on improving himself and get better results. Change for better!

孟廷哲 Marvin Meng


He love both reading and playing sports, and he has spent his free time in these during his time at FLA. He looks forward to being a well-rounded student both academically and athletically. He has achieved great results academically, but he also looks forward to breaking new ground and excelling in a variety of subjects. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. He will take action to realize his goals and aspirations.

王瀚民 Brian Wang


In his eyes, there are no limits to learning. It's not that 7th graders only learn about 7th grade textbooks. It's about changing your childish mindset to challenge and embrace a new knowledge system. He has been learning higher level math and physics, he originally thought it was boring, but as the days went by, he realized that learning is life. Take the initiative to learn and don't worry about what others think, after all, how many times in one's life can one have the urge to learn?

蒋胜义 Leo Jiang


He would like to thank his teachers and the school for recognizing him, and for the learning environment that has been created. Thanks in large part to this, he is able to receive the scholarship today, In the future, he will work harder to become a person with FLA character, a contributor to society, and a useful person in this campus full of various chemical elements.

张烁晗 Daisy Zhang


Mr. Gorky once said that even a little self-restraint can make a person strong and powerful. She believes self-discipline is crucial for learning. Developing good study habits, actively seeking advice from others, efficiently completing assignments, and managing time wisely have greatly benefited her learning, while also granting her freedom. Self-discipline allows her more time to do what she loves, encourages self-reflection, enhances collaboration with others, and avoids shortcuts. Every class, every assignment, is proof of her efforts. She hopes to achieve goals and fulfill dreams in the future, contributing to society by doing what she loves.

邸士瑶 Angel Di


She’s been at FLA for four years, and the six virtues are deeply embedded in her heart. When she faces difficulties, teachers go to great lengths to encourage her, teaching her to be brave in accepting and confronting challenges. Resilience has taught her not to give up easily on the road to her dreams. In the face of fear and difficulties, we shouldn't easily surrender; instead, we need more effective solutions. Thanks to courage, she’s discovered more of her potential and gained the confidence to boldly attempt new things. She will maintain her curiosity, as it brings her joy and helps her acquire fun and interesting new skills. She is grateful to have met you here, and thankful to FLA for making me better!


张隽源 Angelina Zhang



She started learning golf at the age of 6 and have now been playing for 10 years. Despite the dual pressures of studying and training, she’s managed to organize her time effectively, ensuring not only excellent academic performance but also the joy of playing the sport. Through years of dedicated effort, she’s not only excelled academically but also achieved commendable positions in various national youth golf tournaments, earning the title of 'Sports Elite' bestowed by the National Sports Bureau. Her dream is to become a professional player, proudly representing the five-starred red flag on the world's stage. To achieve this, she will persistently strive and continually push her limits."


赵子赫 Bobby Zhao



A grain of corn planted in the spring will yield ten thousand seeds in the fall. He has been on the piano road for 10 years, during which he has participated in countless competitions, from obscurity to prominence, the driving force that supports his perseverance is - love, when he hear the sound of the piano from the fingertips flow out of the moment, all the sweat and tears have become shiny, the ten years of time because the piano has become glittering. There is no smooth sailing in the future, only unlimited challenges in the present, He believes that hard work will have results, he will always strive to her dream close until reached.

赵泽欣 Angela Zhao

在FLA的三年时光让我知道我们的选择是正确的。通过学习使我更加的自信,开心,阳光,健康,快乐,同时我也学到了一技之长,那就是画画。能够得到这个奖励离不开老师的殷勤培养,校方提供的平台,让我获得了莫奈国际艺术奖金奖,在以后的学习中我还会持之以恒的继续努力好好学习,不管未来如何,这里装满我记忆中的学校,都让我心无旁骛,全力以赴,乘风破浪,勇往直前,再次感谢老师对我的辛勤教育,感谢父母对我的陪伴和鼓励。我会努力前行,长大成为未来的领导者,I Love FLA 谢谢大家!

Over the past three years of learning, she’s realized that her choice was right. At FLA, she’s gained confidence, happiness, positivity, health, and joy. She’s also acquired a skill – painting, for which she received the Monet International Art Award thanks to the diligent guidance of teachers and the platform provided by FLA. In future studies, she will persistently continue to strive for excellence. Regardless of what the future holds, this school, filled with memories, allows her to focus wholeheartedly, give her all, overcome challenges, and move forward courageously. She expresses gratitude to the teachers for their diligent education and to her parents for their support and encouragement. she will work hard to grow into a future leader. She loves FLA!







让们共同 Change for better!






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