

Induction Week | 凝心聚力 踔厉奋发 记武汉爱莎园区教职工专业学习大会






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ISA Wuhan held a professional Induction Programme from August 21 to 23, ranging from teachers' orientation to preparations for the start of the new term, to professional training, so to ensure that the school departments to adjust to the best status to fully prepare for the start of a new school year.

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During the 3 days of Induction Programme, ISAIEG gathered the resources of all schools and elite teachers from more than 30 countries and regions to learn from each other, actively sharing their experiences in cross-cultural team integration, curriculum, educational philosophy, student management, community building and other aspects of school operations, which triggered many rounds of discussions on the spot.

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Educational Philosophy


 Practice IB Learner Profile 



爱莎国际教育集团副总裁、广州科学城爱莎外籍人员子女学校校长Paul Bawden分享了《如何在全校践行IB精神》的主题演讲,其中提到的4P型校区管理办法,汲取IB课程中对教学的要求,归纳为以人为本、坚持原则、学术严谨、长期规划的4点原则,引发现场深思。

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Central China has been a major education hub since ancient times, and with the new post-epidemic era in mind, it is especially crucial to develop a diverse, futuristic and sustainable international education.

Paul Bawden, ISAIEG Vice President and Head of ISA Science City International School, shared his keynote speech on how to practice the IB spirit in the whole school, in which he mentioned the 4P-type campus management approach, which draws on the requirements of teaching in the IB curriculum and is summarised as People, Principles, Practicalities, and Planning, which triggered deep thoughts on the spot.

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“世界上成功创办的学校林林总总,有些成就于硬件设施,有些成就于课程体系,但我一直相信只有充分发挥教师在课程中的主观能动性,在学校营造自由、开放、包容且终生学习的文化氛围,才能让一所学校永远具有生命力。” Paul校长说。

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"There are many schools in the world that have been founded successfully, some on the facilities and some on the curriculum, but I have always believed that only by giving full play to the initiative of teachers in the curriculum, and by creating a culture of freedom, openness, inclusiveness and lifelong learning in the school, can a school always be viable." Mr. Paul said.

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 Avoid  Teaching Misconceptions


爱莎国际教育集团董事会首席学术顾问、董事会战略顾问David Mansfield分享了《在ISA实现卓越的含义》主题演讲,在他看来,打造高效能团队是夯实办学基础的核心,而真正卓越的教学是能够加速学生提升认知和知识掌握程度的。


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David Mansfield, Chief Academic Advisor to Board of ISAIEG and Strategic Advisor to Board of ISAIEG, shared the keynote speech on What it Means To Achieve Excellence at ISA, in which, in his opinion, building a high-performance team is at the core of strengthening the foundation of the school, and true excellence in teaching and learning is something that accelerates the students to improve their cognition and knowledge acquisition.

"At ISA, we practice learner-centred teaching and learning principles, complementing traditional teaching (where the teacher talks and the students listen) by focusing more on embedded (which focuses on the process of transferring knowledge), responsive (which is based on inspired thinking), inquiry (which maintains an enduring passion for learning), and metacognitive (which is self-regulation by the students), amongst other pedagogical techniques. "

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David also mentioned that some teachers sometimes fall into a wrong understanding of student-centeredness. Some methodology is founded on student-centered learning that focuses on student self-forming of schema and not enough on direct instruction. 

"Students can't construct excellent frameworks for learning without knowledge, so I always encourage my teachers to never be ashamed of teaching children the basics, and when they master the foundations, you'll find that they'll achieve more than your imagination in knowledge applications."

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Academic Curriculum


 Environment Creats HQ Courses 


如何打造高质量、有竞争力的课程体系?爱莎国际教育集团学术中心总监Gary Butner与现场教师团队展开了一轮头脑风暴。Gary总监认为任何课程绝不仅局限于“教”,而更多的在于打造能让课程保持创造力的环境

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How to create a high quality, competitive curriculum? Gary Butner, Director of Academic Centre of ISAIEG, brainstormed with a team of teachers about How ‘Curriculum’ should never be narrowed to ‘What is taught’. It's about creating an environment in which creativity can be maintained in the curriculum.

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"ISA is committed to providing an advancing education. We offer educational services that meet and exceed the expectations of parents and students, set high academic standards, infuse humanistic and intellectual care into every moment of school life, and provide students with a "Little United Nations" type of learning environment to develop world citizens with leadership skills and global perspectives."

