
Summer School Week 1 Review 第一周暑期班回顾 | 缤纷夏日,探索发现



The first week of the summer school has come to a successful conclusion. The children participated in a diverse range of courses and activities this week, making new friends from around the world, broadening their horizons. They not only gained knowledge but also exercised their teamwork skills, fostered innovative spirit, and expanded their perspectives, laying a solid foundation for their future learning and life. Let's take a look at what the summer program has done this week together.


Click the video to review week 1 Summer School


Class 1 Review

Class 1 本周回顾

Mr Eddy

Homeroom Teacher


This week, in class 1, we delved into the world of colors by exploring rinbows. Our lessons centered on becoming fluent in describing colors, using language to express what we see at school, and engaging in hands-on activities to fully immerse our young learners in the colorful world around them. The students have discovered various ways to incorporate color into their daily school lives, including creating rainbow rice to enhance sensory skills and concentration. Class 1 explored AB patterns by using colors to help them recognize and grasp the concept that patterns repeat in a sequence. Additionally, we honed our fine motor and creativity skills by using vibrant chalk to craft a rainbow on the outdoor playground for everyone to enjoy.

Class 1 的孩子们通过研究彩虹深入探索了色彩的世界。课程围绕颜色展开,孩子们畅游在五彩斑斓的世界里,学习并锻炼用语言表达所见到的事物并描述他们的颜色,参与动手实践的活动。学习中,他们发现生活处处充满了色彩。通过动手制作彩虹米饭,提高了他们的感官感知和注意力。同时,我们也用重复的图案帮助孩子们识别并掌握重复的概念。孩子们在户外操场上用彩色笔描绘了一副彩虹的图案,通过这些活动,孩子们的手部精细动作和创造力技能得到了提升。

Class 2 Review

Class 2 本周回顾

Mr Chris

Homeroom Teacher


In Class 2 this week our theme has been Jungles. Throughout the week we have integrated the theme into our literacy, maths, and UOI classes. In literacy we have looked at different animals’ names and how to read and write the words as well as a look at some phonics review, letter formation practice. We also covered some reading and writing of CVC words. In maths we have been doing some simple addition activities, number recognition and counting. Using our theme we also looked at patterns and what animals we can find patterns on to inspire us to make our own. During UOI we have been exploring and learning more about Jungles, what we can find there, where we can find them in the world, and what they look like. Through all these activities and classes, the students have gained understanding of the environment and the different aspects of a jungle.

Class 2 本周学习的主题是丛林。我们将丛林主题融入了读写、数学和探究单元(UOI)中。在读写课上,孩子们学习了不同动物的名称、如何读写这些单词,以及拼读法和字母组合的练习。我们还做了 CVC (由辅音、元音和辅音组成的)单词的阅读和写作。在数学课上,孩子们围绕加法、读数和数数做了一系列的活动。同时,我们研究了不同的图案,并且讨论了哪些动物的身上有图案,以此启发了孩子们自己动手制作图案。在探究单元(UOI)中,我们探索和学习了更多关于丛林的知识,例如丛林里面有什么动物,它们生活栖息在什么地方,它们是什么样子的。通过多样的活动和课程,孩子们对环境和丛林有了更深入的了解。



Class 3 Review

Class 3 本周回顾

Mr Richard

Homeroom Teacher


In Class 3 we have been exploring the realms of space and taking adventures with our friends. Space is full of beauty and wonders which we have investigated with shapes, colour and imagination. We have applied space with addition, symmetry and stories before envisaging our futures in the vast universe. Enjoying our creativity and perception of a beautiful galaxy with our friends.

Class 3 的孩子本周进行了太空领域的探索和冒险。我们用形状、颜色和想象力探索了宇宙空间的美丽和神奇。在探索过程中,孩子们学习和运用了加法和对称性,也了解了许多生动的故事。通过一系列的活动,他们设想了浩瀚宇宙中的未来。孩子们畅游在彼此的想象力和创造力之中,一起欣赏了宇宙星海的美丽。

Class 4 Review

Class 4 本周回顾

Ms Jude

Homeroom Teacher


Our theme this week has been the poem, ‘The Owl and the Pussycat.’  It is a popular, traditional English poem, written by the poet Edward Lear in 1871. This week we have enjoyed activities including writing, comprehension skills, painting and creating stick puppets for a diorama all to do with the, ‘The Owl and the Pussycat.’

本周的学习以诗歌为主,孩子们学习了《猫头鹰和猫咪》。这是一首由诗人爱德华·利尔于 1871 年创作的传统英国诗歌。通过诗歌的学习,孩子们锻炼了写作和阅读理解技能,同时也动手进行绘画和立体木偶的制作。

Class 4

Class 5 Review

Class 5 本周回顾

Mr Tristan

Homeroom Teacher


This week in class 5 we had a ‘super’ time exploring the world of superheroes. The students enjoyed creating their own superheroes and designed masks, capes and logos for them. The students were interested in comic books and wrote their own comic strip for their superhero. They also learned about Aisha, the superhero princess. It has been lovely to meet new friends and have new experiences.

Class 5 的学生本周度过了一段“超级”时光,孩子们探索了超级英雄的世界。他们创造了属于自己的超级英雄,并为他们设计面具、斗篷和标志。因为对漫画的热爱,孩子们也为自己的超级英雄制作了漫画。他们还了解了超级英雄公主艾莎。寓教于乐的学习环境和多元的环境,让孩子们结交了新的朋友。

Class 6 Review

Class 6 本周回顾

Mr Elliott

Homeroom Teacher


Class 6 began Summer Camp investigating everyone's favourite: games! Students studied and played ancient games, such as chess and Mancala, as well as modern board games such as Settlers of Catan and Monopoly. From these games, students observed that many of these games share game boards, pieces, dice, cards and a clear theme. We used these components to then create our own board games using craft materials, complete with logical, detailed instructions on how to play. Throughout the learning and creating process, students cooperated well with one another, helping their classmates to refine and improve their ideas, as well as having lots of fun!

Class 6 本周的暑期课程以探究大家最爱的活动:游戏拉开了序幕。孩子们学习并尝试了古老的的游戏国际象棋和曼卡拉,以及现代棋盘游戏卡坦岛和大富翁。从这些游戏中,孩子们发现许多游戏可以共享游戏板、棋子、骰子、卡片和主题。我们利用这些组件,用手工材料制作了自己的棋盘游戏,并为游戏设置了符合逻辑的规则和说明。在整个学习和创造过程中,学生们相互合作,帮助同学完善和改进彼此间的想法,同时也玩得很开心!

ISA Tianhe Summer School

ISA Tianhe Summer School Programme  provides students an interactive atmosphere with rewarding learning and health-improved practices, and is structured completely with small class, foreign teachers and international education. 



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