每年的9月15日,东华文泽学校的各个角落都会被五彩缤纷的圆点所填满,今年也不例外。这是TWIS与学生共同庆祝“国际圆点日(International Dot Day)”的第三年,一如既往,学校社区的每一位成员在这一天都被鼓励穿着带有波点图案的衣服来到学校,以时刻提醒着我们一个关于创造力、勇气和合作精神的“圆点”故事。
Every year on September 15, every corner of the campus is filled with colorful polka dots and this year is no exception. TWIS celebrates International Dot Day with the whole community, and as always, everyone is encouraged to come to school wearing polka-dotted clothing in honor of "The Dot" book - an inspiring story of creativity, courage and cooperation.
⬆️ 绘本来源(左):
《点(The Dot)》(Peter H. Reynolds著)
Source (Left): Peter H. Reynolds, The Dot
“国际圆点日”起源于世界级绘本大师Peter H. Reynolds的作品《点(The Dot)》,书中描绘了一位充满爱心的老师鼓励一位缺乏绘画自信的名为Vashti的学生去勇敢地拾起画笔“从点开始”,秉持着这样的精神,Vashti有机会踏上一段重新发现和认识自我的旅程,这一故事激励了全球无数的儿童和成人,在“国际圆点日”庆典活动中,PYP小学生运用戏剧课所学知识,将这段故事通过情景剧的方式进行了重新演绎。
The Dot, written by world-class author Peter H. Reynolds, tells the story of a caring teacher who encourages her student named Vashti, who lacks confidence in painting, to pick up a brush with "just make a mark and see where it takes you" in mind. With encouragement, Vashti is able to embark on a journey of self-discovery. The story has inspired countless children and adults around the world. At the International Dot Day assembly, PYP 4 students reenact the story which they practiced during their drama class.
The celebration of creativity, bravery and self-expression at International Dot Day is highly aligned with the IB educational philosophy of developing students as inquirers and risk-takers. Our PYP coordinator and homeroom teachers also presented awards to those IB learners who, like Vashti, are "risk-takers" and "inquirers".
Drought, melting glaciers, and mountain fires... the continuing record-breaking temperature and the secondary disasters in the Northern Hemisphere this summer have forced people to reconsider the existing energy structure. Our fourth graders are among those who think about it. This week, PYP 4 students have found out that renewable energy is made from resources that nature will replace, like wind, water and sunshine. Renewable energy is also called "clean energy" or "green power" because it doesn't pollute the air or the water.
Knowing that the warm, sticky summer heat is going to stay around for quite a while, PYP 4 students choose to design solar-powered fans for the upcoming Science activity. Solar-powered fans come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all harness the power of the sun to provide a cool breeze on hot days.
“你们想要探索哪种文化?”三年级班主任Mr. Charles问道。学生们投票选择了中国、西班牙、俄罗斯和日本。在随后的星期一清晨,三年级学生就迎来了一位和善的斗牛士——Mr. Jaime教师打扮成一名斗牛士的模样来到了三年级教室,与学生分享了家乡的文化和传统等等。随后,Ms. Rebecca作为中国的代表,给学生讲述了中华人民共和国的民族组成、著名地标性建筑以及不同地域的文化与特色美食。
"Which cultures do we want to explore?", asks PYP 3 homeroom teacher Mr. Charles. Students vote for China, Spain, Russia and Japan. The following Monday, Grade 3 is greeted by a friendly matador! Mr. Jaime comes to class disguised as a Spanish bullfighter! He shares with us his country's culture and tradition. Then, Ms. Rebecca comes to our class as a representative of China. She speaks about the ethnic composition, famous architecture and specialties of different regions in China.
第三位访客是Mr. Paul,来自俄罗斯的他为学生介绍家乡的著名建筑、人口结构以及宗教信仰;曾于日本任教和生活多年的Mr. Charles则将学生带到烹饪教室,用制作寿司的方式为学生打开认识日本文化的大门。
Our third visitor is Mr. Paul who shares with us lots of information on Russian architecture, demographics and religious beliefs. Finally, Mr. Charles, who was a long-time Japanese resident, takes us to the cooking area to teach us how to make delicious Sushi.
Thanks to our teachers' rich cultural background and experience, our unit on "Who We Are" takes another dimension. By learning about our own culture and that of others, we are on the way of developing international-mindedness. We are world savvy!
As it is proven that students benefit best from peer learning by developing both their understanding and their engagement with the topic, the University and Career Counseling team has launched a new initiative. Every month a successful DP and college graduate will address the grades 9-11 by sharing their experiences and answering questions on a wide range of topics from DP course selection to university entry requirements, as well as living in a foreign country.
8月29日,TWIS邀请到了Kevin Shi来与我们的学生进行线上对话。Kevin是一名DP项目毕业生,最近他成功地从美国著名的爱默生学院毕业,顺利地取得了媒体艺术专业(主修)和市场营销专业(辅修)的学士学位。
Kevin Shi, a DP graduate who recently completed his bachelor's in Media Arts with a minor in Marketing from the prestigious Emerson college in the US, is the guest speaker on August 29.
The fact that Kevin is also an entrepreneur having started his own digital marketing business with currently 11 employees made this session even more memorable for students. With a great sense of humor and concrete examples, he talked about the differences between MYP and DP and balancing his workload in college with his personal and even professional life. Finally, he gave easy-to-follow tips and advice to our students about meeting deadlines and selecting a university. Thank you, Kevin, for answering our questions and giving us valuable tips!
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