8封世界QS前100 Offer:璞玉本无华,细琢成大器
当Paris接连收到墨尔本大学、悉尼大学和香港理工大学的录取通知,喜出望外之余,Paris妈妈不禁感慨:“我们真是选对了。” 11年级决定转学是一个很大胆的决定,是广州斐特思与Paris的双向奔赴。Paris从初一开始就在碧桂园学校下属一所国际中学学习,在11年级与广州斐特思相遇并“一拍即合”,不仅是命运也是必然。短短一年的时间里, Paris在老师们的鼓励下,完美发挥自己的学习潜力,清晰学习目标,成功逐梦。
After receiving admission offers from the University of Melbourne, the University of Sydney, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPU) in rapid succession, Paris was overwhelmed with joy. "We have truly made the right choice," her mother exclaimed. Paris had been studying in another international high school before her transfer in 11th grade, and experienced confusion and doubt during this crucial stage of her studies. Within just one year, under the guidance and support of her educators at Fettes College Guangzhou (FCG), Paris unlocked her potential for learning and successfully pursued her dream.
A Reassuring Pill: How I found Peace of Mind
Upon transferring to FCG, Paris actively bridged the information gap in admissions by proactively seeking accurate and reliable information from the school's official website. The admissions guidance teacher at FCG guided her verifying details such as course offerings, admission requirements, and admission statistics for different universities and subjects. By accessing authentic data and conducting thorough analysis, Paris gained a clear understanding of her strengths and areas for improvement. This enabled her to develop a comprehensive study plan and a strategic approach towards admissions. After carefully evaluating her future interests and academic performance, Paris made the decision to apply to HKPU, primarily driven by her passion for business studies. She expressed a sense of relief as she witnessed the gradual shortening of the distance between herself and her dream university through meticulous planning.
Transforming Goals into Daily Steps:
The Path to Achievement
Paris直言,在刚转入斐特思时她压力不小:“时间非常紧,而要做的事情却有那么多。我一开始不知道现在该找谁,该先做什么,也会因为迷茫而焦虑。幸好老师们及时帮我梳理出了头绪。”为了高效高质完成好申学过程的每一步, Paris在升学指导老师Sisi的帮助下将任务按轻重缓急拆分到每一天的日程表以便清晰地了解自己当下每一步应当做什么,自主把控时间、保证有序地完成好每一阶段的申请工作,这大大减轻了她的心理压力。
Paris admitted to feeling immense pressure upon transferring to FCG. "The time constraints were crazy, and I was completely overwhelmed by the numerous tasks. I felt lost and anxious because everything was so confusing. Fortunately, the teachers at FCG were incredibly helpful and quickly assisted me in resolving these issues." To efficiently and effectively complete each step of the application process, Paris categorized her tasks into priority levels and incorporated them into her daily calendar with guidance from her college counselor, Mrs. Sisi Chen. This approach provided her with a clear understanding of the necessary actions at each stage and allowed her to take control of her time. As a result, it significantly alleviated her psychological pressure.
Personalised One-on-One Instruction: Customized Learning for Maximum Growth
For Paris, one of the biggest attractions of choosing FCG was its highly personalized small class teaching approach. Currently, the student-teacher ratio at FCG is 1:3, providing ample support for implementing personalised education. Paris also mentioned that subject teachers and the UGO would have weekly meetings to discuss her latest learning progress and adjust teaching plans accordingly. This ensured that the course content and learning methods were tailored to her specific needs, guaranteeing the most suitable educational experience.
After systematically analysing the characteristics of each subject and discussing course selection strategies with the UGO, Paris made the decision to take on Chinese as an additional subject, aiming to distinguish herself in the competitive university application process. With the strong support of the high school vice principal and her Chinese teacher, Mr. Allen Cao, she resumed her Chinese studies after a two-year hiatus and achieved an A* in the first exam just three months later. Simultaneously, the school opened a specially tailored Statistics II course to cater to Paris's application for a business major, providing her with personalised one-on-one instruction. Recognizing her weak foundation in mathematical computation, Paris communicated with her mathematics teacher, Mr. Jim Xie, and devised a plan to strengthen her basics and focus on training her weaker areas. Mr. Jim Xie also shared problem-solving techniques to enhance her performance. Under his guidance, Paris's mathematics scores improved steadily at a remarkable pace.
在外籍教师Sam Robinson的商科课堂中,Paris不仅通过各国的商界实例学习理论内容、开拓眼界,更在与外教大量的沟通过程中提升了英语口语。进入第二学期的备考冲刺阶段后,Paris选择在商科老师Dorothy的帮助下通过针对性习题训练快速提升成绩。
In Mr. Sam Robinson's business class, Paris not only gained theoretical knowledge through diverse business examples from various countries, expanding her horizons, but also enhanced her English-speaking skills through extensive communication with the expat teacher. As she entered the exam preparation stage in the second semester, Paris made the decision to rapidly improve her grades by focusing on targeted practice exercises under the guidance of her business teacher, Mrs. Dorothy Li.
