【PIEP·爱培狮团】国际教师观摩赛课 让优质课堂更具体 Teaching Lesson Observation

Education is a process, a process of trying and failing, but constantly receiving feedback and trying again until we continue to improve. However, sometimes the power and perspective of an individual is limited and we need the intervention of external forces to help us achieve more and go further on the journey of education.
PIEP's lesson observation competition for international kindergarten teachers is indeed a valuable teaching practice for mutual learning. Teachers can be inspired to come up with new ideas and inspire each other with more teaching inspiration through in-depth carving of the curriculum and observation and learning.
Teaching Lesson Observation Finals 国际教师观摩课堂决赛

At PIEP, a set of rigorous curriculum standards, based on the IB curriculum system and starting from the young children's zone of nearest development, is the most important point for the teachers' seminars and the implementation of the curriculum.

The main assessment criterion of the lesson observation competition also extends to the fact that each teacher's classroom has to be designed around "learning methods" and "teaching methods". Can the design of teaching activities be multi-layered and differentiated? Is the focus of the lesson excellent? Can the children find answers to their questions through the investigative activities designed by the teacher? Is there an atmosphere of collective cooperation in the classroom? ......
All of the international teachers gave satisfactory responses to the rigorous teaching standards. Their enquiry programmes are based on the children's interests and use a variety of fun and engaging play activities to guide the children in exploring the possibilities in a playful way.
PIEP teachers have global talents from different countries, languages and cultural backgrounds who collaborate, observe and create with each other. The integration of teachers' multicultural backgrounds creates a wider world for children; the collision of different educational trends creates a more multidimensional cognitive field for children. All the teachers gained a lot from this intensive participation in the classroom competition. ......
At PIEP, our team are not only educators who are lifelong learners, but also partners in a learning community that can become mutually supportive and transcendent together. This is an environment where it is safe to express and communicate openly, as well as collaborate with a supportive heart for each other!
My exposure to diverse learning environments and education systems has given me the pleasure of learning from all of you wonderful IB teachers, and I have always been fascinated by the innovative approach to education.
I have gained a lot from this competition. Not only does this platform give me the opportunity to practise how to make inquiry lessons more appealing to children, but I will also think about how I can be inspired by other teachers' teaching styles and how I can better combine the content of different subjects in interdisciplinary collaboration in the future.
I observed Mr Xander's lesson on signs. He was able to use the outdoor space to create a "road" full of traffic signs for the children, and the children were able to understand the meaning of different signs through free play in a real-life situation. The smiles on the children's faces and their active responses showed the positive impact of this lively and interesting classroom, which also inspired me to design more interest-based teaching activities for young children.
A great teacher is collaborative, embraces change and continually seeks to learn and grow. This change starts with the teachers, which in turn impacts on specific teaching practices, and is ultimately passed on to the students to develop self-directed, flexible and innovative lifelong learners.
