

Daniel Wan:实现目标的过程,才是人生的真正财富



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Daniel achieved five A*-A grades in his IGCSE exams.


Great results as expected.


“I'm proud of you(我为你感到骄傲)。”一天,Daniel收到了化学Masaudzo老师回复的讯息。IGCSE成绩出分后,Daniel向老师、朋友们分享了这份令人喜悦的佳绩——数学A*,经济学A*,化学A*,物理A*,语文A。五个A*-A的成绩在英国的中学生里也属于上游水平,老师们为Daniel感到开心。此外,Daniel还在雅思首考中获得总分7分的佳绩。这些结果让Daniel感到踏实,因为他正在逐步靠近梦想。 

"I'm proud of you," was the message Daniel received from his chemistry teacher, Mr. Masaudzo. After the IGCSE results were released, Daniel happily shared his impressive results with his teachers and friends. His scores were as follows: Mathematics: A*, Economics: A*, Chemistry: A*, Physics: A*, First Language Chinese: A.

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It's been a fruitful start in 

his educational journey at FCG.



In addition to his outstanding IGCSE results, Daniel won two guitar competitions and received an overall score of 7 points in his first IELTS test.

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2023年NEC全美经济学挑战赛 全国个人总分金奖

2023年BPhO中级物理挑战赛 银奖

2023年物理碗高中物理思维挑战赛 全国铜奖

2023年滑铁卢数学竞赛 卓越奖(全球Top25%),所在团队排名全球第六

2023年袋鼠数学思维趣味活动 全国银奖


2023年上海吉他艺术交流展暨第十一届“格拉纳达杯”全国吉他邀请赛 古典青年组第四名

2023年第22届中国珠海吉他艺术节暨科宾杯吉他大赛总决赛 古典公开组第三名


广州斐特思 特荟奖学金和专才优艺奖学金

Academic competition certificates:

2023 NEC Pre division National Top Scoring Individual Gold Award

2023 BPhO Silver Award

2023 Physic Bowl National Bronze

2023 Waterloo Cayley Contest top 25% certificate of distinction, team is ranked sixth in the world

2023 Math Kangaroo Level E Silver Award

Music rewards:

2023 Shanghai Guitar Art Exhibition and 11th Granada Cup National Guitar Invitational: 4th place in the Youth Category.

2023 The 22nd China Zhuhai Guitar Art Festival and Kobin Cup Guitar Finals: 3rd place/Third Prize in the Classical Open Category.


2nd Class Scholarships and Special Talent Scholarship



The result is only momentary, but the process is the true treasure.

这个年仅16岁的少年已身经百战,能够完美平衡国际竞赛、艺术比赛与自主规划学科学习。在持续自我雕琢的过程中,Daniel养成了“打破砂锅问到底”的学习习惯、“Ask for help(寻求帮助)”的思维模式,还习得了高度自律的时间管理能力,并逐步确定未来深造方向。

In his unwavering pursuit of self-improvement, Daniel has developed and cultivated several important skills and habits. He has cultivated a learning approach that involves asking questions until he fully understands a concept. He has adopted a mindset that embraces seeking help when needed, and he has developed strong time management capabilities. Over time, these practices have helped Daniel clarify his future academic direction.

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A holistic, student-centred approach to teaching and learning.


Personalised, student-focussed teaching approach.



Daniel had previously attended a different middle school where the traditional teaching method made it difficult for him to understand the logic behind physics formulas, leading to a lack of interest in the subject. However, when he transferred to Fettes College Guangzhou, his University Guidance Officer, Sisi Chen, along with his homeroom tutors, suggested that he take physics based on his future study direction.

Bowen Li, his physics teacher, conducted classes with humor and explained theoretical formulas with great clarity and detail. He also encouraged discussion and was always open to answering questions, which stimulated Daniel's interest in physics. Daniel frequently sought Mr. Li's help to understand complex physics problems that he found challenging.

Observing his learning process, Mr. Li noticed that Daniel had not fully grasped electromagnetic concepts. To address this, he set a module test paper specifically for Daniel, providing one-on-one corrections and explanations to help him improve areas that needed further development. This comprehensive, holistic teaching method drastically improved Daniel's performance in physics.

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University guidance is integrated with the student's learning.


