The ISA Vision Statement, Inquire·Succeed·Act and guiding principles, encourages all members of our community including ISA Tianhe to discover wonders in the world (Inquire) who strive to be the best that you can be (Succeed) and committed to make a positive difference in the world (Act).
Following the guidance of ISA mission statement, ISA Tianhe aims to provide a balanced education system which creatively fuses the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme with the UK National Curriculum standards and outcomes. It also contains outstanding specialist lessons, Language programme and Co-curriculum, creating a high-quality, creative, comprehensive education mode and affording the intellectual, physical, emotional and social growth of all students in a caring and supportive learning environment, and enabling students to be well immersed in both western and Chinese culture, become life-long learners and effective collaborators and compassionate leaders equipped to face the challenges of the future.
ISA Vision 爱莎愿景
Build a Multi-Cultural Ecosystem of International Education
ISA Mission 爱莎使命
Nurture Leading Talents and Pioneers for the Future
ISA Tianhe offers a rigorous and balanced Early Years curriculum for children aged 2 to 6 years. The EYFS learning outcomes, UK standards and IB Framework are mapped across the academic year to ensure all areas of the teaching and learning is covered, aiming to enable students to learn and develop their own knowledge, concepts, skills and attributes, preparing them for the IB PYP (Primary Years Programme). This framework integrates the characteristics of English language curriculum and traditional Chinese culture. Our programme emphasises the personal, social, emotional, physical, and lingual development of our students. We use UK National Curriculum standards and concepts for lesson planning, whilst the IB framework acts as a guide to inquiry learning and developing independence.
爱莎天河为2至6岁的孩子提供一系列严谨而平衡的幼儿园课程。英式早期(教育)基础阶段( EYFS )学习成果、英国国家教育大纲标准和国际文凭课程(IB)框架贯穿在整个学年,以确保涵盖教学的各个领域,让孩子们能够学习并提升自身的知识、概念、技能与特质,为小学PYP课程做好准备。幼儿园课程使用英国国家教育大纲课程标准和概念进行课堂规划,同时利用IB框架作为探究性学习和培养独立性的指引,还结合了英语课程和传统中国文化精髓,强调学生的个人、社会、情感、身体以及语言能力的培养。
Class Setting 班级设置
ISA Tianhe brings together a group of teachers from around the world, who are highly qualified teachers with average teaching experience of more than 10 years. As IB practitioners, they are proficient in inquire-based teaching and possess a high level of intercultural competence, and passion for education and children. Among them, the international teachers are from the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and other native English-speaking countries. The Chinese teachers and Associate Teachers are bilingual and selected from the international and national system.
为保证高质量的教学,爱莎天河荟聚了一批来自全球各地富有经验和教育情怀的国际教师和中方教师,具备专业的教育资质且平均教学年龄超10年。作为IB从业者,他们精通探究式教学,并具备高水平的跨文化能力, 热爱教育与孩子。其中,国际教师分别来自英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和爱尔兰等以英文为母语的国家。中文老师和助教老师则是来自本地教育/国际教育系统且精通双语的教育人才。
Early Years Differentiated Learning refers to the process in which schools divide children into different levels based on factors such as their cognitive abilities, learning abilities, interests, and hobbies during the teaching process. This approach aims to cater to the individual learning needs of each child, thereby enhancing the overall teaching effectiveness. Through personalized teaching strategies, it ensures that every student can develop in the learning environment that best suits them.
In the Early Years, Differentiated Learning becomes particularly crucial as it enables a more precise addressing of each student's learning needs and developmental levels across various subjects, including Reading, Chinese, English, and Maths. When integrated into these subjects, adopting a group-based teaching model not only fosters children's ability to collaborate and work together, but also enhances their overall competencies. Through this learning model, the teaching team can more effectively monitor each student's learning progress and achievements.
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Starting from EY3, students can choose to take EAL. This program is not only designed to consolidate and improve their English foundation, but also to stimulate their interest in language learning and cultivate them to become confident and fluent English speakers. The weekly combination of 5 literacy classes and EAL sessions lays a solid foundation for students' language learning journey.
Teachers of EAL focus on core reading and writing skills, including reading comprehension, writing, grammar, pronunciation, symbol and vocabulary, as well as giving students confidence in speaking. At the same time, teachers will help students finish the subject courses through regular support courses. Apart from EAL, the school also pays more attention to transdisciplinary subject teaching of English to improve students' ability to master and use the language better.
Chinese Programme
ISA Tianhe’s Chinese Program has not only adhered to the philosophy of IB education and striven to build an elite international education model, it has also fully demonstrated and blended the essence of Chinese and western cultures. Our unique Chinese language programme stand out amongst those of the other international schools in the same region. By engaging in interesting inquiry learning such as animation demonstration, video appreciation, outdoor exploration and calligraphy competition, students are available to learn Chinese in a practical way and feel the Chinese culture with a long history.
中文课程不仅秉承了IB 教育的理念,致力打造国际精英教育的模式;同时还充分展现中西文化的精髓,在同地区的国际学校中,推出了独树一帜的中文教学特色模式及内容。通过动画演示、视频赏析、户外探索、书法竞赛等丰富而有趣的探究式学习,学生能够以亲身实践的方式来学习中文,并感受其中源远流长的中国文化。
In terms of Chinese curriculum planning, we have meticulously combined compulsory and elective courses for our students. Students in EY1 and EY2 are required to attend three compulsory Chinese classes each week to ensure they build a solid foundation in the language. Meanwhile, students in EY3 and EY4 need to complete four compulsory Chinese classes weekly to further enhance their understanding and expression abilities in Chinese.
