

‘New Horizons’ at ISA Festival 爱莎日“遇见未知 探索未来” | 共同触摸未来边界



Thank you for joining us on Saturday December 9th, 2023, in ISA Science City for the annual ISA Festival. As we enjoy this mild winter, we reflect on how quickly time seems to have passed, and how rapidly the seasons have changed. This year the theme of the ISA festival was ‘New Horizons’. We used this opportunity to showcase the infinite possibilities of technology and the infinite opportunities that lie ahead in the future. Students and their families, teachers, guests from consulates, business chambers, enterprises and other industries gathered to enjoy a spectacular carnival atmosphere featuring demonstrations of technology, stage performances, charitable activities, and ‘flash mob’ dances.

岁月如梭,冬日已至,在这个收获与庆祝的季节里,感谢您与我们一起“遇见未知,探索未来”!12月9日,爱莎社区年度校园庆典——“爱莎日” 款款落幕,全新科技主题“遇见未知,探索未来”向我们展示了科技与未来的无限可能性。来自爱莎社区的全体学生和家人、老师,以及各国领馆、商会、知名企业等社会各界人士,再次欢聚爱莎科学城学校,将科技秀、盛大演出、公益义卖、快闪舞台等多种形式融汇其中,为来宾们奉献了一场精彩纷呈的舞台盛宴。



Charity Bazaar Spreads Love


The annual multicultural charity bazaar held in the atrium of ISA Science city is a highlight of every ISA Festival. The income from the ISA Festival tickets and the ISA charity booths are donated to important charitable causes. We would like to thank everyone for contributing, and helping to create a better future for the world that we all share and cohabit.


The numerous booths at the ‘Charity Bazaar’ offered a dazzling variety of goods and services. Parents, students, and numerous partner organisations showcased assorted foods, cultural and creative products, musical instruments, handicrafts, student creations, sports equipment, and technological models. The strong support for the ‘Charity Bazaar’ demonstrates the unwavering commitment of the entire ISA community to giving back to society and caring for others. In the future, ISA will continue to stay true to its original mission, combining international education with charity to nurture loving global citizens who can make their contribution to improving our world.




 Technology Empowers International Education


The importance of technological innovation has never been as significant as it is today, and the cultivation of innovative abilities begins in the first few years of life. In this year's ISA Festival, ISA incorporated a futuristic Technological Demonstration Show that highlighted the development of technological advancements. Through participatory activities and demonstrations led by ISA students, the audience immersed themselves in a multidimensional world and experienced the beauty of emerging technologies.


The student-led sci-fi show Stellar Voyage premiered at ISA Science City’s Innovation Centre. Using cutting-edge 3D holographic projection technology, the grandiose show blurred the boundaries between the real world and the virtual world, allowing students to embark on a journey through space aboard the ‘ISA Starship’. As the students ventured into space, they became acutely aware of the various challenges and issues that the Earth faces. Fuelled by their love for the planet, they actively reflected upon and researched solutions to address these problems. Through the holographic projection show, guided by ISA students, the audience witnessed the allure of cutting-edge technology and joined the ISA students in contemplating what each and every person can do to protect the Earth.

由学生自主参演的 “星野航行”主题科幻秀在爱莎科学城科创中心华丽上映,其中使用的3D全息投影技术打破现实世界与虚拟数字世界的边界,学生乘坐“爱莎号”宇宙飞船漫游太空。在太空中,学生能够清楚地看到地球出现的各种问题,怀着对地球的热爱,他们开始积极反思和研究如何解决这些问题。在整个全息投影科技秀中,我们在爱莎学子的带领下领略前沿科技的魅力,并跟随他们一起思考自己能为保护地球做些什么

Furthermore, the awe-inspiring 3D performance introduced a new visual experience to the audience. Participants witnessed realistic three-dimensional effects and immersed themselves in a breathtaking world where objects appeared to come to life right before their eyes. The integration of technology and art in the form of interactive shadow particles transformed human figures into flowing particles, allowing the audience to see bodies dancing in mid-air. Accompanied by vibrant and colourful light and particle effects, spectators felt as if they were transported into a dreamlike world, exploring the infinite possibilities of art and technology alongside the performers.


As we march towards the future, we will inevitably face a series of unknown challenges. However, with an international education from ISA, our students are preparing themselves for the complexities of the modern world. The establishment of innovation centres across many ISA campuses, which provide students with a nurturing environment in which to delve into the realms of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), serves as the key to unlocking the door to technology for students. The emphasis on technological education unleashes the boundless imagination and creativity of students. Moreover, a focus on technology broadens students’ horizons, and fosters their global awareness, which will help equip them with the confidence and resilience needed to navigate the uncertainties of the future.




Spectacular Performances Display 

Talent and Intelligence 


Centred around this year's theme of ‘New Horizons’, students, teachers, and Parent Support Group (PSG) members from ISA schools and programmes gathered on the grand stage of the ISA Festival. Through vibrant music, captivating dances, eloquent poetry, and theatrical productions, they showcased the beauty and diversity of global cultures. The performances not only entertained but also served as a platform for students to express themselves and demonstrate their talents. They embodied the core values of ISA's holistic education, which emphasises nurturing students' creativity, self-expression, and their appreciation for diverse cultures.


