
录取喜讯 | 港前三名校全榜收入囊中!AIC杰出学子斩获港科大Offer




恭喜AIC 2024届毕业生Angel Zou获得香港科技大学理学A组—人工智能扩展专业的有条件全额奖学金!自2021/22学年起,香港科技大学引领创新,开设了这一跨学科的人工智能专业,旨在深化学生在数学、物理、海洋科学与技术及数据科学等关键领域的知识,并运用人工智能技术进行创新。该专业不仅提供广泛而实用的人工智能知识和技能,而且通过实践项目+(Capstone Project+)和设计思维课程,加强学生的实际操作技能和创新思维,确保毕业生能在快速发展的人工智能领域中占据领先地位。Angel Zou的这一成就,不仅体现了她在AIC的杰出表现,也预示着她在人工智能领域的未来潜力和成就。

Congratulations to Angel Zou, a graduate of AIC's Class of 2024, for securing a conditional full scholarship to the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology for the Science (Group A) with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence!

Starting from the academic year 2021/22, HKUST has been at the forefront of innovation by offering this interdisciplinary AI major. It aims to deepen students' knowledge in critical fields such as mathematics, physics, marine science and technology, and data science, while applying AI technologies innovatively. The program not only provides a wide range of practical AI knowledge and skills but also enhances students' hands-on abilities and innovative thinking through Capstone Projects+ and design thinking courses. This ensures graduates take a leading position in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence. Angel Zou's achievement not only reflects her outstanding performance at AIC but also signifies her potential and future success in the AI domain.


The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

(QS Ranking 2024 世界大学排名#60)

Angel Zou 同学

#5 全球大学人工智能专业排名(CS Ranking 2024)

#14 亚洲大学排名 (QS Ranking 2024)


香港科技大学 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 是香港的一所公立研究型大学,位于香港新界西贡区大埔仔。科大是香港顶尖的大学之一,现时属于“QS世界百强大学”、“泰晤士高等教育世界百强大学”及“美国新闻与世界报道世界百强大学”。



The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is a public research university located in Clear Water Bay, Sai Kung, New Territories, Hong Kong. HKUST is one of the top universities in Hong Kong, currently ranked among the "Top 100 Universities in the World" by QS World University Rankings, "Top 100 Universities in the World" by Times Higher Education, and "Top 100 Universities in the World" by U.S. News & World Report.

Founded in 1991, HKUST is the third institution in Hong Kong to be granted a university title. In just thirty years, it has become one of the leading research institutions in Asia and globally, considered one of the fastest-growing universities in the world. In 2021, HKUST was ranked 34th in the QS World University Rankings, 3rd in the Times Higher Education Young University Rankings, and 1st in Hong Kong for global innovation capabilities by SCImago.

Slide for English Version


理学A组 – 延伸主修人工智能是理学院自2021/22学年开始提供的一项课程。该课程是为想要学习理基础科学知识并将人工智能 (AI) 应用到其科学领域的理科学生而设。

世界瞬息万变。如今AI的发展超乎我们的想像并正为世界带来剧变。示例包括机器人技术、自动驾驶汽车、智能传感器及複杂数据分析。人工智能背后涉及大量数学知识及运算工具,能与不同的科学范畴产生协同作用。同样原理,科学知识可以促使不同的学术领域创建更好的AI。在现今发展迅速的社会,了解新科技及新趋势的个人和企业将能够好好把握机遇,反之,那些跟不上主要技术趋势的个人和企业则可能会落后于竞争并错失良机。为使我们的学生应对人工智能迅速发展所带来的机遇和挑战,香港科技大学开创先河,推出「理学A组 — 延伸主修人工智能」课程。此课程着重人工智能的跨学科应用,并深化四个相关科学领域的研究及应用,领域包括数学、物理、海洋科学与技术及数据科学与技术。 

课程紧扣人工智能正值蓬勃发展的时刻,学生将掌握非常实用的人工智能知识及技能。课程学生在入学时便保证能修读人工智能这门学科。课程设计着重跨学科性质及实用性。学生将从三个科学学科中选择一个去学习,扎实该科学领域的知识,并以创新方法在该领域应用人工智能技术。此外,学生还会修读设计思维和并参与关于人工智能专业的研讨会,藉此学到跨学科的解难的技巧,并从行内专业人士的经验分享中获益。与此同时,学生能够透过统整项目+(Capstone Project+)在现实世界中将所学的人工智能知识和技能实践出来。该统整项目+(Capstone Project+)科目获行业贊助,涵盖人工智能技术的多个方面并着重实践,学生将获益良多


Science (Group A) with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence (SSCI-A (AI) is a program offered by the School of Science starting from the 2021/22 academic year. The program is designed for science students who want to learn solid knowledge in Science disciplines PLUS innovative applications of AI in their major areas.

