
G9 Community Projects 为社区发展赋能 | I-EP MYP九年级社区项目展






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June 21st, 2024 marked a momentous occasion for the students of G9, as they presented their final projects for the IB MYP Community Project. This graduation project, initiated in the second semester, showcases the remarkable skills and creativity of young minds. It serves as a testament to their commitment to making a positive impact in their community.

The MYP Community Project is an integral component of the IB Middle Years Programme,  providing an opportunity for students to delve into real-world issues and actively contribute to their local community. Under the guidance of their mentors, G9 students embark on a journey of inquiry and exploration, selecting a topic of personal interest and relevance.

Throughout the second semester, these passionate young individuals immerse themselves in their chosen topics, applying critical thinking, communication, and collaborative skills. They identify global contexts and exploration themes that align with their projects, enabling them to examine their chosen issues from multiple perspectives. They formulate an inquiry question that serves as the driving force behind their project, guiding their research and actions. On June 21st, the culmination of their hard work and dedication was showcased through their final presentations. 

 学生展示 Presentation Session

姜星宇和韦翕同学在他们的项目“王牌空间: 学习助推器”中,深入分析了学生未能按时完成作业的主要原因。围绕“认同和关系”这一全球背景,他们希望找到有效的解决方案,帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯,找到高效的学习方法,提高学习效率。

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Jackson Jiang and Owen Wei, in their project ACE SPACE: The Study Boost, tackled the global context of Consciousness and Mind by analyzing why students often skip homework. Their goal was to offer solutions to help develop good study habits. They explored the inquiry question: How to Develop Good Study Habits in a Campus Community?


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Sunny's project, Biology Corner, explored the global context of Scientific & Technical Innovation. By focusing on biological purification processes, Sunny aimed to create healthier environments for fish in local water bodies. Her inquiry question was: How to make the water clear on its own without wasting water resources so that fish can grow healthier during the process?


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Heidy Han's project, Think of School as Home, aimed to increase students' sense of belonging by allowing them to influence their environment. Under the global context of Personal and Cultural Expression and exploring artistry, Heidy's inquiry question was: How to increase students' sense of belonging to the school?


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Belle Ye and Patrick Zhou's project, What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up, addressed the global context of Fairness and Development. Their goal was to help MYP students define their future goals and plan sustainable paths to achieve them, exploring the inquiry question: How can we help students find their own goals that are suitable and sustainable for them?


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Dental Health, by Leo Huang and Justin Jiang, focused on the global context of Identities & Relationships. They taught young children about the importance of dental health and proper care practices. Their inquiry question was: How much do the kids in this community know about teeth?


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Lisa Zhang and Vera Zhang raised awareness about proper waste disposal and the importance of recycling in their project, Waste Separation and Recycling. Their work, under the global context of Globalization & Sustainability, explored human impact on the environment. Their inquiry question was: How can we better communicate what we have learned within the community?


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Lily Li and Eason Chen's project, Art for Heart’s Sake, used art therapy to help G6-G8 students manage and reduce stress. Exploring the global context of Identity and Relationship and focusing on Happiness and the Good Life, they asked: How can art therapy help relieve stress in teenage students in G6-G8?


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Herbert and Johnathan created a radio station to engage and relax MYP students and teachers in their project, J&H Broadcast Studio J&H. Under the global context of Personal and Cultural Expression, they aimed to use radio media to create a positive impact. Their inquiry question was: How can we use radio to indirectly create a positive impact on students?


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The gym serves as a specialized workout area that helps students build a healthy body and lifestyle. Andrew Zhang investigated the need for a gym and designed a detailed blueprint for it in his project, Shaping Future Generations. Focusing on the global context of Identity & Relationship and exploring Health and Well-being, he asked: Why do students need a gym?

 圆桌会议 Hot Seat Session



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After the presentations, we held an engaging Hot Seat session. During this session, mentor teachers and selected students discussed the projects in depth, addressing challenges, solutions, and the impact of their work. 

This interactive segment provided insights into the students' journeys and allowed for a deeper understanding of the project's significance.

 问答环节 Q&A Session


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The day concluded with a dynamic Q&A session at the booths. Here, the audiences had the opportunity to interact directly with the students, ask questions, and explore the details of each project. This session fostered lively discussions and allowed students to demonstrate their knowledge and passion for their topics.


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Community Project Presentation Day was an inspiring showcase of our students' talents, hard work, and commitment to making a positive impact. We are immensely proud of their achievements and excited to see the lasting influence of their projects on our community.









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