

“暨·望” | 广州暨大港澳子弟学校2024届结业典礼

07-02 08:19发布于广东











On this joyous and cheerful day, we gather to celebrate School Graduation Ceremony of ASJ Guangzhou. First and foremost, on behalf of the school, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to our dedicated teachers and supportive parents! I also want to warmly congratulate the students who are about to step into a new phase!


Over the past year, we have jointly witnessed the growth and progress of our students. They have tirelessly pursued knowledge and bravely explored new horizons; they have actively participated in extracurricular activities, showcasing their talents; they have continuously cultivated their moral character, becoming better versions of themselves. All these achievements would not have been possible without the meticulous guidance of our teachers and the care and support of our parents.


Here, I would like to say to our students: graduation is not an end, but a new beginning. I hope that in the days to come, you will continue to maintain your passion for knowledge, forge ahead bravely, and strive for excellence. At the same time, cherish the deep friendships with your classmates and teachers, learn to be grateful, and learn to give back.


To the students who are about to embrak on a new journey, I hope you can maintain an optimistic mindset and face challenges courageously. In the new phase of your studies, continuously improve yourselves, unleash your potential, and strive hard to realize your dreams.


Furthermore, I would like to remind you that the future road is full of opportunities and challenges. We must learn to adapt to changes, think independently, and collaborate with others. Only in this way can we walk further and more steadily on the journey of life.


Finally, I want to thank all the parents once again for their trust and support to our school. We will continue to work hard to provide a better educational environment and resources for our children, working hand in hand with families to help our children achieve a bright future!


I wish all the students a promising future! I wish ASJ Guangzhou a brighter tomorrow!









英语教师 蓝燕彩

我们始终坚持全面均衡的课程体系和严格的评价标准,旨在培养具有探索精神、批判性思维能力,并能通过跨文化理解和尊重,帮助创造一个和平、美好的世界的 IB 终身学习者。我们不仅要让孩子们拥有全球意识和国际视野,还要让他们成为在本地和全球事务中具有社会责任感的世界公民。


Dear school leaders, parents, and students, good morning! I am very grateful to the school leaders for giving me this precious opportunity to speak as a teacher representative.

Looking back on this year, it feels somewhat surreal, the children are graduating! The children are graduating? This 6th grade has truly been both long and swift.

This year has been filled with challenges and difficulties, but fortunately, we have received help from the school, parents, colleagues, friends, and family. I appreciate the support and understanding of the parents towards the school and teachers' work. We have fully utilized the collaborative spirit of the IB learner community to support the progress and development of the children. Our parents are the best family companions, and our teachers are the best guides on the learning journey.

The 6th grade is significant in elementary school and particularly crucial. We at ASJ have always adhered to a comprehensive and balanced curriculum system and strict assessment standards, aiming to cultivate IB lifelong learners who are eager to explore, capable of critical thinking, and able to help create a peaceful and better world through cross-cultural understanding and respect. We strive for the children to possess not only global awareness and an international perspective but also to become socially responsible global citizens in local and global affairs.


All these achievements are thanks to our school's unwavering educational philosophy, the scientific and effective management of school leaders, the harmonious and close cooperation between home and school, and of course our hardworking teachers. Please allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to all the faculty and staff. It is you who, with sparks of wisdom, ignite the path for students to pursue wisdom and explore the world. It is precisely because of your dedication and efforts that children have become outstanding graduates. Teachers, children have something to say to you.

