






小学部艺术教师 Salina Shen

小学部艺术教师 Maggie Wang


Guilbault Steven Frederick


古希腊哲学家亚里士多德在《创造之秘》中说过:想象力是发明、发现及其他创造活动的源泉。” 想象力的重要性可见一斑。




在G4的美术课上,Maggie老师带领孩子们探寻海洋生态的奥秘。“孩子们用扭扭棒、废旧KT板、毛线编织出色彩斑斓的海洋生态作品,用行动和色彩呼吁保护这个蓝色的星球。” 这不仅是艺术创作,更是对环保意识的培养。










老师们一张一张的贴好画,把孩子们的名字一个个打印下来贴在墙上。”同来帮忙的G5Iris & G2 Eva妈妈说。看到老师们对孩子们作品的珍视,家长们纷纷加入其中和老师们一同进行空间布置。












In December 2024, HDBJ brought the art museum into HDBJ Primary School for children.

More than a thousand works, all created by HDBJ's "little artists"; every imaginative idea is a conversation between the child and the world; each frame presents another aspect of the child's innocent world.

If you enter HDBJ Primary School on January 5th, you can catch a glimpse of how interesting the children's world can be.


Salina Shen,HDBJ Primary Art Teacher
Maggie Wang,HDBJ Primary Art Teacher
Guilbault Steven Frederick,HDBJ Primary Art Teacher


Aristotle, the philosopher from ancient Greece, stated in "The Secret of Creation": "Imagination is the wellspring of invention, discovery, and all forms of creativity." The significance of imagination is clear.

Nurturing imagination and fostering creativity is fundamental not only to the study of art but also to the broader education provided by schools and families.

At HDBJ, art serves as more than just a subject; it is a gateway for children to discover their identities and articulate their feelings. With their enthusiasm and expertise, teachers cultivate an environment that fosters imagination and supports creativity, guiding the children into the enchanting world of art they aspire to enter.

"This semester, we've got lion dances, ink-drawn octopuses, and designing cars and houses. It's not just about teaching them to paint; it's about teaching them to observe and think as well," Teacher Salina elaborates. With her guidance, the children use ink, rice paper, and oil pastels to create distinctive oil-water separation effects, bringing the colors to vivid life on the paper.

In the G4 art class, Teacher Maggie guides the children to delve into the mysteries of the marine ecosystem. "The children craft vibrant marine ecosystem art pieces using twisty ties, repurposed KT boards, and yarn, using their actions and colors to call for the protection of our blue planet." This activity is not just about art; it's also about nurturing a sense of environmental responsibility.

Mr.Steven's class is themed around "A World of Vibrant Imagination," where he motivates children to convey their ideas and feelings artistically. "I impose no limits on the materials or methods in my class," he states. "Each child possesses a distinct viewpoint, and our role is to assist them in uncovering and articulating these viewpoints."

Sensation, imagination, nature, and culture form the fundamental concepts, integrated with design elements like lines, colors, shapes, and three-dimensional forms, and complemented by design principles such as balance, pattern, unity, and rhythm. This approach fosters a "spiral ascent" in learning, ensuring that children's artistic abilities and cultural literacy are consistently developed.

With confident strokes and the freedom to create, the innocence of these "innate artists" is preserved, resulting in a world painted in vibrant colors.

Consequently, the school has resolved to organize an exhibition for them.

Setting up an exhibition is not just about accumulating artworks; it's about thoughtfully arranging them with a narrative, hierarchy, and a sense of journey. Transforming a bare exhibition space into one that exudes artistic vibrancy.

More than 2000 paintings are awaiting their placement, and this time, it's the art teachers' creative endeavor.

In the school's main hall and along the central staircase, there are 860 pieces from three grades curated by Teacher Salina. "As you step through the main entrance of the teaching building, this is the space that greets you. I want these innocent yet vibrant creations of the children to shine with their inherent radiance in this space," Salina explains.

The artworks from GK and G4 are displayed in the hall outside the library, a vast and well-lit space that resonates with the children's "ocean theme". "Vast and well-lit, it feels very refreshing upon entering," Teacher Maggie describes. To fully capture the essence of the ocean, she made use of every available space on the walls, the floor, and even the ceiling, creating the illusion of shimmering marine life swimming overhead.

The arrangement of G5's artwork took advantage of the spatial dynamics of staircases and walls. During a weekend rush to set up the exhibition, Teacher Steven was joined by parent volunteers who came to assist.

"The teachers meticulously affix each piece of art and print out each child's name to place on the wall," remarked the mother of G5 Iris and G2 Eva, who was among those lending a hand. Witnessing the teachers' reverence for the children's creations, parents were inspired to join in and collaborate with the teachers on the spatial design.

Parent volunteers participate in the exhibition setup.

In the children's paintings, stars can talk, and stones can bloom.

In the display of each area, one can see the vast sea and sky, see the myriad worlds, see breathing and growth.

A group of children who are good at free artistic expression have created a wilderness of innocence and childlike fun in time. Another group of "understanding" people pick up their creations, frame them, and place them in this art museum specifically established for children.

Each painting is a seed of artistic hope, which, as time moves forward, gradually grows, takes root, and sprouts...

A Note for Adults:

Each artwork exhibited in the school is a gift from the children to the world, and within this art museum, they are the rightful owners.

We hope that everyone who encounters these creations will take their time to walk and to observe.

Children continue to amaze us with their works, filled with whimsy and philosophical insights, prompting every adult to ponder—about art, about us, about them, and about the world.

We invite you to visit this art museum, designed with children in mind, and to join in this artistic photosynthesis.

On January 5th, we await you at HDBJ Dongba Campus, in the whimsical world brought to life by the children's brushstrokes.









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