

彼一米湘府校区湖南农大标本馆研学活动 I Agricultural University Herbarium Study

06-11 08:18发布于湖南



The May IEYC theme unit at Beemee Xiangfu Campus was "Brilliant Bug Ball," during which children, led by their teachers, became little explorers and traveled around nature, looking for various kinds of insects and exploring the life of nature.

5月28日,彼一米湘府校区开展了一次前往农业大学标本博物馆的教育之旅。这次研学活动作为IEYC “漂亮的虫虫球”的单元结题活动,为孩子们提供一个探索昆虫世界和自然奥妙的绝佳机会,让孩子们在充满吸引力的互动环境中巩固所学知识。

On May 28, we conducted an educational trip to the Herbarium Museum of Hunan Agricultural University as a concluding activity for our IEYC "Brilliant Bug Ball" unit. This trip provided an excellent opportunity for the children to explore the world of insects and the wonders of nature, allowing them to consolidate what they had learned in an engaging and interactive environment.


Into Nature, Exploring Life


The Herbarium of Hunan Agricultural University was established in 2008 and includes animal, insect, soil, and plant herbaria. It houses over 31,000 specimens preserved by various colleges, occupying a total area of about 2,300 square meters. The herbarium has evolved from a single resource storage facility into a multifunctional exhibition hall that integrates teaching, scientific research, and science communication. 


Discover the Secrets of Life


Specimen Museum of Entomology

这个世界的昆虫有 100 万种,约占地球动物种类的三分之二。农业大学标本博物馆,以其广泛收集的世界各地昆虫标本而闻名。该馆收藏着超过50万号珍贵的昆虫标本,这些标本形态各异,适用于教学、科研以及观赏目的。馆内分为多个展厅,涵盖了从昆虫的起源、进化、分类到其与人类社会的关系等内容。

There are one million species of insects in the world, accounting for about two-thirds of the Earth's animal species. The Herbarium Museum of Hunan Agricultural University is renowned for its extensive collection of insect specimens from all over the globe. The museum houses more than 500,000 rare insect specimens in various forms, suitable for teaching, research, and viewing purposes. The museum is divided into several galleries that cover topics ranging from the origin, evolution, and classification of insects to their relationship with human society.


Exquisite butterfly specimens, colorful insect specimens, aspens, dragonflies, bamboo worms, and more were displayed in photo frames. Under the teacher's guidance, the children listened attentively and observed carefully, as if a whole new world was opening up before them. They pondered questions with the teacher such as, "Do ants and spiders belong to the genus of insects?", "What are the characteristics of insects?", "How many legs do insects have?", and "What are the defensive behaviors of insects?"


After the teacher's professional explanations, the children gained a deeper understanding of the classification and habits of insects. They were captivated by the marvelous world of insects and developed a keen interest in these small creatures in nature, marveling at the magic of life. Using their existing knowledge and what they had seen and learned, the children completed small tasks, reinforcing their newfound understanding.


Here, we encounter lifelike "beauty portraits" depicting figures such as "Zhaojun with a pipa as her companion, singing with clear emotions," and "Yang Guifei, whose smile echoes a hundred winks"! Upon closer inspection, one realizes that these exquisite scrolls are actually crafted using the delicate wings of butterflies. This perfect fusion of insects and art provides a visual feast for the children, allowing them to appreciate the beauty and creativity in nature's intricacies.


Specimen Museum of Zoology


The exhibition hall features seven boards showcasing invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, and even modern livestock production plants. Among the treasures in the hall, the "Chinese sturgeon" particularly captivated the children, evoking continuous amazement.


The display includes fossilized bones, plastic specimens, and complete living specimens of various animals, creating an immersive experience akin to stepping into a real animal world. The children marveled at the diversity of animal forms and the richness of animal species, fostering a deeper appreciation for these precious biological resources.


Specimen Museum of Botany


As the children entered the Herbarium, they were greeted by an array of colorful and diverse plant specimens. Here, they could closely observe every detail of various types of plants. Bright yellow lemons, sunflowers turning towards the sun, and budding rice seeds adorned the exhibits. While observing, the children quietly pondered the slow evolution of plants throughout the process of life on Earth.


What We Got


Critical Thinking


During museum visits, children are encouraged to ask questions, make observations and draw conclusions. Critical thinking skills are developed when analysing different insect species, their characteristics and their role in the ecosystem. 


Curiosity and Wonder


A variety of insects and other specimens stimulate children's curiosity and sense of wonder about the world around them. They will be inspired to explore and learn more about insects and their habitats, fostering a lifelong love of learning and exploration.


Environmental Awareness


Learning about the importance of insects in pollination, decomposition and pest control will raise children's awareness of environmental issues. They will become more aware of the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of conserving biodiversity. 


Social Skills


The trip provides an opportunity for children to interact with their peers outside of the classroom. They collaborate on activities, share their observations and participate in discussions that enhance their social skills and teamwork. 


Outdoor Experiences


Picnics on the University lawn provide an opportunity for children to enjoy nature and fresh air. Outdoor activities promote physical activity, relaxation, and a sense of well-being in children, contributing to their overall health and happiness.


Through popular science activities like research, learning, and traveling, children step out of the confines of the kindergarten and into the world of science. These experiences broaden their horizons, enabling them to explore nature firsthand and gain knowledge about biodiversity and other natural phenomena. As they immerse themselves in natural exploration, they develop a deeper understanding of the harmony between humanity and nature, enhancing their environmental awareness and fostering a sense of responsibility for nature conservation. Upon returning to the kindergarten, children eagerly share and exchange what they have seen and learned with their peers, reflecting on their experiences and the valuable insights gained during the activity.







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