
AIC 2024届杰出毕业生Delia荣获香港中文大学法律学士录取




辉煌成就!AIC 2024届毕业生Delia成功获得香港中文大学法律学士项目的录取,迈向她的法律职业生涯!香港中文大学的法律系以其优秀的教育质量和深入的学术研究而备受赞誉。作为亚洲乃至全球领先的法学教育机构之一,该学院不只是提供全面的法律知识,更重视培养学生的独立思考能力和实际操作技巧。

Splendid Achievement! Delia, a graduate of AIC's class of 2024, has been successfully admitted to the Bachelor of Laws program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, embarking on her career in law! The law faculty at the Chinese University of Hong Kong is renowned for its excellent educational quality and in-depth academic research. As one of the leading institutions for legal studies in Asia and globally, the faculty not only provides comprehensive legal knowledge but also places great emphasis on nurturing students' independent thinking abilities and practical skills.


The Chinese University of Hong Kong

(QS Ranking 2023 世界大学排名#38)

Delia 同学

#7 泰晤士高等教育亚洲大学的排名(THE 2022)

#53 QS世界大学法学专业排名 (QS Ranking 2023)


香港中文大学The Chinese University of Hong Kong,简称中文大学、中大,是香港一所书院制公立研究型综合大学,于1963年由崇基学院、新亚书院及联合书院合并而成立,是香港第一所研究型大学及惟一一所的书院制大学。



中大于著名的Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)世界大学排名2023中位列全球第38位,比去年上升一位,创下中大近十年多来成绩。排名评估了全球一千四百多所大学的表现,中大成功跻身全球前百分之三的顶尖大学之列。



The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is a public research university in Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong.The institute was founded as a federation of three existing colleges—Chung Chi College, New Asia College, and United College—the oldest of which was founded in 1949. The Chinese University of Hong Kong holds deep historical roots, positioning CUHK as the most historically rich institution of higher education in Hong Kong. CUHK is now organized into nine constituent colleges and eight academic faculties, and remains the only collegiate university in Hong Kong. The university operates in both English and Chinese, although classes in most colleges are taught in English.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is one of the top universities in Hong Kong, currently ranked among the "Top 100 in the QS World University Rankings," the "Top 100 in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings," and the "Top 100 in the U.S. News & World Report World University Rankings."

In the latest Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings 2023, CUHK achieved its best performance in over a decade, climbing to 38th globally, one position higher than the previous year. The ranking evaluated the performance of over 1,400 universities worldwide, placing CUHK in the top 3% of the world's elite universities.

Additionally, CUHK ranked 7th in the 2022 Times Higher Education (THE) Asian University Rankings, which were announced in early June. THE World University Rankings assess research-intensive universities across all their core missions: teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and international outlook, using 13 performance indicators to measure an institution’s performance across five pillars: teaching, research, citations, international outlook, and industry income. The THE Asian University Rankings use the same performance indicators but are recalibrated to reflect the attributes of Asian institutions.

Slide for English Version


香港中文大学法律学院(Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong)成立于2005年,是香港第三所大学法学院。


中大法律学部(School of Law)于2005年9月已初步成立,其时约十馀名法律业界人士及学者经已到任法律学部供职,但学部并未有提供任何课程。学部于2006年始开办法学本科及研究生课程。2008年8月1日法律学部正式升格为法律学院(Faculty of Law),为中大第八所学院,其时学院共有1100名学生(180名本科生及920名自费课程研究生)。“学院自2006年起开始提供法学本科及研究生课程,2008年起开办P.C.LL.,目前学院有全职教职员约50人及学生约1200人。”



The Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law (abbreviated as CUHK LAW) is a law school in Hong Kong.

The Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) Report of 2014, prepared by the University Grants Committee of the Hong Kong Government, ranked CUHK LAW at first place under the Law panel. In the RAE 2020, CUHK LAW is again overall leading in the law domain with 83% of its research activity being rated as 4* ("world leading") and 3* ("internationally excellent").

The annual QS global university rankings, released on 29 April 2015, showed that in the subject category of "law and legal studies", The Chinese University of Hong Kong was ranked 42nd world-wide. These rankings are based upon academic reputation, employer reputation, and research impact.

In 2018 CUHK LAW was ranked by the Times Higher Education (THE) ranking exercise the most international law school worldwide.


AIC 2024毕业生中, 60%的学生已成功获得世界顶尖名校的录取通知书, 其中90%获得世界排名TOP30大学录取, 这是对我们AIC学生杰出学术能力的认证。

截止目前, AIC 2024届毕业生已成功获得以下排名前30、50、100的世界大学录取:

Among the graduates of AIC in 2024, 60% have already secured admission to top-tier universities worldwide, with an impressive 90% receiving offers from universities ranked in the top 30 globally. This stands as a testament to the outstanding academic capabilities of our AIC students.

As of now, the AIC class of 2024 has achieved admissions to the following world-class universities, ranked in the top 30、top 50 and top 100 by QS World University Rankings:


Universities Ranked in the Top 30 by QS:

香港大学 (QS排名:26)

The University of Hong Kong (QS Ranking: 26)

墨尔本大学 (QS排名:14)

The University of Melbourne (QS Ranking: 14)

悉尼大学 (QS排名:19)

The University of Sydney (QS Ranking: 19)


Universities Ranked in the Top 50 by QS:

曼彻斯特大学 (QS排名:32)

The University of Manchester (QS Ranking: 32)

伦敦国王学院 (KCL) (QS排名:40)

King's College London (KCL) (QS Ranking: 40)

莫纳什大学 (QS排名:42)

Monash University (QS Ranking: 42)

香港中文大学 (QS排名:47)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (QS Ranking: 47)


Universities Ranked in the Top 100 by QS:

杜伦大学 (QS排名:78)

Durham University (QS Ranking: 78)

华威大学 (QS排名:67)

The University of Warwick (QS Ranking: 67)

香港理工大学 (QS排名:65)

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (QS Ranking: 65)

纽约州立大学布法罗分校 (QS排名:76)

The University at Buffalo, SUNY (QS Ranking: 76)

伯明翰大学 (QS排名:84)

The University of Birmingham (QS Ranking: 84)


Congratulations to the AIC graduating class of 2023 for having received offers from the following 

Universities worldwide!


来自8个国家和地区, 70多所世界大学的录取通知书;





100%   Accepted by global top 100 universities


91.2%   Accepted by global top 50 universities according to the QS rankings


41.1%   Accepted by global top 30 universities according to the QS rankings


12%  Accepted by global top 10 universities


100% Accepted by global top 10 art schools

100% 艺术生获世界前10艺术类院校录取

100% All applicant to Canadian top 3 universities were accepted (McGill University, University of Toronto and UBC)

100% 加拿大排名前三大学申请全部录取(麦吉尔大学,多伦多大学和英属哥伦比亚大学)

41.1% Awarded scholarship


Total Scholarship: Around RMB 4.9 million










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