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Careful Consideration

Helena is an 11th-grade transfe student at FCG in the Autumn semester of 2023.

"At such a crucial turning point, choosing a school was indeed a challenging process,"shared Helena's mother.

"We had to carefully consider the quality of education, the language of instruction, the cultural atmosphere, geographical location, and transportation."

Helena, on the other hand, had a more precise direction in mind. "One thing was essential to me, and that was the teaching of Biology and Chemistry."

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Starting with the end in mind is Helena's motto. Her focus on Biology and Chemistry stems from setting clear goals for herself.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of future industries and directions, Helena started actively collecting information related to her areas of interest during her Middle School years. 

About two years ago, American marine biologist Edith Widder came into her view. In Edith Widder 's book "Below the Edge of Darkness," Helena read about the author's fantastic research experiences. She was captivated by the countless, fearless explorations into the depths of a kilometre underwater.


Below the Edge of Darkness


在接下来的一年中,她从Nature、Britannica、Google Scholar等全球科学期刊和论文中搜集了大量关于海洋生态和“生物发光”的信息。随着研究的深入,她发现自己的兴趣愈加浓厚,这门探寻生命与地球的自然科学悄然地成为了她的向往。


学期伊始,Helena便启动了她的IPQ学术论文,选题为“水体富营养化对海洋酸化的影响”,主题正是她目前最热衷的生态领域。与此同时,她开始深入研读BBO(英国生物奥林匹克竞赛British Biology Olympiad)推荐的大部头书籍。不论在教室里还是教师办公室,我们经常能看到Helena捧着各样的读物和资料,积极地与老师们进行深入的讨论。

It opened a door for Helena.

Over the next year, she collected lots of information on marine ecology and "bioluminescence" from global scientific journals and papers such as Nature, Britannica, and Google Scholar. As her research delved more profoundly, her interest grew more substantial, and this natural science of exploring life and the Earth became her aspiration.

"After looking at the introduction of the biology and chemistry teachers, I decided to choose FCG."

At the beginning of the semester, Helena initiated her IPQ academic paper titled "To what extends do pollutants from fertilisers cause eutrophication? ," focusing on her current passion for ecology. Simultaneously, she started an in-depth study of relevant literature recommended by the British Biology Olympiad (BBO). In the classroom or the teachers' office, we often see Helena with various materials, actively engaging in discussions with her teachers.



“Helena对学科的感知力很强。她习惯于思考和总结细小知识点之间的内在联系。她要的从来不是一个‘解’,她更想要一个获取‘解’的方法。她与自然科学学者有共性 —— 对事物本质的纯粹追求。”


11th-grade Biology teacher Jennifer described Helena as follows:

"Helena has a strong perception of the subject. She's accustomed to thinking and summarising the underlying connections between minor pieces of knowledge. She doesn't just want 'answers'; she seeks the method to obtain those 'answers.' She shares a commonality with natural scientists – a pure pursuit of the essence of things. For her, learning is not a rush; she's willing to delve into the books and materials recommended by IBO, which helps her build a solid knowledge framework."


Jennifer老师毕业于伦敦大学学院,曾教授多届AS和A-level学生,其中不乏成功拿下QS TOP10院校offer的学子。



Jennifer, who graduated from University College London, has taught several AS and A-level students, many of whom successfully secured offers from QS TOP 10 universities—based on Helena's learning style, Jennifer adopted a personalised tutoring approach.

During lessons, Jennifer typically doesn't provide direct answers. Instead, she carefully listens to Helena's problem-solving process, encourages her to apply her current knowledge to answer new questions, and poses more profound questions based on her responses. When they encounter challenging points in connecting knowledge, Jennifer guides her through each.


“在这里,对我来说,授课和练习有一个特别好的平衡。无论是生物老师 Jennifer、化学老师Jiaxue、数学老师Jason、进阶数学老师Jim及我接触过的其他老师,他们都特别随和、耐心。”



"Now, teaching and practice strike a perfect balance for me. My Biology teacher Jennifer, Chemistry teacher Jiaxue, Mathematics teacher Jason, further Mathematics teacher Jim, and other teachers I've interacted with are all very accommodating and patient." 

