祝贺 | 成功解锁「IBMYP」,青苗成都成为IB全阶段认证校!
Beanstalk Chengdu has been authorized by the IBO and is now an IB World School!
The IB curriculum has a set of continuous and unified international education courses designed for students aged 3-19, including the International Diploma primary school program (PYP), the International Diploma secondary school program (MYP), the International Diploma University Foundation Program (DP), and the International Diploma vocational education program (CP). It is a world recognized high gold content international education curriculum. When choosing to attend IB courses, the consistent IB school is regarded as the best and ideal choice, because the educational concepts emphasized by projects at different stages can be well connected and connected, and passed on all the way.
适合于3-12岁学生,学制五年。PYP注重在课 堂内外将儿童培养成为全面发展的探究者,以 具有全球重要性的6个超学科主题为主导,运用 在6个学科领域中习得的知识和技能以及超学科 技能对它们展开探索,重点强调探究。
Recommended to students aged from 3-12 years old, PYP is 5-year-long. PYP focuses on cultivating children’s development to well-rounded explorers both inside and beyond classrooms, PYP is based on and led by the 6 cross-disciplinary themes, students apply the knowledge and skills acquired from the 6 subjects and cross-disciplinary themes to explore the contents.
青苗成都校区的国际文凭小学课程(PYP)在 IB基础学科体系之上,大量增设中西方文化课程。超学科、探究式主题英文教学,让孩子在双母语教学、多元文化体验中具备国际化视野。同时学校开设舞蹈、戏剧、书法、武术、 科技、思辨等各种丰富多彩的课程,让孩子的每一个天赋都不被忽略。我们希望孩子不仅能接受9年义务教育阶段小学课标的检验,同时也为将来学习国际文凭中学项目 (MYP)做好最充分的准备,更能适应未来主流教育课程与文化之间的差异和兼容。
On the foundation of IB subjects, BIBS Chengdu Campus PYP enriches the system with a large amount of Chinese and western culture courses. The cross-disciplinary, inquiry-themed English language instruction courses provide the students an international perspective from bilingual and multi-cultural environment. The school also offers a wide variety of courses including dancing, drama, calligraphy, martial arts, technology, debating, and eloquence to fully explore student’s talent. We wish your child not only passes the standard of primary school of the 9-year compulsory education, but also to be best prepared for MYP, to better adapt to the difference and compatibility of future mainstream education system and culture.
适合于11-16岁学生,学制五年。通过语言习得、语言和文学、个人 和社会、科学、数学、设计、体育与健康教育以及艺术八大学科组的学习,注重智力方面的挑战,鼓励学生在所学习的传统学科与真实世界之间建立联系。
Recommended to students of 11-16 years old, the MYP is 5-year-long. Via the study of eight subject groups in language acquisition, language and literature, individual and society, science, math, design, PE and health education, and art, MYP emphasizes on intellectual challenge, encouraging students to establish connection between the traditional subjects they learn and the real world they are in.
目前青苗MYP开设有:语言与文学(中文)、语言习得(英语)、 个体与社会(历史、地理、道德与法治)、数学、科学(物理、生 物、化学、科学通识)、艺术(音乐、视觉艺术)、设计(基于计算机的综合设计)、体育和健康教育。
Currently, Beanstalk MYP offers: Language and Literature (Chinese), Language Acquisition (English), Individual and Society (History, Geography, Ethics and Law), Math, Science (Physics, Biology, Chemistry, General Science), Art (Music, Visual Arts), Design (Integrated Computer-Based Design), PE and Health Education.
适合于16-19岁学生,学制两年。由六大学科组+三大核心课程 (认识论Theory of Knowledge、拓展论文Extended Essay和创意、行动与服务Creativity, Activity and Service)组成。培养学生在智力、社交、情感和身体等方面获得全面发展,以结果导向、升学为上、高度个性化。举全校和集团之力帮助孩子们考入理想的大学,为成功地学习大学课程并投入未来学习与生活做好准备。
Recommended to students aged from 16-19, DP is 2-year-long. It is comprised of six subjects and three core courses (Theory of Knowledge/Extended Essay/Creativity, Activity, and Service). DP prepares student to develop intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically to embrace a holistic growth and to succeed in future college life and study.
目前青苗DP开设有:语言与文学(中文、韩语)、语言习得(英语)、 个体与社会(经济、地理等)、数学、科学(物理、生物、化学、计算机等)、艺术(视觉艺术)、体育和健康教育等。
At present, Beanstalk Chengdu DP offers: language and Literature (Chinese, Korean), language acquisition (English), individual and Society (economy, geography, etc.), mathematics, Science (Physics, biology, chemistry, computer, etc.), art (Visual Art), physical education and health education.
In order to obtain IBO authorization, a school must pass the strict audit standards of IB's school running philosophy, teacher team, leadership team, software and hardware facilities, etc. before it can obtain the certification and authorization of IBO organization. It takes 3-5 years to obtain IB authorization. From being shortlisted as IB candidate school to officially obtaining the authorization of IBPYP, IBMYP and IBDP full IB curriculum project, Chengdu Longquanyi District Beanstalk school has completely passed all strict qualification examinations in 2 and a half years. The speed of authorization can be attributed to a fully supported school board, a strong teaching leadership team, a well-equipped campus, and a team of teachers with a common mission and vision with the International Diploma organization.
Since the establishment of Chengdu Longquanyi Beanstalk school in 2016, it has been planning and implementing the full IB curriculum project in accordance with the requirements far higher than the IB authorization standard. Therefore, Beanstalk has passed the authorization of the three major projects with excellent results, and has been highly recognized by IBO organization.
Beanstalk Chengdu Campus faculty-student ratio is 1:3; the faculty consists more than 80 Chinese and foreign teaching members, with the proportion of foreign teachers reaching 50%; all the teachers are qualified to teach IB and each of them has more than 5 years of teaching experience. The combination of dual homeroom teachers of both Chinese and foreign faculty hence maximizes the care and effectiveness of teaching Chinese and foreign students.
Today, the rigorous academic courses of Beanstalk have been recognized by the International Diploma organization.
In the future, Beanstalk will continue to maintain close communication and cooperation with IBO and improve PYP project, MYP project and DP project. Let young students embrace and enjoy a rich learning experience in the young community. Beanstalk will also continue to let every member maintain their individual best state and service behavior, cultivate people with all-round development, and make efforts to continue to have a far-reaching and positive impact on the world.
Looking back on the course and working together, Chengdu Longquanyi District Beanstalk school has successfully achieved a milestone of extraordinary significance. Surrounded by the "love, care and support" of the Beanstalk community, the Beanstalk people will go to a brighter future.