The poetry recital by G3-G5 students from the Primary School, delivered in Korean, Chinese, Russian, and English, showcased the mini-united nations of ISA Tianhe where many countries are represented. The music stage play Infinity ∞'s Origin, presented by the PSG members of ISA Tianhe, explored the future limitations of artificial intelligence.

来自爱莎天河外籍人员子女学校小学部G3-G5学生带来的诗歌朗诵,使用韩语、中文、俄语和英文通过响亮动人的歌声和整齐优雅的舞蹈,展现了在孩子们眼中的未来新世界;由爱莎天河家委会带来的音乐舞台剧“Infinity ∞的元”,探讨AI人工智能的未来发展局限,用饱含生命温度的歌喉,呼吁家庭教育需要更多的亲子陪伴时光。

The Rocket Ship Run song and dance performance by the Early Year (EY) students from ISA Science City took lively dance steps into outer space. G7 students from the drama class of ISA Science City presented a selection from Charles Dickens' classic work A Christmas Carol, delivering the spirit of social philanthropy through a vivid performance.

由爱莎科学城幼儿园小朋友带来的“Rocket Ship Run”歌舞表演将欢快的舞步带向太空。爱莎科学城七年级戏剧班的学生带来查尔斯·狄更斯的经典作品《马里的鬼魂》(节选自《圣诞颂歌》),用生动的表演传递社会慈善的风尚

Rooted in the local culture yet embracing the world, students from ISA Liwan showcased a collection of Lingnan culture performances, including the guzheng (Chinese zither), Wing Chun martial arts, and a lion dance. With every wave and movement, the resounding musical notes unveiled the enduring legend of Lingnan cultural treasures. ISA Liwan campus provides diverse international and domestic curricula. The holistic education delivered in ISA Liwan not only provides students with an international perspective but also allows them to inherit and carry forward traditional Chinese culture. Members of the ISA Liwan PSG performed the songs Seasons of Love and Ten Thousand Miles of Spring Wind, expressing the parents' unwavering love for their children. The performance touched the hearts of everyone present.

本土的亦是世界的。来自爱莎荔湾学校的学生带来古筝、咏春拳、醒狮的国粹合集表演,挥舞间,大开大合的乐符好似揭秘岭南文化瑰宝流芳百世的传奇。在融合了国际国内多元课程的校园中,IB全人教育给爱莎荔湾的孩子带来国际视野的同时也让荔湾学子很好地传承了中国传统文化。来自爱莎荔湾国际及国内方向家委会成员带来的歌曲“Seasons of Love”和“春风十万里”,涌向心田的温柔表达了父母对子女一如既往的祈愿和爱。

The trendy performances by the GZFLS ISA Wenhua IBDP student orchestra and dance troupe resoundingly showcased their talents as rising stars in the world of the performing arts. The dance performance Diversity by G11 and G12 students combined street dance and contemporary dance, exuding the youthful vitality of IB students. The GZFLS ISA Wenhua IBDP PSG members created a unique performance titled Seeing the Future. It explored how individuals can imagine and firmly grasp their own future.

绽放自我,闪耀未来。广外爱莎文华IBDP学生乐团及舞团带来的潮流表演,大声对时代呼喊他们作为未来世界的“新星力量”。12年级和11年级学生的舞蹈表演“Diversity” 将街舞和现代舞结合,在舞台上尽情绽放IB学子的青春活力。广外爱莎文华IBDP家委会成员自己创作朗诵《看见未来》,一起探讨如何看到、并牢牢地把握住属于自己的未来,看完这个节目,每个人都会找到自己的答案。

How did the world become what it is today? Countless geographical and social events and coincidences have shaped the current world that we enjoy. Through the concerto Rock for Alice performed by students from the ISA International Academy, the philosophical and ethical aspects of the universe were discussed through the language of music. By combining modern jazz and rock styles to reinterpret Beethoven's classic work Für Elise, the students’ creativity gave the classic piece new life.

世界应何而成为了现在?就像地球一样,无数个偶然铸就了如今的必然。通过爱莎国际学苑学生带来的协奏曲《Rock for Alice》,用音乐的语言讨论宇宙哲学伦理,采用现代爵士与摇滚风改编贝多芬的经典作品《致爱丽丝》,在舞台之上,用奇趣创意为经典迸发“新生命”。



Creative Flash Mobs Bring Unlimited Surprises


The ISA Festival goes beyond just the Charity Bazaar, technological demonstrations, and grand performances. In the atrium of ISA Science City, a series of unique and creative ‘flash mob’ shows entertained the crowds. Outdoor talent showcases, spontaneously delivered by ISA students, parents, and staff, allowed guests to enjoy a visual and auditory feast amidst the bustling bazaar atmosphere. Moreover, there were international culinary delights and bakery workshops for delicious desserts, bringing warmth and joy to this winter season.



In 2024, ISA will continue to embrace the ideas of multicultural fusion and holistic education and emphasise the importance of social service and community engagement. ISA will also strengthen its collaboration with parents, establishing a close partnership to jointly support students' learning and development. Let’s embark on this journey together, encountering the unknown and exploring the future as one united community.




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