Total number of words:808 words
President Deng Dengjiang proposed a comprehensive quality perspective, with the core concepts being "four more focuses" and "achieving over 80% on three aspects". The classroom serves as the main channel for education and teaching, and showcasing classroom culture signifies the school's quality consciousness and the transition towards quality action. After six months of collective efforts, progressing from "tiny lotus buds, dragonflies perched atop" to now "limitless green lotus leaves, lotus flowers in varying hues", all students in the bilingual department's third year participated in the LuoHu district's mid-term examination. The feedback on results is encouraging, indicating the initial effectiveness of our education quality management.
1.The average total score ranked 14th, one place higher than last semester. Last semester, we had already surpassed 6 public schools, and in this exam, we have once again outperformed a fairly reputable public school. With each step taken steadily, we are making solid progress upward.
Outstanding Student: Hou Shaoyang
Outstanding Student: Feng Yuande
2.There's a noticeable improvement in individual subject rankings. The average score for Chinese surpassed both the district average and the average of district public schools, which is commendable. The number of A+ grades (top 5%) in each subject has risen from 3 last semester to 12 now. Hou Shaoyang achieved A+ in Chinese, English, Chemistry, and Daoist Studies; Ning Ziqi in Chinese, Chemistry, and Daoist Studies; Feng Yuande in Physics and Chemistry; Wu Yufei, Zhong Jingqi, and Zhang Xiaoying each obtained an A+ in one subject. This indicates that the advantages of Huamei Foreign Language School's system and mechanisms are beginning to show results, with immediate improvements in quality enhancement methods.
The contributing subjects include Chinese, English, Physics, Chemistry, History, and Daoist Studies. Please refer to the table below for details.
3. In the ninth grade, Hou Shaoyang, Feng Yuande, Ning Ziqi, Wu Yufei, Wu Jingcen, and Hu Xinyi, a total of 6 students, have entered the top tier of the entire district based on their overall scores. Among them, Hou Shaoyang is close to the "Big Four" cutoff line, Feng Yuande, Ning Ziqi, and Wu Yufei have entered the "Big Eight" spotlight, while Wu Jingcen and Hu Xinyi may consider the district's top schools. It is expected that the overall rate of admission to regular high schools will exceed 80%, and the students' prospects for further education are promising.
Outstanding Student:
Ning Ziqi
Outstanding Student:
Wu Yufei
In the last 50 days, we also need to implement President Deng's educational principles, compare them with the "three achievements" direction, and assess the completion of our teaching tasks.
Outstanding Student:
Wu Jingcen
Outstanding Student:
Hu Xinyi
Target Positioning Achieved: One "Big Four", Four "Big Eight" (including Big Four), with a public high school enrollment rate of over 50%. The latter two objectives have been achieved, while the first one still requires effort. Paying attention to the growth of every student, addressing the reality of shortfalls for outstanding students, devising practical methods and strategies to help them improve step by step every day, gradually accumulating progress. Elevating efficiency through meticulous planning and promoting quality through attention to detail.
Subject Positioning Achieved: Hou Shaoyang: A+ in Chinese, English, Chemistry, and Daoist Studies, but he still has a B+ in Mathematics, which is a noticeable misalignment. If his math deficiencies are addressed before the high school entrance examination, the chances of securing a spot among the "Big Four" will be much greater. Ning Ziqi achieved A+ in three subjects, Feng Yuande in two subjects, and A in all other subjects. With a little more effort to improve their A grades, victory in the "Big Eight" is within reach. Similarly, once the misalignment in subjects is resolved, the focus can shift to top district schools, potentially advancing to top municipal schools for those initially aiming for public high schools; even those targeting private high schools may consider aiming higher, perhaps even securing a place in a public high school.
Outstanding Student:
Zhong Jingqi
Outstanding Student:
Zhang Xiaoying
Knowledge and Skills Points Achieved: Develop and refine the second round of review plan, narrowing down the scope, raising the standards, and extending strengths. Make good use of data such as "class rankings" and subject "sub-question scores". While addressing gaps and deficiencies, ensure that everyone can pass key questions, top students can score on difficult questions, everyone is enthusiastic about hot topics, and teachers pay sufficient attention to blank spots.
"Take this as the foundation, take the guidelines as the framework." Focus on standardized training, time-limited training, improve the state, strive for practical implementation, and fight for comprehensive victory in the high school entrance examination.