首届即获牛津面邀,揭秘FCG命中G5的 “魔法公式”
| 幼儿园 | 小学 | 初中 | 高中 | 斐特思全校 |
"Within the very first graduating class, a Fettes College Guangzhou (FCG) student has received an invitation to interview for a place at the University of Oxford!"
On November 29th, this immensely exciting news was shared throughout school.
Grade 11 students must focus on the AS international and the language tests, all the while participating in higher level competitions and professional research activities to prepare for university research and school selection in the second semester.
In Grade 12, students begin to draft admission documents and prepare application materials, participate in university entrance tests and take part in interview training if required. The must plan their admission time very carefully.
升学指导老师们既需要“见缝插针” ,又需要“穿针引线” ,将学生的成长关键点连缀成珠,体现长远发展的规划性。这是一个家校通力合作的过程,也是学科、升学、语言、心理等老师高度协作的过程。
The university guidance team need to evaluate the student holistically, coordinate with both families and teachers, and provide the appropriate guidance and pathway information. This is a process of cooperation between all of the stakeholders involved.
Gather high-Quality Resources
to Help Further Study.
The UGO regularly plans opportunities for FCG students, such as the University of Chicago International Admissions Director's College Planning Seminar, which saw a selection of students in attendance. They also help students to attend practise university and college interview sessions such as those which were hosted by St Martins, University of the Arts London, that students attended earlier this academic year. Through these opportunities, students and parents have chances to communicate directly with admissions officers from famous overseas universities and colleges, to help reduce information gaps and obtain timely information.
“学生在准备申请牛剑G5的过程,也是他们学术能力整体提高的过程。他们可以从申学中培养独立研究、多任务处理和表达能力,成为能轻松适应新环境、不断挑战学术高度的人才。” 升学指导老师如是说道。
Our University Guidance Officer has been quoted as saying: "The process of preparing for Oxbridge/G5 is also a process of improving a student's academic capacity. They can develop independent research skills, as well as multi-tasking and presentation skills during the process; thus, becoming more capable students who can adapt to new environments and challenges."
