




Mid-Autumn Festival Assembly


DP2 全体成员策划与表演

Mentor: Minnie Huang、Kerwin Wang

AIC的使命宣言中,我们把中国文化置于首位。作为一所扎根中国的IB国际学校,AIC一直以来都非常注重传承和弘扬中国文化。正值中秋佳节,于9月22日的早集会上,DP2的全体同学由导师Minnie 与 Kerwin的带领下呈现了一场精彩纷呈的中秋节主题早集会,旨在让中外学生与老师更深入地了解这一传统佳节,感受到中华民族传统节日的文化魅力。

Within AIC's mission statement, we accord paramount importance to Chinese culture. As an IB international school firmly rooted in China, AIC has consistently held a profound commitment to preserving and propagating the rich tapestry of Chinese heritage. On the morning of September 22nd, all DP2 students under the guidance of mentors Minnie and Kerwin, orchestrated a splendid assembly with a Mid-Autumn Festival theme. The inte1nt was to provide both local and international students and faculty with a deeper insight into this time-honored festival, allowing them to bask in the cultural allure of traditional Chinese celebrations.

本场早集会由Angel ZOU和Delia DJOBO同学担任主持人。开场由来自马来西亚的Lesley LU同学为我们呈现了一曲扣人心弦的经典歌曲「Fly Me to the Moon」。

The assembly was hosted by Angel Zou and Delia Djobo from DP2. And the opening performance featured a captivating rendition of the classic song "Fly Me to the Moon" by Lesley Lu from Malaysia.

作为一家国际学校,AIC拥有来自世界各地的多元化学生群体。在这个中秋节的特别早集会上,由DP2 Timmy Huang、Zhao Zi Cheng, Jason Huang的同学策划并制作了一段感人至深的视频,展示了来自不同国家和文化背景的同学是如何庆祝中秋节。

As an international school, AIC boasts a diverse student community from around the world. In this special Mid-Autumn Festival morning assembly, DP2 Timmy Huang、Zhao Zi Cheng and Jason Huang planned and produced a heartwarming video presentation, showcasing how students from different countries and cultural backgrounds celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. This video was presented to teachers and fellow students, offering a glimpse into the various traditions and customs from around the globe.


This video not only provided us with a deeper understanding of the vibrant Mid-Autumn Festival but also showcased the charm of AIC as a school that embraces diverse cultures from around the world. Regardless of where we come from, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become a wonderful moment that unites us all. It once again highlights the core philosophy of AIC as an international school, which is to bring us closer together through cultural exchange and mutual respect.

Kenny Xie同学向我们介绍了潮汕地区如何以独特的方式庆祝中秋佳节, 节日强调了家庭团聚、传统美食和欢乐活动,呈现了中秋节是一个充满温馨和团结的节日。

Kenny Xie then proceeded to introduce how the Chaoshan region celebrates the Mid-Autumn Festival in a unique way. This festival places great emphasis on family reunions, traditional cuisine, and joyful activities, emphasizing the warmth and unity that the Mid-Autumn Festival brings.

紧接着, Vivian Liang与Kenny Xie同学作为资深学长学姐身份, 为IGCSE的师弟师妹带来了在IGCSE学业生存小技巧, 包括了选择适合的科目, 多做往届试卷、与时间管理等等。这些技巧为师弟师妹们提供了宝贵的学术工具,帮助他们更好地应对学习挑战并提高学术成就。学到的技巧不仅在IGCSE阶段有用,还可以在未来的学术生涯中受益,为接下来的IBDP学习打下坚实基础。

Following this, Vivian Liang and Kenny Xie, in their roles as senior students, shared valuable survival tips for IGCSE academic studies with their junior peers. These tips encompassed aspects such as subject selection, practicing past papers, and effective time management. These skills provided their junior peers with invaluable academic tools to better navigate the challenges of learning and enhance their academic achievements. The acquired skills are not only beneficial during the IGCSE phase but also hold the potential to benefit them in their future academic endeavors, laying a solid foundation for their upcoming IBDP studies.

Daisy Weng的hip-hop舞蹈表演为观众带来了一场视觉盛宴。音乐的旋律和节奏与她的动作完美契合,让在场的观众感受到美学、情感的碰撞,同时也为他们提供了对如何展现自我艺术的启发。

Daisy Weng's hip-hop dance performance brought a visual feast to the audience. The music's melody and rhythm perfectly synchronized with her movements, allowing the spectators to experience aesthetics and emotions colliding. It also provided them with inspiration on how to express themselves artistically.

Eric Zeng以迈克尔·杰克逊的《We Are the World》作为早集会的闭幕曲,充分展现了中秋节的团圆之美, 而合唱部分更是整场表演的高潮,演唱《We Are the World》这首歌曲,巧妙地呼应了中秋佳节,唤起了观众内心深处的家的温馨感。

Eric Zeng concluded the assembly with Michael Jackson's "We Are the World," beautifully capturing the essence of togetherness during the Mid-Autumn Festival. The collective singing with the audience marked the climax of the entire performance. Singing "We Are the World" echoed the spirit of the Mid-Autumn Festival, evoking a deep sense of warmth and home within the hearts of the audience.

在AIC,我们坚信文化传统是连接和交流的桥梁,是丰富学校多元文化的重要组成部分。由DP1学生策划与表演的中秋节主题早集会, 不仅丰富了我们的校园文化生活,也为中外学生提供了互相学习和交流的机会。

At AIC, we firmly believe that cultural traditions serve as bridges for connection and communication, forming a vital part of enriching our school's diverse culture. The Mid-Autumn Festival-themed assembly performed by DP1 students not only enhances our campus cultural life but also provides an opportunity for students from different backgrounds, both domestic and international, to learn from and interact with one another.










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