“Miss Annie,你就是为我打伞的英雄!为我挡住我不能把语文学好的消极想发。”  “Miss Lucy,我今年在您的班上,我的英语进步了十多分。我很荣幸能成为您的学生。” “Miss Rita,感谢您的耐心教导。”“亲爱的翟老师,非常感谢您在比赛中帮助我,让我赢得比赛。亲爱的陈老师,我们大家都对跳舞产生了很大得兴趣,并且对跳舞有了更多的了解。”“Miss Kay,您已经教了我们两年了。您总是为每一堂课做好充分的准备。”“Miss Ruby,感谢您是我的UOI老师。您的课很有趣。有时懒散真不好意思。”“Miss Precious,我真的很享受您的课程。”“Mr. Miguel,我们很喜欢您的体育课。”“Miss Tilly,感谢您教给我们这么多运动技能。”“Miss Olivia,您美妙的音乐治愈了我们。” 

"Dear Melody , thank you for your teaching over the past year. I hope you will be better and better. Don't forget to drink those two bottles of water! Otherwise, they won't work their magic! Wish you to meet your favorite celebrity wherever you go!"

"Thank you, Mr Frank for your dedication to our 6A class. We appreciate your earnest efforts. When a student in our class makes a mistake, you give us the opportunity to learn. You care deeply for our class, and thank you again, Mr Frank!”

"Mr. Lucas, thank you for your companionship for this year and for your support. Your Chinese classes are very interesting! You always have endless stories to tell!"

"Ms Bobo, what impressed me the most was your infectious smile. Thank you for transforming me from a shy child into an active  'Jizie' who gets along well with classmates. Thanks to your encouragement, I stood on the stage of the 'Foreign Language Cup' speech contest and won first prize in the semifinals! Thank you for praising me so much in class."       

My dear students, we believes that today you must have come here with a heart full of gratitude. In the journey of life, we will encounter many people who help and support us. Grateful to those who have given us warmth, inspiration, sunshine, and smiles.

Growth is the intertwining of sweat and tears, the symphony of persistence and courage. In the vast ocean of learning, we are all brave voyagers. Every fall is a stepping stone to success.

The time in elementary school passes like flowing water, in the blink of an eye, you are about to embark on a new journey. Dear children, graduation is not the end but another starting point. The road to the future is full of infinite possibilities. Please move forward bravely! The teacher believes in you! Best wishes to all of you!

Thank you!


G6 王同学



Good morning to the whole ASJ Learning community:

Today, we gather to celebrate the successful completion of our primary school stage.

I am a graduate representative Wang from Grade 6 Class Z. It’s my great honor to be here. I’d like to share with you the harvests and perceptions during this time.

Time flies, and the first time I stepped into the campus seems like yesterday. I still remember how we run and laugh on the playground, and every unforgettable moment spent with teachers and classmates in the classroom.

In this year, we have enriched our knowledge and learned to grow. From addition to mathematical formulas, from knowing letters to being able to read and write articles fluently, from scientific common sense to the study and exploration of the vast universe. We have also learned how to get along with others, how to unite and cooperate, and how to face difficulties and challenges.

I want to thank our teachers. It is your hard work that nourishes us; it is your selfless dedication that lights our way forward. We will always remember your teachings and always be grateful for your care.

I also want to thank our classmates. It’s you who have accompanied me through the these

joyful years of these years, who have shared the joys and troubles of growing up with me.

Our friendship, like the seeds we planted over these years, will take root and flourish in the days to come.

Today, we bid farewell to elementary school and embark on a new journey. We will take on new challenges and create our own future.

Finally, I wish our ASJ continued prosperity, our teachers good health and success in their work, and my fellow classmates the ability to achieve their dreams and to be better in the future!

Thank you all!


G6 奚同学妈妈



Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I am the mother of this year's graduate, Xi. I would like to express my gratitude to Principal Feng and homeroom teacher Mr. Lan for the invitation, which has honored me to speak on behalf of the parents of the students; I also want to thank my son Xi for making me more determined to fulfill my responsibilities and mission as a mother. I will talk about the school in my eyes, the education in my heart, and the future I hope for, based on Xi's growth.

