

Author celebration |以笔为犁,耕耘写作之梦

05-08 09:04发布于天津



上个月,好莱坞著名编剧、小说家,电影制作人Dwain Worrell先生走进天津海嘉与孩子们进行面对面交流。他以自己的写作经历为例,用风趣幽默的语言,带领孩子们一起领略文学创作的魅力,并且现场即兴创作有趣的故事。

Last month, Mr. Dwain Worrell, a famous Hollywood screenwriter, novelist, and filmmaker, walked into BIBA-Tianjin to have face-to-face communication with the students. He used his writing experiences as examples along with witty and humorous language to help children appreciate the charm of literary creation. Mr. Worrell also involved the students in improvising an interesting story on site.


During the interactive segment, he also had friendly and in-depth exchanges with the children on topics such as reading and creative writing. He also took the time to provide autographs for students and take group photos with them. Mr. Worrell said that to become a writer, one must first become a complete “person;” this directly coincides with the concept of "holistic education" advocated by BIBA. We hope to help children continue to awaken their inner selves, their enthusiasm, and their desire to explore and reimagine this world through daily teaching and activities.


Amazing authors' celebrations took place at the BIBA elementary school in Tianjin last month. It was quite a sight to behold, with many parents signing up to witness the great accomplishments of their children. Their eagerness to take part and see their children's work was clear, creating a vibrant atmosphere.


The event buzzed with excitement as the kids eagerly chatted about their writing, sharing their pieces with one another and practicing brief introductions to explain their work to parents and principals. They threw themselves into designing and decorating their cover pages, laughter and energy filling the air as they bounced around, delighted by the classroom decorations and the thoughtful small gifts from the school—rewards for all their hard work. It was a heartwarming sight to see with the students so engaged and enthusiastic about their creations. The atmosphere was electric, with every child adding their unique touch to the event, making it an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.


There was a sense of magic in the air. You could see the future in their bright, sparkling eyes as they proudly read their writings to their parents. The first graders presented their delightful personal narratives, where they shared stories about things they had done or experiences they had lived through. These young minds truly impressed everyone. Their stories came alive with engaging illustrations and vibrant characters that seemed to leap off the pages.

2 至 5 年级的学生针对“家庭作业是否应该成为学校的一部分”、“人工智能是否利大于弊”“拥有兄弟姐妹是否更好”等问题进行了讨论。孩子们通过练习,明白了什么是事实陈述,什么是观点陈述,通过探究问题灵活地把批判性思维融入了日常学习中。


Students from grades 2 to 5 presented their thoughtful opinion pieces, clearly thrilled to share their views, each one grounded in solid reasoning. Some students debated whether homework should be a part of school or not, while others made the case for robots being the best toys ever. A few even offered their opinions on why having a sibling might not be such a good idea and so on. The variety of topics and the creativity behind the arguments made for a lively and engaging showcase. Each presentation was a testament to the students' abilities to articulate their thoughts and support their opinions with compelling logic. It was exciting to witness such enthusiasm for critical thinking at such a young age.


The parents and principals were left in awe, impressed by the students' wit, their power of reasoning, and their creativity. These young authors displayed a remarkable ability to articulate their thoughts and support their arguments with logic and evidence. It was inspiring to see such enthusiasm and intelligence from these elementary school students, leaving everyone with a sense of excitement for their future potential.


Grade 6, on the other hand, presented some jaw-dropping pieces of fantasy fiction. Their stories transported the audience to imaginative worlds filled with magical creatures, epic adventures, and daring heroes. The creativity and detail in their narratives were impressive, showcasing the students' ability to craft complex plots and build captivating universes. The parents and teachers were fascinated by the vivid imagery and innovative storylines, demonstrating the advanced storytelling skills of these young authors.


Our international principal, Dr. Good, personally attended all the author celebrations and listened intently to his star students. He remarked, "I am immensely happy and overwhelmed with feelings seeing that our students have come so far this year. The reading and writing workshop initiative at BIBA Tianjin is something we can be proud of, even though it came with bumps and hurdles. All great things come with trials and challenges, and we embraced them."


Dr. Good continued, "I am so proud to say that both teachers and students have worked incredibly hard to make this happen. Writing not only develops creativity and imagination, but it also builds critical thinking and communication skills that will benefit our students as they progress through school and into college. These are foundational skills that will serve them well in their future careers and academic pursuits."



He added that the event showcased the importance of writing as a way to express oneself, build confidence, and engage with the world. Dr. Good emphasized that writing helps students develop a strong voice, allowing them to articulate their thoughts and ideas clearly—a crucial asset in higher education and beyond. "It's a joy to see our students on this journey," he concluded. "I can't wait to see what they'll accomplish next."


We have received great feedback from parents about the event. They were impressed by the creativity and thoughtfulness of the students' work and appreciated the opportunity to see their children in action. Many parents mentioned how inspiring it was to witness their kids' enthusiasm and the sense of community that this event fostered. The positive responses from parents reaffirmed the success of the event and its impact on both students and families.


Overall, this event captured the spirit of the moment, recognizing the hard work and dedication that had brought everyone to this point. These young authors, with their stories and presentations, reminded everyone that learning is a journey filled with challenges and triumphs. Through their writing, they not only developed valuable skills but also created memories that will last a lifetime. The magic in the air was undeniable, leaving a sense of excitement and anticipation for the future. As the final presentations ended and the applause echoed through the halls, it was clear that the foundation had been laid for a bright and inspiring future for all involved, and nothing can stop these children from continuing to make wonders.







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