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 Fully Develop New Teachers 


爱莎国际教育集团学术中心经理Michael Jones博士就《实现专业卓越:专业标准、专业学习、专业评估》展开主题演讲。作为充分践行终生学习的全人教育学校,爱莎教育集团旗下各校都不断营造积极学习、及时反思的学术氛围。


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Dr. Michael Jones, Chief Academic Advisor to ISAIEG and Strategic Advisor to ISAIEG, gave a keynote speech on Professional Standards, Professional Learning, Professional Evaluation. As a whole-person education school that fully practices lifelong learning, all ISA Education Group schools create an atmosphere of active learning and reflection.

The ISAIEG uses a variety of teacher training and assessment methods to scaffold the professional development of teachers in their individual careers.

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"The school has monthly Teaching and Learning Collaboration meetings to discuss work and professional development intentions within each school division and at the school level. During these days, I was very pleased to see that ISA Wuhan already has many teachers who have spontaneously formed a learning club and communities, with similar interests and professional insights, which is an example of professional growth for teachers at here."

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Community Construction


 Faciliate Intercultural Communication 



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With a team of teachers from more than 30 countries and working with people from different cultures and backgrounds, cross-cultural communication is a daily practice in all ISA schools. William Qian, Vice President of ISAIEG, believes that always respecting each other's cultures, listening and trusting others, and communicating from the perspective of others' cultures greatly enhances team integration in the campus.

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“我认为保持倾听是难能可贵的。” William总裁说。“但在保持倾听的态度之前,如果能真正学习他国的语言与文化,深入体会他人发表看法时基于的文化立场与思维方式,不断反思自己与他人观点相冲突时的症结,那么每一次的跨文化的沟通都将是三人行,必有我师焉。对自我认知的提升和事态的解决都大有裨益。”

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"I think keeping listening is invaluable." Mr. Williams said. "But before maintaining a listening attitude, if one can truly learn the language and culture of another country, deeply appreciate the culture base on other people's views, and constantly reflect on the crux of the situation when one's own viewpoints are in conflict with those of others, so we can always learn from others. It will be very beneficial to the improvement of self-knowledge and the resolution of the conflicts."

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 Establish a Supportive Community 


爱莎国际教育集团学生支持中心主任Rovanna Bawden就《如何搭建支持型社区》发表主题演讲,Rovanna主任对成长型思维理念有着深入的理解和认同感,她认为每个学生都具有潜力,课堂上的个性化教学能够帮助每一位学习者均有效建立知识储备,辅之以恰当的关怀、理解和支持,所有学生都能够在潜力之上发展所长。

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Rovanna Bawden, Director of ISAIEG Head of Student Support, delivered a keynote speech on "How to build a supportive community". Rovanna has an in-depth understanding and recognition of the concept of growth mindset, and believes that every student has potential, and that personalised teaching in the classroom can help each learner to build a stock of knowledge effectively, and that with the right level of care, understanding, and support, all students will be able to develop their strengths above and beyond their potential.

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"The student support services provided by ISA offer learners assistance in various areas such as academics, social-emotional, and language acquisition with a diversified and graded support system. The specially established Student Support Centre provides each student of ISA with a customised and personalised development plan, as well as a broad learning platform for the professional development of the teaching staff. In the new school year, the ISA Student Support Centre will continue to work together with all ISA schools to achieve our common vision."

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ISA Wuhan Expectation


 Build a High-tech Holistic School with Multicultural Integration



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Juliana Jia, Deputy Deputy Director of Academic Centre of ISAIEG, Head of ISA Wuhan Wenhua School, Head of ISA Wuhan School, in her keynote speech "Responsibility and Mission" - Cultivating and Developing the Core Competitiveness of ISA Wuhan, put forward that education has to serve for the development of life and society, and that IB education not only fosters the students with an international outlook, academic competence, thinking ability, social responsibility, lifelong learning ability and multi-faceted technical skills, but also contributes to the continuous progress and development of the society.

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"A high-tech school is a goal and a spirit." Ms. Juliana said. "Every teacher in ISA Wuhan has to grow up to be a learner and worker adapted to modern education. According to the development goal of the school's information technology construction, in the future, modern technology will be used in the educational process of lesson preparation, correction of homework, submission of grades, and teaching and research activities."

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Ending 尾声······



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Focus, Ambition and Action, for a Centry-long Legacy of ISA. This training conference is a strong proof that ISA Wuhan has created a learning community and has taken a solid step forward in the process of creating a multicultural and integrated whole-person education school.

In the new school year, every member of the Campus will take a greater responsibility, from Inquire, to succeed, to act, the school will continue to excel, to create a high-tech holistic school with multicultural integration. We will continue to move forward, and we will not spare our efforts. We will see you at the beginning of the new school year in this fall!

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