


03-04 08:34发布于广东


The BIS INNOVATIVE NEWS is back! This issue features class updates from Nursery (3-year-old class), Year 2, Year 4, Year 6, and Year 9, bringing good news of BIS students winning Guangdong Future Diplomats Awards. Welcome to check it out. Moving forward, we will update every week to continue sharing the exciting daily life of BIS community with our readers.

Fruits, Veggies, and Festive Fun in Nursery!

Written by Mr. Peter, December 2023.

This month in Nursery, we are exploring new topics. We are looking at fruits and vegetables and the benefits of eating a healthy diet. During circle time, we spoke about our favourite fruits and veggies and used newly introduced vocabulary to sort fruits according to colour. Students took advantage of this opportunity to listen to others and contributed their own opinions. After our circle time. Students were sent off to do different activities in allocated time.

We were using our fingers and had very hands on experiences. Acquiring cutting, holding, chopping skills while creating various kinds of fruit salads. When we made a fruit salad, they were ecstatic and so ready. Because of so much of their own labour went into it, the students declared it to be the greatest salad in the world.

We read a wonderful book called ‘The hungry caterpillar’. We observed that the caterpillar transformed into a beautiful butterfly after consuming a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Students began to associate fruits and vegetables to a healthy diet, suggesting that eating well with help them all turn into beautiful butterflies.

In addition to our studies. We thoroughly enjoyed getting ready for Christmas. We crafted ornaments and baubles to adorn my Christmas tree. We baked our parents adorable cookies . The most thrilling thing we did was play snowball fights indoors with the other nursery class. 

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Year 2's Creative Body Model Project

Written by Mr. Christopher, February 2024.

In this hands-on activity, the year 2 students are using art and craft supplies to create a body model poster to learn about the different organs and parts of the human body. By engaging in this creative project, the children are not only having fun but also gaining a deeper understanding of how their bodies function. This interactive and educational experience allows them to visually see internal organs and parts, while share their ideas, making learning about anatomy both engaging and memorable. Well done year 2 for being creative and innovative in their group projects.

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Year 4's Journey Through Synergistic Learning

Written by Mr. Yaseen, December 2023.

The first semester seemed to pass us by with such swiftness. Year 4 students are changing daily, with new perspectives about how the world works. They are learning to be constructive while discussing open forum topics. They critique their work as well the work of their peers, in a manner that is both respectful and beneficial. Always mindful of not being harsh, but rather supportive to one another. This has been a wonderful process to witness, as they continue to mature into the young adults, we would all appreciate. I have tried to implement an ethos of self-responsibility for their education. One that requires less dependency on their parents, and teacher, but a genuine interest in self-progression.  

We have leaders for every aspect of our classroom, from a Librarian for Raz books, a cafeteria leader to ensure proper nutrition and less wasting, as well as leaders in the classroom, who are assigned to teams, for Math, Science and English. These leaders share in the responsibility to make sure all learners are on track with the lesson, long after bell has rung. Some learners are shy by nature, unable to be as vocal as others, in front of the entire class. This team dynamic allows them to express themselves far more comfortably, in the presence of their peers, due to a less formal approach.

Synergy of content has been my primary focus during Semester 1, as well as the start of Semester 2. A way of letting them understand the crossovers that exist in the various subjects, so they may find a semblance of importance in everything they do. GP challenges which link nutrition to the human body in science. PSHE which explores the different foods and languages from various people from around the world. Spelling assessments and dictation exercises which specified lifestyle choices of children globally, such as Kenya, England, Argentina and Japan, with activities linked to reading, writing, speaking, and listening, to appeal to and expand upon all of their strengths and weaknesses. With each passing week, they are developing the skills necessary to progress through their schooling life, as well as the journeys they will embark on, long after their final graduation. It is a great honour to be able to fill in any perceived gaps, with the practical input needed to guide them toward being better humans, as well as academically astute students. 

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Who said children couldn’t cook better than their parents?

BIS presents the master chefs junior in Year 6!

Written by Mr. Jason, February 2024.

During the past few weeks, students in BIS could smell wonderful food being cooked in the Y6 classroom. This created a curiosity among students and teachers on the 3rd floor.

What is the purpose of our cooking activity in Y6 class?

Cooking teaches critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity. One of the greatest gifts we get from cooking is the chance to distract ourselves from any other activities we do. It is especially useful for students who are swamped with loads of assignments. If they need to take their mind off academic classes, the cooking activity is a thing that will help them to relax.

What are the benefits of this culinary experience for Y6?

Cooking teaches students in Y6 how to carry out basic instructions with utmost precision. Food measurement, estimations, weighing, and many others will help them enhance their numbering skills. They also interact with their peers in an atmosphere that promotes coordination and cooperation.

Furthermore, a cooking class is a great opportunity to integrate language classes and mathematics since following a recipe demands reading comprehension and measurement.

Evaluation of students’ performance

Students were observed during their cooking experience by their homeroom teacher, Mr. Jason, who was eager to see collaboration, confidence, innovation, and communication among students. After each cooking session, students were given an opportunity to provide feedback to others about positive outcomes and improvements that could be done. This created a chance for a student-centric atmosphere.

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A Journey into Modern Art with Year 8 Students

Written by Nancy, December 2023.

This week with the year 8 students, we focusing on Cubism and modernism study.

Cubism is an early-20th-century avant-garde art movement that revolutionized European painting and sculpture, and inspired related artistic movements in music, literature, and architecture.

Cubism is a style of art which aims to show all of the possible viewpoints of a person or an object all at once. Pablo Picaso and George Barque are the two of most important artists of Cubism.

In the class students were learn the relevant historical background and appreciate Picasso’s cubism artworks. Then students tried to collage their own cubist style of portraits. Finally based on the collage, students will using the cardboard to make the final mask.

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BIS Excels at Future Diplomats Awards Ceremony

Written by Mr. Ray, February 2024.

On Saturday, February 24th, 2024, BIS participated in the "Future Outstanding Diplomats Awards Ceremony" hosted by the Guangzhou Economy and Science Education channel, where BIS was honored with the Outstanding Collaborative Partner Award.

Acil from Year 7 and Tina from Year 6 both successfully reached the finals of the competition and received awards at the Future Outstanding Diplomats competition. BIS is extremely proud of these two students.

We look forward to more upcoming events and anticipate hearing more good news of our students winning awards.










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