
Balanced 全面发展 | I-EP小学“星耀系列活动·匠心”学生综合素养与能力展示





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In order to enable students to adapt to the diversified needs of the society, and to cultivate individuals who can cope with complex situations and different challenges. I-EP is committed to promoting whole-person education and fostering the all-round quality of students

On June 14, 2024, I-EP PYP held a student ability demonstration with the theme of "Star-Shining". The theme of the event signifies the creativity and talent of the students who participated in this event, shining like a star, and all the students from G1-G5 joined in. Now, let's take a look into this wonderful showcase of student skills in math, physical education, art, music, drama, and even labor.

★ 精彩回顾 Review

开场 Opening

I-EP PYP管乐团率先带来了一曲精彩的管乐合奏《暴风雨》。同时,PYP戏剧团也带来了极具吸引力的戏剧表演《Annie Meets Matilda》。就这样,本次学生综合素养与能力展示在一阵阵掌声中拉开了序幕。

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The I-EP PYP Wind Ensemble was the first to present a wind ensemble performance named "The Tempest". Meanwhile, the PYP Drama Group also presented a wonderful drama performance "Annie Meets Matilda". This showcase kicked off with a round of applause.

★ 管乐团合奏《暴风雨》

★ 戏剧团演出《Annie Meets Matilda》

★ 黄彦校长为此次活动致辞

戏剧素养展示 Drama


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Drama performances showcased the expressive and creative skills of the students. They vividly portrayed a variety of characters and fully conveyed the plot and emotions of the story. Whether it was a comedy or a fairy tale, the children were able to accurately grasp the characteristics of their characters!

★ G1-G3戏剧技能展示

数学素养展示 Math


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Mathematics, a subject full of logic and wisdom. In the Math ability display booth, you could see the students quickly thinking to unlock the Lu Ban locks; Made the pyramid in a clever way; Tangrams became vivid and interesting in the hands of the students; they could also deduce Sudoku quickly and accurately. They are like little mathematicians, exploring the mysteries of math with logical thinking. Look, a student restore the Rubik's Cube in only some seconds, receiving a burst of applause.

★ G1-G3数学技能展示

★ G4-G5数学技能展示

生活技能展示 Life Skills


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Life skills displays were a sight to behold. Students skillfully demonstrated life skills such as organizing, storing, personal management and so on. Some students made beautiful handicrafts on the spot, while others demonstrated their cooking skills, which all showed their practical ability in life.

★ G1-G3生活技能展示

★ G4-G5生活技能展示

美育素养展示 Arts


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In the Art ability display area, some students used light clay to make exquisite potted plants; some students used colors boldly to express their unique creativity, and every piece of artwork was cohesive with the students' artistic talent!

★ G1-G3美术技能展示

★ G4-G5美术技能展示

体育素养展示 PE


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When we came to the sports ability display area, the energy of the students was inspiring. Lower grades students hula-hooped, jumped rope, and danced! The senior students demonstrated their skills in various sports, such as the precise striking of badminton and the magnificent passing of basketball. Several students from G4 who are good at gymnastics brought wonderful gymnastics performances like front flips, back flips and other difficult movements, fully demonstrating the charm and power of sports.

★ G1-G5体育技能展示

音乐素养展示 Music


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The Music ability display area was the most eye-catching booth at the event. The ukulele, saxophone, and flute performance, singing and other shows were all available to the public, and the sound of singing, piano and musical instruments were all wonderful.

★ G1-G3音乐技能展示

★ G4-G5音乐技能展示

PYP管乐团音乐会 Concert

除此以外,同日下午,I-EP PYP四、五年级的同学们还举办了一场“PYP管乐团”音乐会,以更直观、具体的方式,展示自己的音乐素养。

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Moreover, In the afternoon of the same day, I-EP PYP G4 and G5 students also held a "PYP Wind Orchestra" concert, to show their musical ability more visually and concretely.

★ 音乐会精彩回顾 Review


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It has been 9 months since the PYP Wind Ensemble was founded in September 2023, and with the hard work of the students, we successfully held our first Wind Ensemble Concert.

★ 打击乐重奏

★ 萨克斯重奏

★ 萨克斯独奏:罗小为

★ 铜管重奏

★ 单簧管合奏

★ 长号重奏

★ 长笛重奏

★ 长笛独奏:郭筱橹

★ 铜管五重奏(老师表演)

★ 管乐团合奏


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Congratulations to all of our students who have worked so hard to make this concert a success, and everyone in the audience was able to enjoy the music!



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During the event, students from G1-G5 successfully demonstrated their comprehensive ability to parents, and what is even more important is that the ability of each subject in the corresponding grade level were "full coverage". For example, the G1 music booth demonstrated singing, so all G1 students could sing the song; the G2 art booth demonstrated printmaking, so all G2 students could do printmaking...

This student ability showcase not only provided a stage for students to showcase their talents, but also an opportunity for parents to get to know and appreciate their children. We would like to congratulate all the PYP students who have completed the abiliy demonstration. We would also like to thank all the parents who came to the event, your presence was a great encouragement and support to the students!









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