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“那可太有挑战了!” 从英国飞往北京,下飞机的第二天,她加入了赫德。这里的孩子眼界开、思维活,靠打感情牌是过不了关的,往往是一节课备出三四节课的体量,老师们都成了设计师、产品经理,得给出过硬的产品,放出连环大招,才能“拿下”十几岁的注意力。
来自G9Tiger Chen对Sophia的这条广播,奏响了《Kua Kua Radio》的序幕,这一周的赫德走廊,都是赫德学生、家长、老师们之间的赞美,笼罩着整个校园,给赫德的教师节一点不一样的氛围感。
You are stronger than you think you are.
an English teacher at HDBJ Secondary School
This was the assignment Sophia left for the children in the first week of school. When the same question was thrown back at her, "I can tell you why I 'didn't want' to be a teacher at first."
At that time, in her perception, she was averse to the "same old, same old" work scenario that she had not even started yet.
What about now?
"It's incredibly challenging!" From flying from the UK to Beijing, she joined HD the day after landing. The children here have a broad vision and active thinking. It's not enough to rely on emotional cards; often, a class requires the preparation of three or four classes' worth of material. Teachers have become designers and product managers, needing to offer top-notch products and unleash a series of powerful moves to "capture" the attention of teenagers.
It's not just about teaching the course; the teaching goals are far from sufficient. It has to be "unforgettable."
Just like the morning theme on Monday, the children were raising their hands to answer, saying that their favorite teacher should "know how to read the I Ching, ride a horse, and shoot arrows," and "should be able to play 'Peacekeeper Elite' and play it better than me."
But this does not mean that teachers have to be like this; instead, they should be like Sophia, a constant "practitioner," who, when meaning occurs, is aware that it is just the tip of the iceberg in education, like all teachers, actively taking on the part where the national cause and personal cause intersect.
"Your healing smile is as warm as the sunshine, illuminating our lives every day. Although our time together is short, it is filled with laughter and joy, becoming the most beautiful memories. On this Teacher's Day, I wish you a happy holiday!"
This message from G9 Tiger Chen to Sophia kicked off the "Kua Kua Radio" broadcast. This week in the Hed corridor, there is praise between Hed students, parents, and teachers, enveloping the entire campus and giving HD's Teacher's Day a different atmosphere.
Since becoming a teacher, Sophia has put on an invisible shackle. Every one of her classes is "very heavy." Her experience teaching children of all ages in various countries has made her intolerant of any teaching mistakes. She fears that one wrong demonstration could cause children to lose their enthusiasm for lifelong learning, so for her, "education is a zero-error career.
But when she came to HD, it seemed like she opened up new horizons and had new experiences. It turns out that experience cannot be copied, nor should it be. She is no longer just a giver but a leader.
"Only by fully respecting others can you win their respect." "Don't hate others, and don't be the person you hate." These words that HD's children need to remember made her drop her heavy burden in an instant, and she said she came to the right place.
And these HD children have indeed not let her down. After class, they teach each other, and this vigorous desire to share and the transmission of energy have moved her, making her feel that "her work was not in vain."
"Relaxation and respect" classroom atmosphere.
This year marks the 40th Teacher's Day, but from Confucius' lectures 2500 years ago, the identity and image of "teacher" has been worth commemorating and praising far more than 40 or 400 times.
It's just that this day has become a collective birthday for all teachers. On this day every year, we need to re-recognize a group of children, re-understand education, and refresh ourselves.
Is Teacher's Day over? At least at HD, we are still continuing. We know there is a lot of praise and thanks that don't need to be said face to face, so we gave these voices an opportunity to use the ancient and romantic method of "radio" to convey some comfort and encouragement to the teachers, because we know that this may be the holiday gift we want the most.
Nothing is perfect.
You are stronger than you think you are.
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