#Exhibitions & Events
“The visual arts are an integral part of everyday life, permeating all levels of human creativity, expression, communication and understanding”
(ibo.org, 23 August 2022).
凝聚了人类创造力、表达力、沟通力和理解力 。”
Spring is a wonderful time of the year, not only because it is a time of rebirth, a time of all the flowers that bloom throughout Guangzhou, but also a time when our IB Visual Arts diploma students prepare for their final exhibition, which opened at the GZFLS ISA Wenhua IB Diploma Programme on Thursday 6 April 2023.
春天是最一年中最美好的时光,因为它是生长的季节,是百花盛开的季节,也是我们IB视觉艺术学生准备最终展览的时候。这次展览在2023 年 4 月 6日在广州外国语学校爱莎文华IBDP课程拉开了帷幕。
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For the overall theme of the exhibition, we chose the Chinese character “复”, which has a diversity of meanings, and one of them is “Restart”. The meaning is symbolic, because this is the first cohort of art students in our Programme, and they are the pioneers who have given a start to all who will choose to study art in the Diploma Programme in the future.
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As part of the IB Diploma Programme, Visual Arts Exhibition is one of the assessment components, which contributes 40% to the final grade. It is a very important and exciting event for the 12th grade students, as they are to show their best artworks and demonstrate their technical proficiency they develop during the two-year visual arts course. Students put in a lot of effort and have created their own unique individual art collections based on the concepts they are interested in. The artworks cover a wide range of mediums, including paintings, sculptures, drawing, video art, mixed-media, and digital art.
作为IBDP课程的一部分,视觉艺术展览是IB大考评估内容之一,占总成绩的40%。对于DP2(12 年级)的学生来说,这是至关重要的。他们需要展示自己最好的艺术作品,展示他们在两年来在视觉艺术课程中所发展的技术熟练度。 同学们为此付出了极大的努力。他们基于自己感兴趣的概念创作了独一无二的独具个人风格的艺术作品。这些作品的形式多样,包括但不限于绘画、雕塑、素描、视频、混合媒介和数字绘画等。
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But it wasn't just the 12th graders who benefited from the experience. The younger students from grades 9 to 11 were just as involved and also displayed their creative projects. The exhibition provided a platform for all our students to express their creativity and be recognized for their achievements.
当然参展的不仅仅是有12 年级的学生,9-11年级的学生也同样参与其中,他们展示了自己的的创意项目。本次展览为我们所有的学生提供了表达创造力的一个平台。
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The exhibition was more than just a display of beautiful artwork. It was also filled with fun activities for everyone to enjoy. Parents, teachers, and students participated in printmaking workshop and “Art inspired cookies” activity, which provided a delightful break from admiring the artwork.
IB Visual Arts Exhibition displays the artistic talent and creativity of young students. For them, this event provides a means of discussing their art and enhances confidence, and for teachers and parents - to appreciate and encourage their students' artistic abilities and confidence.
IB视觉艺术展凝聚了同学们的想象力和创造力,展现了他们的艺术天赋与才华, 对他们来说,这个活动是他们讨论艺术,增强自信的方式,对老师和家长来说——这是欣赏孩子作品和鼓励学生艺术创作的好机会!
We believe this event was memorable for all who attended, and served as a reminder of the importance of art in education in developing a balanced, mature, and happy personality!
Best regarts,
Visual Arts Department
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