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Illuminating Innovation, Embracing the Future
“点亮科创,拥抱未来”—— 爱莎科学城国际科技创新中心盛大揭幕
On April 27, with strong support from the Education Bureau, Science and Technology Bureau, and the Association for Science and Technology of Huangpu District, Guangzhou, the ISA Science City International Innovation Centre was inaugurated. The event brought together top Chinese and international representatives from the education industry and innovative businesses. The event also attracted distinguished scholars, industry experts, business leaders, teachers and students from various schools across the Huangpu District. Together the guests explored how STEAM education cultivates innovative and talented students who will lead the future.
During the opening ceremony, Liu Wuping, Director of the Innovation Centre of ISAIEG, and Dr. Zhang Yizhong from the Institute of Computer Software Theory at East China Normal University introduced the ISA Science City International Innovation Centre. Professor Denis Bastieri from the University of Padua in Italy; Professor Wang Shengling from the School of Computer Science and AI at Beijing Normal University; and Associate Professor Zhang Wenzeng from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Tsinghua University delivered keynote speeches. Experts and scholars presented profound insights into the importance of STEAM education and strategies for the future development of talented students.
本次揭幕仪式上爱莎国际教育集团科创中心刘武平总监、华东师范大学计算机软件理论研究所张逸中博士介绍了爱莎科学城国际科技创新中心的功能规划与发展方向;意大利帕多瓦大学普通物理学教授Denis Bastieri、北京师范大学人工智能学院教授、博士生导师王胜灵和清华大学机械工工程系副教授张文增先后带来主旨演讲。几位专家、学者就科创教育的重要性及未来人才培养战略的方向提出深刻见解。
Subsequently, Wang Qianlong, General Manager of SEWRE Co.,Ltd, hosted a round table event, focused on the relationship between innovation and education, and discussed how to harness the power of STEAM education to benefit students across China. Professor Gao Haiyang from School of Material Science and Engineering at Sun Yat-sen University; Principal Tai Yachen from Guangzhou Experimental School Affiliated to BNU; Dr. Hu Guoqing from the Department of Electronics at Peking University; Dr. Qiu Xueying from Department of Computer Science at Oxford University; Gary Butner, Director of Academic Centre of ISAIEG; Juliana Jia, Chief Headmaster of ISA Wuhan School; and Ross Nendick, Coordinator at ISA Science City International Innovation Centre, shared insights from the perspectives of enterprise, academic research, Chinese higher education, international higher education, and the school community. They engaged in enthusiastic and in-depth discussions on the connection between science and technology, innovation in education, and daily teaching practices. The experts' insightful and witty remarks resonated with the audience.
随后,广州康智件科技有限公司王乾隆总经理主持了一场以“科创与教育的关系,如何令科创教育更适应未来人才的培养”为主题的圆桌论坛。中山大学材料科学与工程学院的高海洋教授、北京师范大学广州实验学校的邰亚臣校长、北京大学电子系胡国庆博士、牛津大学计算机的仇学颖博士、爱莎国际教育集团学术中心总监Gary Butner、武汉爱莎学校园区总校长贾茜、爱莎科学城学校国际科技创新中心协调员Ross Nendick分别从企业、学术研究、国内外的高等教育及基础教育角度,就科创教育的实践与日常教学的链接展开了热烈、深入的探讨。各位专家的观点深入浅出,妙趣横生,频频引发观众们的共鸣与掌声。
The informative discussions between scholars and experts presented a range of multidimensional and progressive perspectives to attendees. This helped everyone to better understand current trends in STEAM education. It also provided new insights for the ISA International Education Group to support their innovative educational approach in the future.
Cooperation in Innovation
The inauguration of the ISA Science City International Innovation Centre showcased world-class facilities. The Innovation Centre represents a leading platform for the cultivation of international talent through the integration of science and technology with education. It is also an incubation base which combines the strengths of regional technological enterprise to provide integrated services in industry, education, and research. The ISA Science City International Innovation Centre has developed six major themed studios, including Engineering, Creative Arts, Robotics, AI & Coding, Multimedia, and Biodiscovery.
