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荔湾爱莎外籍人员子女学校及荔湾爱莎文华学校于近日获得国际文凭组织 (IBO) 的授权,获得MYP (国际文凭中学项目) 认证

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ISA Liwan is proud to announce that,

The ISA Liwan International School of Guangzhou and ISA Wenhua Liwan School of Guangzhou have received the official letters from the International Baccalaureate Organisation recently, to confirm that we have been awarded accreditation to deliver the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP).

Official Certificates Accredited by IBO



加之于2023年获得的IBDP (国际文凭大学预科项目)认证,爱莎荔湾能够在创校短短两年内就完成中学阶段的IB认证,充分显示了学校在教学实践、师资以及资源等方面的卓越实力。这也体现了学校对国际化教育事业的坚定承诺和不懈追求。

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Obtaining the MYP accreditation is a significant milestone. The accreditation process was rigorous and challenging. It not only requires the school to have a complete curriculum and high-quality teaching resources, but also requires the school to meet the strict standards set by the International Baccalaureate Organization in terms of staff, facilities and learning environment readiness.


This achievement, coupled with the IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme) certification obtained in 2023, represents an impressive accomplishment for ISA Liwan. In the short span of just two years since its establishment, the school has successfully completed the IB accreditation for its secondary education program, which is a significant achievement and recognition of the school. This also demonstrates the school's commitment and capacity to provide an exceptional internationally-minded education.

About IB Middle Years Programme







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The MYP is designed for students aged 11 to 16. It provides a framework of learning that encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers. The MYP emphasizes intellectual challenge, encouraging students to make connections between their studies in traditional subjects and the real world. It fosters the development of skills for communication, intercultural understanding and global engagement—essential qualities for young people who are becoming global leaders.

Based on research into the learning patterns of adolescents, the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) has established a comprehensive and rigorous curriculum framework that caters to the learning habits, attitudes and behaviors of middle school students.

The broad curriculum ensures students develop a strong foundation across multiple disciplines, while also allowing them to dive deeper into areas of personal interest and passion.


Additionally, through interdisciplinary learning - learning that transcends subject boundaries - and personal projects, the MYP encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world, cultivating their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. These transferable skills will better equip students to tackle future challenges.

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“能够在短短2年内获得 IB-MYP 授权,是对我们教师、员工和学生的努力和奉献最好的认可,”广州荔湾爱莎文华学校(国际方向)初中部校长郭晓晖说道。


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“Being able to obtain IB-MYP accreditation in just 2 years is the best recognition of the commitment and dedication of our teachers, staff and students,” said Peter Guo, Principal of Middle School of ISA Wenhua Liwan School (International). 

"We will continue to uphold the core values of IB, and strive to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who will be ready to succeed in further education and positively impact the world."

ISA Liwan Open Day


Date & Time 时间

July 13th (Thursday) 7月13日(周六)


Venue 地点

Guangzhou ISA Liwan School


About ISA Liwan 

Middle School (International)


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ISA Liwan International Middle School is students-centered as core concept and cultivate students from academics and learning capability. The MYP curriculum framework comprises eight subject groups, providing a broad and balanced education for early adolescents. 

The MYP requires at least 50 hours of teaching time for each subject group, in each year of the programme. The programme empowers students to inquire into a wide range of issues and ideas of significance locally, nationally and globally. The result is young people who are creative, critical and reflective thinkers. It lays a foundation for more in-depth academic exploration in high school.

In terms of learning ability, we should pay attention to students’ learning interests and abilities, demonstrate and teach them effective learning methods, and connect the learning process with real life to help students discover and discover the close relationship between learning and life, so as to stimulate students’ internal driving force for independent exploration and learning. Whether it is academic accumulation or learning ability cultivation, the high quality team of teachers will do their best to guide and assist students in learning.

Whether it is academic accumulation or learning ability cultivation, the high quality team of teachers will do their best to guide and assist students in learning.

Diverse Curriculum


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爱莎荔湾国际初中部的学术课程运用 IB MYP 的教育框架和教学方式来实施教学,同时结合中国国家课程、剑桥课程,新加坡课程的教学理念和教材优势,为培养学生全面的知识体系和优秀的综合能力为目标来实施教学。我们要求学生在学习过程中必须践行主动积累,积极探究,综合实践和及时反思四个维度,从而获得自身的发展。


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Built upon the solid and comprehensive foundation of

IB MYP, ISA Liwan develops an integrated curriculum framework, taking into account the needs of adolescent students’ wellbeing and importance for individuals to build cultural identity. The structure aims to help students to form a system to organise their knowledge, which sets a solid foundation for high school study.

ISA Liwan International Middle School takes the MYP as the framework, the Cambridge as the pathway, the national compulsory education curriculum (Regarding Wenhua Curriculum) as the core, integrating the UK standards (Regarding IS Curriculum) as well as Singapore standards, to provide students a comprehensive knowledge structure and goal for development. We require students to act on four dimensions including practice, inquiry, experiment and reflection, so that they can foster a selfdeveloped guidance during learnings.

The curriculum system in our school is developed based on the characteristics of students in puberty, helping them to construct a basic understanding of the relation between individuals and society from values, reality and learning strategies.

The Curriculum 课程设置

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At least 50% courses are taught in English. Chinese

teacher will teach courses in bilingual and expat teacher

will be providing pure English environment.

Mathematics: Integrate CNC and Singaporean 


Focus on student’s creativity and critical thinking skills and cultivate students’ reflection skills.

Subjects integrate Cambridge pathway includes English, Science, Comprehensive Design and Global Perspective.

8 hours for students to enhance their language levels and expat teachers will take up 5 hours.


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