Helena gave her learning experience high praise. 

"In the past two months, I've noticed significant progress in my studies, and my efficiency has improved."






Mutual Encouragement

Helena's pursuit of purity extends beyond academics.

When asked about her initial impressions after joining the school, she was pleasantly surprised by the independent and mutually supportive atmosphere among her classmates. The 11th-grade classroom is located at the end of the corridor. Outside of class hours, the prevailing atmosphere typically revolves around intense note-taking, the rhythmic clatter of keyboards, and tranquil discussions.



在十月的语言文化节上,11年级精彩呈现了备受全球高中生欢迎的音乐剧《汉密尔顿》中的经典曲目 "My Shot",而Helena则是出演者之一。

"I've connected with like-minded souls here; everyone's got their own goals, so there's no need for me to deliberately build relationships with my classmates." 

During the Language and Culture Festival in October, the 11th grade presented a remarkable rendition of the classic song "My Shot" from the popular musical "Hamilton," with Helena being one of the performers.

My Shot 舞台照

剧目"My Shot"之所以在高中生群体里被广泛传唱 ,是因为它打破传统音乐剧的嘻哈元素。整首曲目的歌唱和对白巧妙交织,节奏紧凑,极富感染力。




My Shot" has become popular among high school students because it breaks traditional musical norms by incorporating hip-hop elements. The song cleverly weaves singing and dialogue, maintaining a tight and engaging rhythm. Consequently, it requires exceptional acting and coordination among all performers.

"We each mastered our respective lyrics, and when we gathered, we collectively fine-tuned our stage movements. In pursuit of the perfect stage effects, we repeatedly adjusted the lighting during rehearsals."

On the performance day, the seven performers delivered enthusiastic rap performances and well-coordinated dance moves, successfully showing the determination of the musical's characters and igniting the entire audience. After this remarkably collaborative performance, Helena and her friends remained deeply immersed in the storyline; they even adopted the names of the musical's characters as their media profile names.

My Shot 台词 | 表演前舞台排练



Just as in the musical, Hamilton and his companions, such as Lafayette and Laurens, share common goals and ideals and serve as mutual sources of inspiration and support for each other.



Extension Areas for Learning

When she first encountered the dormitory layout, she fell in love with it. Beds on the ground and ample storage space were what she wanted. She has many books that she needs to access at any time. Helena noted, "I've looked at many schools, and our dormitory is the only one with bookshelves, which I was looking for."





There are no distinct boundaries between the life and teaching areas. Dormitories are an extension of teaching, and houseparents are also teachers. They keep the information updated with each homeroom tutor. They provide emotional support to students, pay attention to their learning and lives, listen to their needs, and understand their emotions.

To cater to the requirements of our older students, we have established designated study zones and extended the time for lights-out. The second-floor communal space has become a constant hub for Helena and her friends to convene, engage in group discussions, and hit the books.


FCG会为每位新同学安排一位老生作为School Buddy,带着新同学迅速熟悉学校和生活环境。中学部舍监Carrie老师说:


FCG assigns a School Buddy for each new student to help them quickly become familiar with the school and living environment

Carrie, a Secondary houseparent, said, "The emotional connection between students is something we teachers' pay special attention to, and it's an important part of our human care. We will pay even more attention to the achievements that new students gain in their studies and lives. When they return to the dormitory, they can receive applause and encouragement from us. Starting two weeks ago, we're happy that Helena has started to open up and become familiar with teachers and other students."






“Everything is connected to everything else.”——The First Law of Ecology

East Asian philosophy says, "The tangerine grows in Huainan. Therefore, it's called a tangerine."

Exceptional individuals require an appropriate environment and ambience.

"In everything I do, I understand its purpose and significance, so I am motivated." 

Helena's story with FCG has just begun, and we move forward with the wind, making the most of our time.


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