

因‘爱’而遇,共赴新程丨Sailing Into The New School Year



Orientation: A step forward, A future unfold




ISA Liwan Orientation

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August 24, ISA Liwan welcomed the "innovators, leaders and lifelong learners" to the new academic year. Not only to our teachers, but also all our parents and students, it is your trust and support that enables us to build a strong and enduring school. While at the same time, it is also a responsibility to help ISA students ignite their passion in their learning journey.

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On this day, ISA Liwan was fulfilled with joyful, vibrant, warm and harmonious atmosphere. The balloon wall, the photo taking area, the time corridor...everywhere on the scene is "new". One surprise at each step, one scene at a time.

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广州荔湾爱莎外籍人员子女学校校长Michael Urquhart先生在会上热烈欢迎这学期加入爱莎荔湾的新同学们,期待能进一步互相了解,一起努力!并嘱咐同学们,要记住,作为探究者,要真正专注学业,也要懂得享受乐趣!


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The orientation ceremony took place in the 800-seats Auditorium. Mr. Zhu Qi, Chief Headmaster of ISA Liwan School, shared a heartfelt video entitled "Life Impacts Life". The short video reflected a deeper understanding of the choice of environment and awakening oneself.

Head of ISA Liwan International School, Mr. Michael Urquhart: A BIG welcome to our new Students, the teachers and I are very excited to meet you all, get to know you and work with you towards success this academic year. Most importantly remember to really focus on your academics and have a lot of FUN as inquirers this year!

Head (International) of ISA Wenhua Liwan School, Tony Huo welcome to all the new students and hope you can enjoy your day, your study, and your life in ISA Liwan and I’m looking forward to meeting you on campus. The International pathway of ISA Liwan is an inclusive learning community which offers students a unique programme of integrated holistic education to help students to become life-long learners.

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ISA Liwan has prepared an exquisite admission gift box for each new students, which includes the letter of admission, customized water cup, family handbook, school calendar and other necessary items, and arranged personal and family portraits to record students’ growth. The orientation also set up a special booths, including CCA, ISA International Academy, school bus, medical care, school uniform, boarding, library, etc., to help students familiarize themselves with the environment and school life in advance, and well prepare for the new semester and new challenges.

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During the orientation, students and their parents had a face-to-face communication with the Principal, Homeroom Teachers, Classroom Teachers and University Guidance Counsellor for HS students on course selection, homeroom/tutor system, home-school communication and student's routine. Adhering to the philosophy of "student-centered education", ISA Liwan's faculty team will provide personalized care and support for each student in the areas of academics, psychology, life, social life, further education and life planning, in order to truly realize the personalized growth of the students.



The First Day Of A New School Year

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A BIG welcome back to ISA Liwan. On 28 August, Heads of School and faculty teams arrived early at the gate and greeted every student arriving by school bus or car. The smiles and the joyful sounds have made the whole campus energetic and alive again.

ISA Liwan

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The first day of a new school year brings new opportunities. The teachers and students of ISA Liwan were eager to begin classes and start their new year's educational journey. During the summer break, teachers established comprehensive and personalised study plans according to the characteristics of the subjects and the individual needs of the students.


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As we start our new school year,  ISA Liwan also welcomed many new students. With the aim of facilitating the swift integration of new students into the ISA Liwan family, the homeroom teachers and advisors have organized an array of engaging activities. These initiatives enable students to enhance their interpersonal communication and gradually build up collaboration within a pleasant atmosphere.

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高质量寄宿课程的一个显著特点就是高质量的人文心智关怀。爱莎荔湾的人文心智关怀及寄宿团队也在开学第一天与寄宿生们召开了第一次的寄宿会议,让学生更好地感受和了解寄宿生活,了解寄宿社区的日常实际情况,以及寄宿学生 、家长和宿舍工作人员之间沟通和开放式关系的重要性 。学校也为寄宿生安排了丰富的寄宿课程及晚间活动,包括系统的家庭作业时间、课外活动和学业辅导,为鼓励个人和集体的全面发展提供了诸多机会。

除了学术课程以外,爱莎荔湾还与爱莎国际学苑合作,为学生提供包括体育、艺术、人文、科技等超 60 门辅助/拓展课程。学生将在接下来的2周充分了解并参与多样的课程及和赛事宣讲,包括戏剧、击剑、创意美术、音乐剧、模拟联合国协会、沃顿全球投资挑战赛等。另外,学生还可以体验到富有岭南特色的古筝、咏春和舞狮等特色文化课程。


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A defining feature of a high-quality boarding programme is the quality of the pastoral care programme. The Pastoral Care and Boarding Team of ISA Liwan held their first boarding meeting with the boarders, introducing boarding principles and practices, daily routine, and the importance of communication between the boarders, their parents and the school team. ISA Liwan also offers extensive boarding curriculum and events for boarders, including structured homework time, extracurricular activities and academic support, which provide opportunities to encourage holistic development both individually and collectively.

In the next two weeks, students will fully explore and participate in various co-curricular activities (CCA), including drama, fencing, creative arts, musicals, ISA Model United Nations Association, WGHS Investment Competition, etc. In addition, students can also experience courses on Lingnan culture, such as Guzheng, Wing Chun and Lion Dance. 

Through diverse learning experiences and comprehensive learning support, we aim to help students of varying abilities to find their own pace and approach to learning. This, in turn, enables them to excel in our educational programme and flourish within our learning community.

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We firmly believe that in the community of ISA Liwan, you will become more confident and be more resilient to face all sorts of unknown challenges, "Be the change, make a different",let's all be life long learners!


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