When a new student who comes to experience the class has a bad mood, Eric shares his favorite toys from the dollhouse. As a 2-year-old boy, he not only sensitively notices the emotions of his little friends but also responds to them by comforting them with toys.

When Eric first started school, he was a crybaby who needed to stick to his older sister in Beta class, but after a few weeks, he adapted to his first campus life and actively enjoyed going to school.
Love is the source of nurturing children's growth. Children in the Mini class are surrounded by love from family members and receive attentive care from school teachers, which enables them to confidently embark on a new stage in life under the magic of love.
There are cartoon patterns and smiling portraits of children everywhere in the classroom. Through the careful design of the teachers, the classroom of the Mini class gradually takes on the appearance of a warm "home." A bilingual homeroom teacher, a bilingual subject tutor, an international teacher, and a hard-working baby care teacher together form another small family unit at PIEP with the children.
The little kiddos in the Mini class are the most popular students on campus. When the teachers lead them through the campus, the teachers and students passing by can't help greeting them warmly. In such a warm and inclusive environment, the children went from being shy and silent at the beginning to actively responding. Children who opened their hearts actively stepped out of their world and embraced collective life.

"Communicating with younger children requires a lot of patience. Children can understand simple instructions, but they need time to respond and comprehend. It's important to give them enough time to listen, think, and express themselves," shared Kelly, the homeroom teacher of the Mini class, reflecting on building communication bridges with young children.
She found that when children in the class have emotions or do not follow instructions, it's usually because of not giving them enough response time. We cannot simply apply adult’s understanding and thinking patterns to children, only by synchronizing our thoughts with theirs can we better establish communication bridges. Offering appropriate responses to children's verbal and nonverbal communication is also crucial. Aside from verbal responses, nonverbal responses conveyed through facial expressions and body language can make children feel focused, encouraged, and respected.

Although the children don't know how to read yet, they have already mastered the skill of reading visuals. Therefore, the teachers put a lot of effort into creating a visual environment in the classroom, posting daily routines and learning plans on the walls to help the children visually understand their tasks. Clearing their plates after finishing fruit, taking off their shoes when entering the reading area, and also neatly organizing them, and asking for help when needed... These tasks help children improve their autonomy and self-care abilities and also shape a healthy class culture. Equally important, completing these tasks often serves as a source of satisfaction and confidence for the children!

From the kindergarten language atmosphere to the bilingual setting of the campus language environment, and the deployment of international teachers and bilingual teachers throughout the day, PIEP provides children with an immersive English language environment around the clock. In every scenario within the school, the teachers always encourage the children to speak in English and gradually build up their English expression abilities.
- 餐前英语浸润 English immersion before meals -
"请喝水, Drink some water" and "Mind your step小心脚下." Through the bilingual instructions of the teachers, the children in the Mini class gradually respond to English expressions. They may not have much English expression ability yet, but as long as they continue to be exposed to English words, sentences, and stories, the children will remember these bits and pieces by heart. When they have built up their "confidence in expression," they will start to express the "subtle learning content" through their language organization.
“请喝水,Drink some water”、“Mind your step,小心脚下”,在老师的双语指令的浸润下,Mini班的孩子逐渐能跟随着英文表述做出回应,他们也许还并没有太多的英文表达能力,但只要在持续向孩子输入英文单词、句子、故事等,孩子们会把这些只言片语熟记于心,等到建立了“表达自信”之后,他们便会通过自己的言语组织,将这些“潜移默化”的学习内容表达出来。

At PIEP, this is a place for unfettered experimentation and exploration. We create an environment for children to support them in developing their passions. It's these little everyday occurrences that make up each day for the teachers and students at PIEP. It's in the midst of this daily routine that the children in the Mini class grow, change, and become better versions of themselves, day by day.