

【EY Programme】西亚斯外籍学校幼儿园项目中的探索式学习是什么样的——探索,发现和成长





What does Exploratory Learning

look like in the Sias IS

Early Years Programme?

——Explore, Discover, and Grow


In the Early Years Programme, we live and breathe the Sias IS core values and beliefs. We believe that the first five years of a child’s life are crucial in establishing the way that they think, learn, and interact with the world. Exploring is more than fun—it is the key to unlocking a child’s potential to learn and grow. The PYP Early Years (for children aged 3 – 6) allows students to play and learn, so they can build the curiosity, creativity, and confidence they will need to thrive both today and well into the future. 

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In the Early Years Programme, we incorporate the IB programme of 4 units of inquiry (Who We Are, How We Express Ourselves, How We Organize Ourselves, and Share the Planet). We place a strong emphasis on teachers' and students' interaction and communication to establish learning models through daily exploration. The PYP Early Years Programme offers a holistic learning experience that integrates socio-emotional, physical, and cognitive development, where: students explore their environment and learn about their world through play and relationships with peers, teachers, family, and community members; teachers are partners, nurturers and guides who help facilitate the exploration of students’ interests as they work on long- and short-term projects; and schools provide dynamic environments that nurture curiosity, creativity, and confidence. 

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In the Early Years Programme, our students develop positive experiences and warm responsive relationships that stimulate their development, creating millions of neural connections. This is the time when the foundations for learning, relating, and health throughout life are laid down.  



What is exploratory learning at Sias International School? 

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Play is a fundamental component of exploratory learning at Sias IS. The various forms of play student take part in throughout the day allow them to engage with the world around them. Exploratory learning, which encompasses 17 types of learning, is widely understood to be the most beneficial form of learning during early childhood. This stimulates cognitive, social, physical, and emotional development by giving students the freedom to experiment, problem-solve, innovate, and learn through trial and error, self-directed and guided activities, and social interaction. It sparks students’ natural curiosity, self-discovery, and engagement with their environment to build foundational skills and knowledge. 



Standards and Assessment 

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The Sias IS Early Years Programme follows the IB PYP Curriculum framework. Teachers also use the 38 objectives of the Teaching Strategies GOLD programme to address all aspects of students’ development and learning. Through the use of this creative curriculum and authentic, observational assessment system, students are able to develop their skills and teachers are able to assess that development. The areas of development addressed by the TS Gold programme.


Observation and Reflection

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Through careful and purposeful observation of students’ actions, teachers are able to identify each student’s strengths, skills, interests, and needs. Teaching teams can then make personalized teaching plans to facilitate success for every student.

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At the same time, students are encouraged to reflect on their own experiences and express their thoughts and feelings on their learning. The assessment system at Sias IS also enables teachers to exchange information with families, collaborating for the benefit of our students.


Documentation and Assessment

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Assessment in exploratory learning is more holistic, focusing on understanding a student’s growth and development rather than assigning grades. As part of the TS GOLD programme, our teachers record students’ activities and achievements using photos, video, audio, and work to track their progress over time. 




How does our highly qualified teaching team support student learning at Sias IS? 

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At Sias IS, each classroom contains a cohesive teaching team. A highly qualified and experienced international teacher is joined by a bilingual instructional assistant who supports the teaching and learning in English. A teacher assistant also joins the team to support students in their daily needs such as eating, toilet time, and keeping the classroom clean and tidy.

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Sias IS students have opportunities to learn and grow during classes with specialist teachers in Art, and Music, Library, Physical Education, and Mandarin. 

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Sharing the vision of the International Baccalaureate, the Early Years teaching team at Sias IS believes that students are natural learners who actively construct their understanding of the world. The programme aims to nurtures students’ curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving skills, providing a solid foundation for lifelong learning. 







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