
IG1 Assembly | 才艺璀璨,团队精神闪耀,共庆劳动节





IG1 全体成员策划与表演

Mentor: Amber

上周五,AIC IG1的学生们在校园剧院内举办了一场以五一劳动节为主题的Assembly。这个主题旨在弘扬和传承劳动精神,让学生们深刻认识到劳动的重要性和价值。

Last Friday, AIC IG1 students held an Assembly in the theater themed around International Labour Day. This theme aims to promote and carry forward the spirit of labor, allowing students to deeply understand the importance and value of work.

活动伊始,由Yoyo Deng和Felipe Gomes两位主持人引导观众进入精彩的节目环节。第一个节目播放了一段由Baha、Max、Petr和Oku制作的劳动节主题采访视频。这段视频特别聚焦于老师和学生两个群体,展现了他们对劳动节的不同理解和认知。视频中,老师们分享了自己对劳动节深厚的历史理解,强调了劳动对于个人成长和社会发展的重要性。而学生们则用自己的语言和视角,表达了对劳动节的新颖理解和感受。他们提到,劳动节不仅是向劳动者致敬的日子,也是自己学习、成长和锻炼的好时机。通过参与各种劳动活动,学生们深刻体会到了劳动的辛苦与快乐,也明白了劳动对于个人和社会的意义。

This assembly was hosted by our IG1 students, Yoyo Deng and Felipe Gomes. The first program featured a Labor Day-themed interview video produced by Baha, Max, Petr, and Oku. This video focused on two groups, teachers and students, showcasing their different understandings and perceptions of Labor Day.

In the video, teachers shared their profound historical understanding of Labor Day, emphasizing the importance of labor for personal growth and social development. Meanwhile, students expressed their novel insights and feelings about Labor Day from their perspectives. They mentioned that Labor Day is not only a day to honor workers but also an excellent opportunity for them to learn, grow, and develop their skills. Through participating in various labor activities, students deeply experienced the hardships and joys of labor and understood the significance of labor for both individuals and society.



才艺展示环节更是精彩纷呈。Sisi Xie的钢琴演奏《雪落下的声音》让观众仿佛置身于冬日雪景之中,琴声悠扬动听。

Sisi Xie’s piano performance of "The Sound of Falling Snow" transported the audience to a serene winter landscape, with her enchanting and melodious notes.

Angelie、Roxie和Sofie的舞蹈《Not Shy》则以其热情洋溢和动感十足的表演赢得了阵阵掌声。

Angelie, Roxie, and Sofie’s dance to "Not Shy" was filled with enthusiasm and energy, earning rounds of applause from the audience.

Shirley和Billie的歌曲演唱《Out for Love》情感真挚,和声默契,引发观众的共鸣。

Shirley and Billie’s heartfelt rendition of "Out for Love," with their harmonious vocals, resonated deeply with everyone present.


The highlight of the assembly was undoubtedly the performance of "The Hottest Little Apple" by Sally, Billie, Shirley, and Roxie. Despite finalizing the song just a week before the performance, they showcased it with such joy and exuberance through their refined skills and relentless efforts. Their stage interactions and positioning seamlessly blended creativity and fun, allowing the audience to feel the joyous atmosphere of the performance and experience their charming cuteness. This unique style left a profound impression on everyone present.

Roxie的单人舞蹈表演《Fact Check》则展示了她出色的舞技和舞台魅力。她的每一个动作都充满了力量与柔美,舞蹈张力十足,完美地展现了她的艺术才华。

Roxie's solo dance performance, "Fact Check," showcased her exceptional dance skills and stage presence. Each of her movements was filled with both strength and grace, demonstrating remarkable dance tension and perfectly displaying her artistic talent.

Leanne的《Not Too Well》以其独特的嗓音和深情的演绎,为观众们带来了一段难忘的音乐之旅。

Leanne’s "Not Too Well," delivered with her distinctive voice and deep emotional expression, took the audience on an unforgettable musical journey.

压轴节目是由 Shaun、Leo、Elvis、Max、Kyle 和 老师Kenneth 带来的戏剧表演。他们通过幽默的对白和夸张的肢体语言,将故事演绎得生动有趣,博得了全场观众的笑声和掌声。这部戏剧以家庭为温馨的舞台,讲述了一位年轻主人翁因叛逆而离家出走的经历。在流浪的旅途中,他遭遇了生活的种种磨难,遭受了来自不同领域人士的质疑和打击,内心充满了无尽的沮丧和迷茫。然而,正是在这最艰难的时刻,他遇到了那位充满智慧与温暖的老师Kenneth。Kenneth以深切的关爱和耐心,给予他温暖与鼓励,让他重新认识到,无论世界如何冷漠,家人始终是他最坚实的后盾,是他们用无尽的爱和包容,支撑着他走过人生的每一个低谷。

The grand finale was a theatrical performance by Shaun, Leo, Elvis, Max, Kyle, and teacher Kenneth. Through humorous dialogue and exaggerated body language, they brought the story  to life, earning laughter and applause from the entire audience. The play was set against the backdrop of a warm family, telling the story of a young protagonist who rebels and runs away from home. During his journey, he faces numerous hardships and is met with skepticism and rejection from people in various fields, leaving him feeling deeply frustrated and lost. However, in his darkest hour, he encounters the wise and kind teacher Kenneth. With heartfelt care and patience, Kenneth provides warmth and encouragement, helping him realize that no matter how indifferent the world may seem, his family is his most steadfast support. It is their endless love and acceptance that sustain him through every low point in life.

IG1 Assembly 的成功离不开每一位参与学生的辛勤付出和精心编排。在班主任Amber老师的带领下, 从最初的节目策划,到每一次排练,同学们都展现出了极高的合作精神和时间管理能力。大家在繁忙的学习之余,合理安排时间,多次进行彩排,不断完善每一个细节。正是这种不懈的努力和团队协作,才使得这次表演得以圆满呈现。

The success of the IG1 Assembly was due to the hard work and meticulous planning of every participating student. Under the guidance of their homeroom teacher, Ms. Amber, the students demonstrated exceptional teamwork and time management skills from the initial program planning to each rehearsal. Despite their busy academic schedules, they managed their time efficiently and rehearsed multiple times, continually refining every detail. It was this relentless effort and team collaboration that ensured the flawless execution of the performance.









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