The ISA Science City International Innovation Centre is now part of the global FABLAB (Fabrication Laboratory) network, with only two FAB-certified laboratories in Guangzhou, located at ISA Science City and ISA Liwan. (**FABLAB is a micro-fabrication and digital manufacturing lab established by Neil Gershenfeld, the director of the Center for Bits and Atoms at MIT, with about 900 certified laboratories worldwide in more than 40 countries, 24 of which are in China.)
爱莎科学城国际科技创新中心目前已经成为全球FABLAB(Fabrication Laboratory制造实验室)的一员,目前广州仅有2家FAB 认证实验室,分别位于爱莎国际教育集团科学城和荔湾学校。(**FABLAB是麻省理工比特与原子中心主任Neil Gershenfeld 创立的微观装配,数字化制造的实验室,目前在全球40多个国家共有约900所认证实验室,其中中国占24所。)
As one of the five major branches (Science City, Tianhe, Liwan, Nansha, Wuhan) of the ISA International Education Group Innovation Centre, the ISA Science City International Innovation Centre provides high-quality science and technology education resources for ISA schools, sister schools, and the community, with close links to innovative global science and technology partners and leading universities. Through standardised laboratory construction, the development of innovative international scientific courses, various open learning activities, and the hosting of innovation exchanges between schools, the Centre will gradually expand its external influence, connect closely with the community, and share resources. It aims to become a development base for primary and secondary school innovation, enriching the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area's innovative education ecosystem.
District-School Collaboration
School-Enterprise Partnership
ISA International Education Group would like to send special thanks to the Education Bureau and Science and Technology Bureau of Huangpu District, Guangzhou City, as well as the Huangpu Science Association, for their attention, guidance, and support of this event. Six schools within the district, including Huangpu Experimental School of Guangdong Education Research Institute, Guangzhou Experimental School of Beijing Normal University, Huangpu Experimental School of Hunan Normal University, The Affiliated High School of SCNU, Su Yuan School in Huangpu District, and Yiyuan Primary School in Huangpu District, along with several technology companies including Tesla, iFlytek, SEWRE, and Thunder Laser, have brought various novel and highly experiential innovation projects and activities to all the attendees. With a steady stream of tech companies coming in and thriving in Huangpu District, local schools are finding themselves with a wealth of resources and robust support for their science education programs. This event at the ISA Science City International Innovation Centre also served as a prelude to the launch and implementation of Huangpu District as one of the first "National Experimental Zones for Science Education in Primary and Secondary Schools," providing a demonstration of educational, scientific, industrial, research, and development activities in the region.
特别感谢广州市黄埔区教育局、科技局, 黄埔科协对本次活动的重视、指导与支持。区内的广东省教育研究院黄埔实验学校、北京师范大学广州实验学校、湖南师范大学附属黄埔实验学校、华南师范大学附属黄埔实验学校、黄埔区苏元学校、黄埔怡园小学等六所学校及特斯拉、科大讯飞、康智科技,雷宇激光等多家科技企业带来了各种新奇及体验感极强的科技项目展示及活动。黄埔区科技企业源源不断的入驻与蓬勃发展,为区内学校的科学教育提供优秀资源和强有力支持。此次爱莎科学城国际科技创新中心的活动也为黄埔区作为首批“全国中小学科学教育实验区”的启动和实施进行预热,提供一次集教育、科技、产业、研发体验活动的演练和展示。
The ISA International Education Group's STEAM education not only focuses on cutting-edge science and technology but also looks towards future development, driving innovation through STEAM education and empowering the future through holistic education. ISA International Education Group is committed to harnessing global wisdom and strength to foster academic exchanges and innovation cooperation with the academic and business communities. Through high-quality and diverse innovation learning activities both inside and outside the classroom, we strive to inspire innovative thinking and guide students to become pioneers in exploring future technologies and cultivate future leaders in technological innovation with an innovative spirit and practical abilities. Our efforts will inject new vitality into the cultivation of innovative education and talents in the Greater Bay Area, contributing to the progress and changes of the future world.
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