BKIK consistently adheres to the educational philosophy and principles of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB), aiming to cultivate students with a global perspective. In pursuit of this goal, we prioritize the development of students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes, encouraging active engagement in daily learning processes and collaborative exploration with their teachers.
Therefore, BKIK organizes an annual Learning Journey event, providing parents with the opportunity to enter the classrooms and gain a deep understanding of the teaching processes, methods, and intrinsic elements of the IB framework. This year, we further strengthened our collaboration with the educational community.
Building upon the units explored collaboratively by students and teachers, we embarked on a learning journey themed “Our Diverse Community”, fostering a sense of unity and exploration within our educational community.
The purpose of the Learning Journey is to focus not just on outcomes, but on the process of learning as well. The crux of the IB is on the process of academic development - essentially “learning how to be learners”.
This involves what is called “student agency”, which is defined as: “choice, voice and ownership in one’s learning”.
The IB philosophy focuses on the teacher as more of a facilitator rather than a director and the students taking more of an active role in deciding what they want to learn. The curriculum is not fixed, but ever adapting and evolving based on individual classes and Units of Inquiry year on year.
Collaboration, revision and reflection are also very important components of the IB philosophy and we at BKIK showcased this during the - most recent Learning Journey as well as throughout each and every Academic Year.
● Students to be the centre of the lesson.
● The evolution of transdisciplinary learning: Students progressively advance through the stages of “making conclusions” and “taking action” as part of the inquiry cycle methodology.
● Showcasing students’ learning achievements.
The classes were held in an “open format”, meaning that the parents and caregivers were invited to be a part of the class and witness the structure of how classes were conducted.
They were divided into four divs:
1)Large Group Instruction
2)Small Group Learning Centres
3)Physical Education (P.E.) and finally
This highlighted the core of what BKIK stands for - a trilingual learning environment that is student-led.
Within the IB Primary Years Programme (IBPYP), classroom inquiry activities are designed to encourage the collective participation of students within the entire class. Through collaborative efforts, students deepen their understanding of the subject matter.
During the Unit of Inquiry (UOI), students integrate theoretical knowledge with practical applications through hands-on activities, enhancing their comprehension of concepts.
The emphasis in these activities is on active student involvement, fostering curiosity through questioning and discussions, ultimately cultivating their interest in the subject matter.
The IB methodology is committed to fostering the holistic development of students, and small group learning centres serve as a teaching approach to promote collaborative learning and transdisciplinary understanding.
Teachers design various learning centres based on the current UOI. These centres aim to encourage active student participation, deepening their understanding of knowledge through teamwork and interaction.
Simultaneously, the design of small group activities places a strong emphasis on transdisciplinary learning, integrating knowledge and skills from different subjects. Students collaboratively research, discuss, and showcase their learning outcomes within their groups.
Parents play an active role in learning centres as well. They engage in learning activities, observe the students’ learning processes, pose questions, and interact with both students and teachers.
This parent-school collaboration not only deepens the understanding of parents and students regarding the learning process but also enhances the connection between the school and families.
In the everyday UOI, teachers showcase students' learning progress in various forms such as photo documentation, anecdotal notes, records, and project displays. This enables students to reflect on their progress and facilitates further learning from existing knowledge.
Meanwhile, as group activities unfold, students from different grade levels can lead parents on tours of their classrooms and share insights into their regular learning achievements.
During learning centres, we encourage students to take on the role of leaders, confidently and actively explaining their work to parents. This fosters the courage to express what they have learned and present the most authentic learning outcomes.
The curriculum framework and specialist activities at BKIK complement the Units of Inquiry (UOI). Specialist activities are not based on single-subject learning but rather involve integrated learning that connects with transdisciplinary themes and real-life experiences.
During this Learning Journey, parents had the opportunity to participate in physical education and Cantonese music activities.
Through physical activities, students cultivated teamwork and individual skills while emphasizing the importance of physical and mental well-being.
In Cantonese music activities, students immersed themselves in the delightful atmosphere of Cantonese music, experiencing the beauty of language and promoting language skills and cross-cultural awareness.
The Learning Journey served as an activity to showcase student learning outcomes, foster parent-school collaboration, and contribute to a deeper understanding of the IB philosophy within the BKIK. We sincerely appreciate the presence and participation of every parent, as you enriched our event with diverse experiences.
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