Ever since Daniel started attending the school, Sisi Chen has kept a close eye on his academic progress and personal life. Sisi works in close collaboration with Daniel's subject teachers with a focus on developing academic areas that need further improvement. Prior to the summer vacation, Sisi noticed that Daniel needed to improve his standardized English score. Consequently, she coordinated with the English teachers to arrange remedial English classes for Daniel, and recommended that he take the IELTS exam during the summer.

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According to Daniel's interests and aspirations, Sisi Chen developed a course selection plan, and guided Daniel in terms of potential extracurricular activities that would support his development. In her recommendations, Sisi suggested that Daniel read books related to his areas of interest, such as Freakonomics, which deals with topics relevant to his chosen subjects.

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“Ask for help”思维模式

迈克尔·乔丹曾说过,"成功不是一个人的事情,它是团队的成果。学会寻求他人的帮助和支持,将会使你走得更远。"在每个学生入学之初,学校都注重培养其“Ask for help(寻求帮助)”的思维,鼓励他们结合实际情况寻求外部帮助,并提供丰富的资源,以满足他们的个性化需求。


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When students first enrol, the school's orientation program emphasizes developing a growth mindset around requesting assistance. Staff guide new students to actively seek help from available resources according to their specific needs and circumstances. A wide variety of academic and pastoral support options are provided to help each individual learner achieve and thrive throughout their journey.

Daniel has always enjoyed playing the guitar as a hobby. However, he had never taken formal music theory classes. When Daniel entered university wanting to minor in music, he recognized the benefit of learning theory in a structured way. He approached both the Heads of College at FCG to propose a new music theory course.

Unfortunately, this was during the peak of the COVID pandemic when in-person classes were restricted. FCG was unable to host lessons face-to-face with their usual expatriate teacher. Not wanting Daniel and other interested students to miss out, the school connected with their sister institution, Fettes College in Scotland. Fettes had an experienced music instructor who could teach music theory online. This allowed Daniel and his classmates to take the introductory course remotely with an expert music teacher, realizing their academic goals.


As international exams approached, Daniel proactively communicated with his teachers about his study needs and schedule. Due to his extracurricular commitments, he requested a temporary adjustment to his academic schedule for several subjects. Daniel also arranged additional coaching sessions with drama instructors to refine his hosting abilities ahead of the school festival. With the full support of teachers and staff, he was able to balance his academic obligations and personal pursuits and ultimately achieve the desired results.

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 6+6  Educational model


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At Fettes College Guangzhou, students follow a well-structured daily routine to maximize learning and development. The "6+6 model" consists of 6 hours of formal lessons followed by 6 hours of self-directed study time. This includes 2 hours for enrichment activities, 2 hours of evening review work with tutor guides, and 2 hours of free time for resident students.

Through this balanced schedule, the school aims to teach time management skills that serve students well beyond their school years. Overall, this blended approach to instruction and independent learning is designed to equip each student with strong work habits and an active self-directed approach to their education.


Learning from each other and achieving success together.


学习小组的另一位同学,因为数学基础不够扎实,上课时会偶尔跟不上进度。Daniel会为她讲解数学公式逻辑,解析数学难题。学然后知不足,教然后知困。Daniel在对外输出的过程中梳理和巩固了数学知识。在这次IGCSE考试中,该同学数学学科也获得了喜人的成绩A 。

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Daniel enjoyed exploring topics of interest in depth together with his study group. Within the study group, Roger had gained comprehensive insights into economics and was always there to support and assist his study group. When Daniel encountered challenging economic concepts during his self-study, Roger provided guidance to help strengthen Daniel's understanding. In appreciation of Roger's willingness to share his expertise, Daniel expressed gratitude, saying "Thank you for taking the time to explain those difficult economic questions Roger.”

Within the study group, one student occasionally struggled to follow aspects of class due to gaps in her mathematical foundations. Daniel kindly took the time to ensure she understood the logical reasoning behind formulas and worked through challenging math problems. Through this additional tutoring support from Daniel and her continued self-study efforts, the student was able to achieve an A grade in the IGCSE exams, demonstrating how a combination of classroom teaching, peer assistance, and independent practice can help students surmount subject difficulties to realize their full potential over time.


"We spent the nights talking about Mathematics, playing guitar and practicing English drama."





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