Furthermore, to stimulate students' interest in Chinese culture, we have specially introduced elective Chinese courses for students in EY2 to EY4. Specifically, EY2 students have 3 elective Chinese classes each week, while EY3 and EY4 students have 4 such classes per week. These elective courses are primarily integrated with the independent inquiry units on Chinese culture in primary schools, selecting themes that are suitable for Early Years children.
Mother Tongue Programme
From EY3, students with a different “Mother Tongue” have several hours of language tuition.
All languages are unique with abundant cultures and traditions. ISA Tianhe's Mother Tongue Programme aims to help international students from other countries learn their mother tongues. The programme enables students to develop into emotionally secure individuals, feeling connected to their family’s culture, aware of a variety of other cultures and developing a strong sense of their identity.
The Six Transdisciplinary Themes are the core components of the IB curriculum framework, providing students with a comprehensive perspective on learning and encouraging them to think and solve problems across disciplines. In the Early Years, this educational philosophy is practiced through the in-depth exploration of one theme every 6-7 weeks, making the learning process full of fun and exploration.
六大超学科主题(Transdisciplinary Themes)是IB课程框架中的核心组成部分,为学生的学习提供了一个综合性的视角,鼓励学生跨学科地思考和解决问题。在幼儿园阶段,这一教育理念得以生动实践,通过每6-7周深入探究一个主题的方式,让学习过程充满乐趣与探索。
(EY2 UOI 小班的探究单元成果展示)
These themes not only permeate all subjects and grades of the IB curriculum but also provide students with a comprehensive learning framework that fosters their global perspective, cross-cultural communication skills, and critical thinking abilities. Through the process of learning through play and exploration, students gradually deepen their understanding of themselves, others, and the world, laying a solid foundation for their future learning and life. This promotes their all-round development and prepares them to be leading talents and pioneers for the future.
Based on the Unit of Inquiry (UOI), the school organises students to conduct field trips in various locations. Through practical activities and experiences, students' various abilities and qualities are enhanced comprehensively. Field trips not only allow students to step out of the classroom and get close to nature and society, but also subtly stimulate their curiosity, desire for exploration, and innovative capabilities.
In the Early Years, math classes are centered around Number, Shape, Space and Measure. Children solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing. They use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems. They recognise, create and describe patterns. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them. Starting from the EY4, Singapore math textbooks and workbooks are adopted to assist in daily math instruction.
Starting from EY2, the school offers After-School Programme for children, which take place from 16:20 to 17:20 every Monday to Friday. These classes provide different options based on the children's ages, such as Arts (including Piano, Drama, Art, and Speech, etc.) or Sports (Ballet, Fencing, Fitness Training, Pop Dance, etc.).
Q & A
Will students learn phonics in literacy classes?
Within ISA Tianhe, the EY students from EY2 upwards have phonics as part of their literacy lesson each day Monday to Friday. Reading and writing skills using phonic knowledge is also integrated into our UOI and math activities and lessons.
Is there homework in Early Years?
During the Early Years, there are no written assignments, but the teaching department will assign appropriate home reading tasks or Talk Homework based on the students' grade levels and individual needs. Starting from EY2, students systematically learn phonics. In EY3, reading training is intensified, and teachers assign reading books to children based on their personality, interests and learning progress.
幼儿园阶段没有书面作业,但教学部会根据学生的年级和实际情况布置相应的家庭阅读任务或者口语作业(Talk Homework)。从小班(EY2)开始系统性学习自然拼读,并在中班(EY3)开始强化阅读训练。同时,从中班(EY3)开始,老师会根据每位学生的个性、兴趣、学习进度,为他们推荐适合的阅读书籍(Reading Book),以激发他们的阅读兴趣和潜能。
Furthermore, the Early Years regularly assigns Talk Homework, providing parents with a list of topics to encourage them to discuss relevant subjects with their children in their native language or English (if possible). This helps children better comprehend English teaching content in the classroom. If parents can guide in English, it naturally enhances children's English proficiency. However, even if a fully English-speaking environment is not feasible, there's no need for concern, as our teaching objectives are diverse, ensuring that every child can confidently grow within their own language environment.
此外,幼儿园定期布置口语作业(Talk Homework)。通过给家长提供一份主题清单,鼓励家长利用母语或英语(如果条件允许的话)与孩子进行深入的交流和探讨,从而帮助孩子在课堂上更好地理解英文教学内容,同时促进家庭与学校的紧密联系。家长若能用英文进行引导,帮助提高孩子的英语应用能力;但即便无法提供全英文环境,也并不会影响孩子的学习进程。我们的教学目标是多样化的,确保每位孩子都能在自己的语言环境中自信地成长。
As a parent, how can I understand my child's learning content and progress?
Each class has a class WeChat to facilitate communication between parents and teachers. Teachers regularly share daily photos and learning updates of students on WeChat Moments, providing parents with a more comprehensive understanding of their child's school life and academic progress. Additionally, the Early Years holds a weekly assembly, and invites parents to the campus irregularly to watch the wonderful performances that are meticulously prepared by the students.
To record the students' growth journey, each student is given a personalized Journal Book. From the first day of school to the end of the semester, this book will contain detailed records of their academic achievements, learning outcomes, and personal reflections. Furthermore, at the end of each semester, the school organises a Parent-Teacher Conference, which offers an opportunity for parents to engage in face-to-face discussions with teachers and jointly explore issues related to their child's growth and education.
为了记录学生的成长轨迹,每位学生都会拥有一本专属的Journal Book,从开学第一天起至学期末,这本书中将详细记录学生的学习成果与感悟。同时,每个学期结束时,幼儿园都会举办家长会,为家长提供与老师面对面交流的机会,共同探讨孩子的成长与教育问题。
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