In addition to the small class size, Paris was also impressed by FCG's innovative teaching methods. In Miss Chole Liu's economics class, Paris and her classmates had the opportunity to design and conduct a simulation experiment on the “prisoner's dilemma” principle from game theory in a lower-year class. Paris found this novel approach to learning fascinating, stating, “The whole process was very interesting, and as a result, I remember the related knowledge very well.” This innovative and participatory teaching method, which encouraged active involvement, sparked Paris's enthusiasm for learning and proved to be more effective than traditional methods focused solely on delivering theoretical knowledge.
Accelerating Progress:
How Weekly IELTS Classes Catapulted My Success
雅思成绩提升陷入瓶颈期一度使Paris十分烦恼,但在完成老师们制定的模块化训练后,Paris很快就取得了跨越式的进步。在班主任兼英语老师Grace的听力和阅读辅导下,Paris提升了在大段对话或长篇文章中抓取关键信息点的能力。英语老师Lynn极具雅思辅导经验,在她的帮助下,Paris通过梳理雅思写作的逻辑脉络及文段结构,提升了写作技巧。Paris还提到:“学校的外教比较多,日常生活里大家也常用英语聊天。” 这极大地提升了Paris英语表达的自信感与语感,助力她在雅思考试中取得了口语单项7分的好成绩。
Paris once experienced frustration due to the stagnation of her IELTS score improvement. However, she made a breakthrough after completing the modular training provided by her teachers. Under the guidance of her English teacher, Mrs. Grace Zhang, who specialises in listening and reading skills, Paris honed her ability to grasp key information points in lengthy conversations or articles. With the assistance of Mrs. Lynn Zhou, an experienced IELTS tutor, Paris improved her writing skills by enhancing the logical structure and paragraph organisation in her IELTS essays. Paris also expressed that the presence of numerous expat teachers at her school contributed to her progress, as English became the primary language of communication. This environment greatly boosted Paris's confidence and language proficiency in English expression, ultimately resulting in a commendable score of 7 in the IELTS speaking test.
The Journey of 12 Revisions:
Perfecting My Essay Writing Process
在最后的申请冲刺阶段, Paris为梦校港理工的面试做了十足的准备:先将香港院校过往的面试问题都整理出来,再准备好稿子、学习面试礼仪。为了提升口语表达的逻辑性,Paris还常常主动去找升学老师Sisi老师做全英的模拟面试训练。充分的准备与大量的练习让她在梦校的面试中毫不怯场、自信发挥。而对申请至关重要的文书,Paris也与老师们一起反复讨论修改了达12版之多:她在升学指导老师的协助下深挖个人经历,在文书中充分展现成绩和奖项以外的鲜明个人特点。
In the final stage of her application, Paris dedicated herself to thorough preparation for the interview at her dream university, HKUST. She began by compiling past interview questions from various universities in Hong Kong, creating scripts, and familiarising herself with interview etiquette. To enhance her logical expression in spoken English, Paris frequently sought assistance from her counsellor, Mrs. Sisi Chen, for full-English mock interviews. Through ample preparation and extensive practice, Paris approached the interview with confidence. Furthermore, she and her teachers worked together to refine her application essays, resulting in a total of 12 versions. With Mrs. Sisi Chen's guidance, Paris delved deep into her personal experiences, showcasing her distinctive qualities beyond academic achievements and awards. These essays truly highlighted her unique character and individual traits.
Thanks to the collaborative efforts of the UGO and subject teachers, Paris's hard work has yielded remarkable results. She not only secured an offer from her “dream university” HKUST, but also received multiple admission letters from prestigious universities ranked within the top 20 by QS. To date, Paris has received ten offers from renowned universities, and we anticipate further good news in the future.
正如Paris妈妈所说:“一所好的学校能帮孩子塑造梦想,鼓励你贴近梦想,并给予平台让你能够攀上梦想。这才是好学校的不凡之处,而斐特思就是这样的学校。” 在广州斐特思,我们致力于帮助每一位孩子激发学习潜力,鼓励孩子们通过强大的内驱力收获不平凡的回响。璞玉本无华,细琢成大器,相信勤勉好学的 Paris在逐梦的道路上一定能走得更高更远。
As Paris's mother aptly stated, “A good school can shape a child's dreams, inspire them to pursue those dreams, and provide a platform for their realisation. This is what sets an exceptional school apart.” At FCG, our unwavering commitment lies in helping every child unlock their full learning potential and fostering intrinsic motivation that leads to remarkable achievements. Just as a diamond shines brightest when polished, we firmly believe that with diligence, Paris will reach even greater heights on her journey towards fulfilling her dreams.