Xi is one of the founding students of our school, having joined the newly established Guangzhou Jiagangao Overseas Chinese School since the fourth grade. As a cross-border student between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, the epidemic's closure brought great challenges to our lives and studies. Just when Xi had online classes at home for over 500 days, we received the good news of our school's establishment. On April 29, 2021, we received the admission letter from the school, marking the beginning of the turning of the wheel of destiny. Looking back at the important stages of the 3-year elementary school life, the school has brought colorful and diverse campus life to the children. We have witnessed the confidence, resilience, optimism, and kindness gradually established in the children's growth process. We have seen the school grow from humble beginnings to gradually spread its wings. Thanks to the school's firm educational beliefs, replacing publicity with reputation, and responding to doubts with achievements.

A good teacher can influence a child's lifetime. Fortunately, we have encountered many good teachers here, whose attitudes towards children are always gentle, and their tolerance for their harmless mischief is forgiving. Please forgive me for not being able to list your names here to express my gratitude. Thank you for the hard work of the teachers, which allows our children to grow strong and face life's challenges.

Here, I would like to say to the children that if life is a marathon, today's graduation is just a starting point. Never worry about the starting line; it's never too late to begin. As long as you persist long enough, you will surely be the one who laughs last. No matter how big the difficulties are, keep optimistic and persistently pursue your dreams. May you have the courage to face the storms and the wisdom to overcome difficulties in the pursuit of your dreams.

Finally, I salute all the parents and friends who have accompanied the children's growth along the way; and salute the children who have spent day and night together, like siblings. Thank you for adding many beautiful memories to each other's childhood. May our friendship last long, and we look forward to meeting again at the next peak of life!

Best wishes to all, thank you.




























数学教师 陈玮琪



Dear school leaders, teachers, and students:

Good afternoon!

Today, we are gathered here to celebrate the graduation of the ninth-grade students. This marks the beginning of a new chapter in your lives. As your teacher, I feel honored to be here with you at this moment to reflect on the past three years.

Looking back on these three years, we have shared many unforgettable moments. Academically, you have worked hard and diligently to acquire valuable knowledge and develop and enhance various ATL skills. In your daily lives, you have grown together with your friends, supporting each other and facing challenges together. These experiences will be valuable assets that guide you on your journey into the future and make you a lifelong learner.

Graduation from the ninth grade is not only a recognition of academic achievement, but also a test of your character. During these three years, you have learned to be a risk-taker, actively facing various setbacks and challenges; you have also learned to be a communicator, knowing how to cooperate with others; and most importantly, you have learned to be a caring person, using the knowledge and skills you have learned to contribute to society. These experiences have shaped your personality. As teachers, our greatest hope is to see you courageously pursuing your dreams on the path ahead. No matter which path you choose, no matter how rugged the road ahead may be, remember all that you have learned at ASJ. Bravely embrace the unknown challenges, confidently walk towards a bright future, and believe in your own abilities to pursue your dreams. Each of you can achieve success!

Finally, I hope all of you will express your gratitude to those who have devoted themselves to your growth along the way: your family, teachers, and friends. It is because of their support and encouragement that you have reached this stage today and are ready to greet tomorrow's sunrise.

Dear students, congratulations! In your new journey, may you hold onto hope, never forgetting your original aspirations, and bravely moving forward. May your dreams shine as brightly as the stars, bringing more light and warmth to the world.

Thank you all!


G9 陈同学



Respected Principal, beloved teachers, and dear students:

On this sunny afternoon, we gather here not only to celebrate the completion of our junior high school studies but also to commemorate the three years we have spent together. As a student representative, I am deeply honored to share some of my thoughts and feelings here.

**Our Three-Year Journey Together:**

I remember on the opening ceremony three years ago, we stepped through the school gates with curiosity about the unknown and anticipation for new life. At that time, we might not have fully understood the wonderful journey that awaited us. We experienced countless moments together; the first tug-of-war at the sports day, where members of our house united as one to fight for honor; the first time in biology class, where we explored the wonders and aesthetics of nature, a surprise that remains unforgettable to this day. Each attempt, each challenge, has been a testament to our growth.

