

阅读悦美·爱莎荔湾图书馆丨Read More Gain More·ISA Liwan Library



ISA Liwan Library


Poets write chapters with words, painters paint the world with colors, and dancers interpret stories with their bodies...ISA Liwan hopes that teachers and students can read to be wise, read to moisten their hearts, and read to please their beauty.


Read More Gain More · First Volum


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在“悦生活 · 融世界 · 爱和平”的愿景下,爱莎荔湾以学生为中心,旨在培养未来的创新者、领导者和终身学习者,成就每个人的梦想。


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With the vision of “Upholding peace whilst connecting to the world and creating an enjoyable life to all”, ISA Liwan is a student-centered school that aims to develop cultivate future innovators, leaders, lifelong learners, and achieve their dreams.

ISA Liwan Library has added another beautiful color to the ISA Liwan campus. With an accommodating and open attitude, it offers readers the interpersonal socialization they need,bringing new learning and multicultural experience to teachers and students 


Our First Sight


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暖阳穿过高挑的玻璃窗,馆内便显得通透而明朗。向外望去, 400米标准跑道和真草足球场一览无遗,无处不洋溢着生机与活力。阶梯往下的左侧是结构精炼的明式多宝厨,不仅能摆放不同规格的书籍,还能搁置卷轴、艺术品等,于堆积的书本间营造一种呼吸感,而墙面无需过多的装饰,便疏阔有度,使馆内萦绕着宁静致远的气息。一二层的交叉与延伸,犹如时光交错般令人沉醉其中。

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Located in the heart of the campus, the left wing of the library is a two-story hollow design, and is responsible for connecting the two floors of space as well as an open staircase sharing hall. Here, students and teachers can share what they have read, thought and understood. The warm sun shines get through the large glass windows, making the inside of the hall look bright and clear. Looking out, the 400-meter stadium and standard real-grass sports field are covered all at one glance, full of vitality and vigor. On the left side of the staircase is the Dobao Bookcase with a refined structure and a Ming dynasty style of inheritance, where not only books of different sizes can be placed, but also scrolls and works of art can be shelved, creating a sense of breathing among the piles of books, while the walls are sparse and spacious without too much decoration. The interdiv and extension of the first and second floors is like the interlacing of time, which is mesmerizing.

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Moving ahead, you will pass several separate electronic reading rooms (digital discussion rooms) for students, which will be full of overwhelmed ideas. Going straight, you will find the public reading area of the library, which is spacious and bright, clean, comfortable and warm. With just the right amount of lighting, it touches people like a homey home. In addition to the public reading area, two reading rooms also had been added to the library. At the end of the walkway is our help desk, where Selenge, the director of the ISA Liwan Library, will be available to help students and teachers.

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The Library also has a restoration and display area. Holding over 50,000 books, students can roam freely in the ocean of knowledge with such an amount of books. The library is equipped with the most advanced self-service book borrowing and returning system, which enables readers to borrow, return and renew books, as well as book security and other functions. This system helps efficiently complete the circulation of large quantities of books. It provides students with advanced technological support.

ISA Liwan Library is people-oriented and learner-centered, creating an equal and harmonious humanistic environment and a harmonious library. There are tons of collections here, not only books and knowledge, but also people as wonderful as books.




the Librarian


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Selenge, a senior teacher-librarian with ten years of library management experience, is committed to working with everyone to create a composite library in the age of all-media that makes knowledge accessible and makes sharing and communication more convenient. As part of the school's teaching and learning environment, the library provides relevant resources and services to students, faculty and staff. Selenge believes that the ISA Liwan Library will be a place to learn, discover new ideas, and challenge beliefs; a busy and vibrant area; and a platform for not only regular classes but also social activities.


Not Just a Library 


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馆内资源是根据年龄的适宜性和PYP、MYP 和 DP的项目特点进行管理和组织的。图书馆亦收藏了多式多样的儿童文学,以及近期相关的中英文非小说印刷资源。除了这些印刷类馆藏外,图书馆还提供数据库和在线资源,供我们的教师和同学们在学习和教学中使用。

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The ISA Library offers a flexibly scheduled instructional program that is fully integrated with the school curricula. The teacher-librarian works closely with coordinators, principals, and teachers to collaboratively plan and teach information literacy skills across all curricula.

The Library resources are managed and organized according to age appropriateness and the types of interests in each PYP, MYP, and DP div. Our collections reflect diverse children’s literature as well as recent and relevant non-fiction print resources in English and Chinese. In addition to these important print collections the library also offers databases and online resources for our teacher and student use in their learning and teaching.

ISA Liwan Library plans to host fun and engaging activities throughout the year including, but not limited to such events as the Panda Book Awards, Book Character Prada, Get Caught Reading, and Birthday Book Dedication, to name a few.


ISA Liwan Library


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The ISA Library will not only be a place to store and borrow different book resources, but also a space where students and teachers, and therefore readers, will want to stop by, socialize and interact, and be inspired and surprised.

It is the time to set sail when the wind is good, ISA Liwan Library will set the sail of life for students, faculty and staff, and sail together to the shore of their dreams.


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