

AIC开学啦 | A New Academic Adventure Begins!







新的学年已经开始,AIC迎来了一段充满希望和机遇的时光。各个年级的同学们在9月5日正式回归充实的校园生活, 2023-2024学年已正式开启。




The new academic year has officially begun, and AIC welcomes a period filled with hope and opportunities. Students from various grades returned to the enriching campus life on September 5th, marking the commencement of the 2023-2024 school year.

To assist our new students in smoothly integrating into this community of learning and growth, we spent a fun and enriching time during the orientation activities.

Orientation is an integral part of AIC learning community. It not only provides new students with an opportunity to better understand the school and their peers but also serves as a welcoming platform for returning students and faculty. It is a moment for us to establish friendships, get to know each other, and collaborate.

During the orientation activities, students engaged in a series of enjoyable ice-breaking activities. These activities were designed to break the barriers of unfamiliarity and bring us closer to one another. Students participated in team games, shared stories, and showcased their talents. These experiences not only bridged the gap among students but also created wonderful memories amidst laughter and joy.



期待已久的迎新早集会于9月5日早上举行,集会由学生会主席Kenny Xie, 学生会副主席Delia Djobo, 学生会财务主管 Daisy Weng拉开序幕。AIC执行校长Christopher Jupp发表了鼓舞人心的开场致辞。


The orientation assembly took place on September 5th in the morning, and it was initiated by the Student Council President, Kenny Xie, along with the Vice President, Delia Djobo, and the Finance Officer, Daisy Weng. The Head of School of AIC, Christopher Jupp, delivered the opening speech.

The orientation event kicked off by inviting teachers from each subject department to introduce themselves, marking the beginning of an exciting new academic year. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to not only become familiar with their subject instructors but also to get a glimpse into the diverse expertise and passion that each teacher brings to the classroom. This introduction session set the stage for meaningful connections between educators and learners, fostering an environment of curiosity, collaboration, and enthusiastic learning as we embark on this educational journey together.


Mentor group ice-breaking

团建活动是Orientation必不可少的一个环节, 导师带领小组进行了一系列充满趣味的破冰活动和游戏,这些活动旨在拉近同学们之间的距离,促进互相交流,培养友谊,以及共同建立一个紧密相连的校园社区。



Team-building activities are an essential part of the Orientation program. Mentors led their groups through a series of engaging ice-breaking activities and games. These activities were designed to bridge the gap between students, foster communication, cultivate friendships, and collectively establish a closely-knit campus community.

During these activities, students actively participated in team games, which included collaborative challenges and competitive games aimed at enhancing teamwork and cooperation. They also shared personal stories and experiences, encouraging a deeper understanding of each other's interests, dreams, and aspirations.

Not only did these activities allow students to get to know each other better, but they also laid the foundation for strong friendships and a support network as they embark on the new academic year. This contributes to creating a vibrant and friendly learning environment.

学生手册, 校园安全介绍

Student Handbook

Safety and safeguarding presentaion

学生事务主任张凌老师以详细而细致的方式为同学们提供了新学年的全面介绍。她分享了学校的愿景,强调了管理团队和后勤团队的重要性,以及它们为学生们提供的支持和帮助。介绍了AIC的导师项目,以及学生与老师的学院分配。此外,张凌老师还深入解释了学校的制度,包括晚自习的相关规定,以确保学生能够充分理解和遵守学校的规章制度, 学校对电子产品的管理和相关制度,以维护学校的学习环境和学生的安全。这些信息为学生们提供了清晰的指导,帮助他们更好地适应新学年的挑战和机遇。

Following that, Emy Zhang , the Dean of student of AIC, provided a comprehensive introduction to the new academic year in a detailed and meticulous manner. She shared the school's vision, emphasized the significance of the management and admission teams, and highlighted the support and assistance they offer to students. Emy introduced AIC's mentorship program and explained the allocation of students to their respective houses. Furthermore, she delved into the explanation of the school's regulations, including the specifics of evening study, ensuring that students fully understand and adhere to the school's rules and regulations. Emy also elucidated the school's policies on the management of electronic devices, aimed at maintaining a conducive learning environment and ensuring student safety. These pieces of information provide clear guidance to students, helping them better adapt to the challenges and opportunities of the new academic year.

学生安全事务主任王学阳老师为同学们带来了一场生动的「开学安全教育第一」活动,内容涵盖了广泛的主题,包括校园安全、防溺水、食品安全、防台风、防骗安全等, 以确保同学们在新学年度过安全的校园生活。


Student Safety  Manager  David Wang presented an engaging "Back-to-School Safety Education Session" for the students, covering a wide range of topics to ensure a secure campus life in the new academic year. The topics included campus security, drowning prevention, food safety, typhoon prevention, and fraud prevention.

Through this comprehensive safety education, Mr. Wang ensured that the students will experience a safe, healthy, and meaningful campus life in the new academic year. He provided them with essential knowledge and skills to address various potential situations.


Campus Scavenger Hunt




Campus Scavenger Hunt: Exploring the academic building and campus to gain a better understanding of school facilities and teachers/administration.

This campus-wide scavenger hunt was organized to help students gain a comprehensive understanding of the school's various facilities and resources, as well as to familiarize themselves with teachers and administrative staff. In this fun and exploratory activity, students were divided into groups, each equipped with a scavenger hunt checklist containing a series of tasks and locations.

Tasks included locating specific classrooms, the library, laboratories, sports facilities, and engaging in brief interactions with teachers and administrative staff. This not only allowed students to become acquainted with the layout of the campus but also provided them with an opportunity to engage with school personnel.

Through this campus scavenger hunt, students not only gained a better understanding of the school's resources and facilities but also established closer connections with teachers and administrative staff, fostering a stronger sense of community within the campus. This activity not only enhanced students' teamwork skills but also created a memorable campus adventure for them.




AIC is not just a school; it's a diverse and inclusive community that nurtures growth, learning, and collaboration. We eagerly anticipate a year filled with academic achievements, personal growth, and countless unforgettable moments. 

In this academically rich and diverse environment, we encourage students to strive for excellence, explore the depths and breadth of knowledge, and develop critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills. At the same time, we emphasize inclusivity and diversity, urging students to respect different cultural backgrounds and perspectives, drawing inspiration and enrichment from diversity.

We firmly believe that this year will be filled with academic inspiration, the forging of friendships, and numerous unforgettable moments, providing each student with a fulfilling and meaningful learning experience. We look forward with great anticipation to witnessing students thrive and lay a solid foundation for their futures at AIC.










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