**The Power of Knowledge, Felt Together:**

Over these three years, we have not only acquired a wealth of knowledge but also learned how to learn. I recall in Mr. Dai's math class, we actively pondered and solved difficult problems. Our excellent and handsome Mr. Dai did not directly give out answers but guided us step by step in thinking. This process of exploration has allowed us to experience the power of knowledge. We have learned critical thinking and how to view issues from different perspectives. These abilities will accompany us throughout our lives, becoming our precious treasures.

**Joyful Moments, Penned Together:**

In Chinese class, our confident, beautiful, and generous head teacher, Stephenie, would always ask questions at unexpected moments, and the various unexpected responses and reactions from the students brought us great joy. During breaks, we played with Rubik's cubes and greeted each other with friendly and cordial language, which has become a unique memory among us classmates.

**Facing the Future, We Are Filled with Confidence:**

Today, as we bid farewell to junior high school life and embark on a new journey, we may feel lost and uneasy about the future. But I believe that the experiences of these three years have endowed us with courage and strength.

**Closing Remarks:**

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all the teachers. Thank you for your selfless dedication and hard work; it is you who have made our junior high school life so rich and colorful. At the same time, I also want to say to all the students, no matter where we are in the future, the moments we spent together during these three years will always be the most precious treasure in our hearts.

Let us give a warm round of applause to draw a perfect full stop to our junior high school life, and at the same time, send our most sincere blessings to the new chapter that is about to begin.

Thank you, everyone!


G9 熊同学爸爸



Respected teachers, dear parents, and fellow students,

Hello everyone!

I am Xiong, father of Xiong from Class 9A.

It is my honor to express deepest gratitude on behalf of the parents to the hardworking teachers and sincere blessings to the students who are about to embark on a new journey.


Every parent desires their child to excel and succeed.Looking back three years ago, like many parents, with a mix of excitement and anxiety, I sent my child to Jiada Porta School for Children of Overseas Chinese in Hong Kong. The excitement was due to the school's holistic education philosophy and its unique Hong Kong-style teaching characteristics. The anxiety stemmed from the fact that the school was still under construction, everything was new and unknown. Now, three years have passed. The children have not only grown taller but have also developed comprehensive abilities.

Three years ago, Xiong couldn't speak English during his entrance interview. In early June 2024, three years later, he led a team of seven friends as team leader to participate for the second time in the internationally renowned ASDAN high school simulation business competition, ultimately reversing the unfavorable start to win the Southern District Championship. The simulated company roadshow required English speeches. The teacher's evaluation of Xiong was that he was steady and had excellent leadership skills.

Three years ago, Xiong was a naive teenager. Three years later, he has grown into a young man who cares about and helps disadvantaged groups.I know there are many children in the school who are better than Xiong, but Xiong's self-management learning, sunny confidence, and compassion are exactly what I expect.

Xiong's changes are a microcosm of the collective growth process of the students. The school's holistic education philosophy and open and inclusive cultural atmosphere have laid a solid foundation for the healthy growth and positive changes of the children.

Here, on behalf of all parents, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the school and teachers. Thank you for creating an environment of equality and respect for learning, inspiring children to think critically and express themselves bravely. Thank you for enriching the joy of learning through diverse teaching methods. Thank you to the teachers for their hard work, patience, guidance, and help in overcoming learning challenges and improving self-management skills for the children. At the same time, I would like to thank the logistics and security team for ensuring a clean, orderly, and safe campus, providing parents with great peace of mind.

Special thanks to the school for continuously promoting values of honesty and love, allowing children to possess warm hearts that care for others.

In addition, I would like to extend deep gratitude to foreign and Hong Kong teachers who have come from afar to teach and work here. Their presence enriches the school's multicultural background and greatly inspires children's interest in learning English.

Finally, as a parent, I extend warm congratulations and best wishes to each graduating student. Over the past three years, you have experienced challenges and trials, and also gained knowledge and friendships. You are about to finish your junior high school career and embark on a new learning journey. May you always maintain a curious mind to explore limitless knowledge. May you always maintain a resilient heart to pursue your ideals. May you always maintain a kind heart and become messengers of spreading light and hope.

Thank you all!

























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