The world is changing fast; artificial intelligence (AI) has come to define society today in ways we never anticipated. Examples include robotics, autonomous vehicles, intelligent sensors and complicated data analysis. The knowledge of AI can be a very good supplement to science subjects, which requires strong mathematical sense and relevant tools to achieve synergy. The other way round, scientific background can help build better AI in different subject areas. Understanding the key trends will allow people and businesses to prepare and grasp the opportunities, companies and individuals that do not keep up with some of the major tech trends run the risk of being left behind. To promptly equip our students for this challenge, the pioneering Science (Group A) with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence (SSCI-A (AI)) program is designed as an extended major to enrich major study in four relevant science subjects (Mathematics / Physics / Ocean Science and Technology / Data Science and Technology) with cross-disciplinary AI technology applications.

One important feature of the SSCI-A (AI) program is that students need not invest four years to study an emerging technology area. Our flexible approach allows students from the SSCI-A (AI) program to learn the best of AI when it is in the climax of development. They are guaranteed the study of AI at the time of admissions. The curriculum is cross-disciplinary and practical. They will learn solid knowledge in one of the three relevant major science subjects PLUS innovative application of AI in their major areas. In addition, students will gain cross-disciplinary problem-solving skills and professional insights through a Design Thinking course and Professional Seminars in AI. The Capstone Project+, with strong AI components and sponsorship from industry, enables students to practice AI applications on real world problems. Students should expect to take, approximately one additional course per term throughout four years. Upon satisfactory completion, students will earn a BSc in Mathematics / Physics / Ocean Science and Technology / Data Science and Technology with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence.


AIC 2024毕业生中, 60%的学生已成功获得世界顶尖名校的录取通知书, 其中90%获得世界排名TOP30大学录取, 这是对我们AIC学生杰出学术能力的认可。

截止目前, AIC 2024届毕业生已成功获得以下排名前30、50、100的世界大学录取:

Among the graduates of AIC in 2024, 60% have already secured admission to top-tier universities worldwide, with an impressive 90% receiving offers from universities ranked in the top 30 globally. This stands as a testament to the outstanding academic capabilities of our AIC students.

As of now, the AIC class of 2024 has achieved admissions to the following world-class universities, ranked in the top 30、top 50 and top 100 by QS World University Rankings:


Ranked in the Top 30 by QS:

  • 剑桥大学( QS排名:2)

    University of Cambridge (QS Ranking: 2)

  • 香港大学 (QS排名:26)

    The University of Hong Kong (QS Ranking: 26)

  • 墨尔本大学 (QS排名:14)

    The University of Melbourne (QS Ranking: 14)

  • 悉尼大学 (QS排名:19)

    The University of Sydney (QS Ranking: 19)


Ranked in the Top 50 by QS:

  • 曼彻斯特大学 (QS排名:32)

    The University of Manchester (QS Ranking: 32)

  • 伦敦国王学院 (KCL) (QS排名:40)

    King's College London (KCL) (QS Ranking: 40)

  • 莫纳什大学 (QS排名:42)

    Monash University (QS Ranking: 42)

  • 香港中文大学 (QS排名:47)

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong (QS Ranking: 47)


Ranked in the Top 100 by QS:

  • 香港科技大学 (QS排名:60)

    The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (QS Ranking: 60)

  • 杜伦大学 (QS排名:78)

    Durham University (QS Ranking: 78)

  • 华威大学 (QS排名:67)

    The University of Warwick (QS Ranking: 67)

  • 香港理工大学 (QS排名:65)

    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (QS Ranking: 65)

  • 纽约州立大学布法罗分校 (QS排名:76)

    The University at Buffalo, SUNY (QS Ranking: 76)

  • 伯明翰大学 (QS排名:84)The University of Birmingham (QS Ranking: 84)


Congratulations to the AIC graduating class of 2023 for having received offers from the following 

Universities worldwide!


来自8个国家和地区, 70多所世界大学的录取通知书;





100%   Accepted by global top 100 universities


91.2%   Accepted by global top 50 universities according to the QS rankings


41.1%   Accepted by global top 30 universities according to the QS rankings


12%  Accepted by global top 10 universities


100% Accepted by global top 10 art schools

100% 艺术生获世界前10艺术类院校录取

100% All applicant to Canadian top 3 universities were accepted (McGill University, University of Toronto and UBC)

100% 加拿大排名前三大学申请全部录取(麦吉尔大学,多伦多大学和英属哥伦比亚大学)

41.1% Awarded scholarship


Total Scholarship: Around RMB 4.9 million










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