
AIC 2023-2024学年回顾:成就与成长的岁月




启航之秋:从金秋九月迎新活动的温馨相聚,到UBC大学招生的莅临交流,我们携手步入新学年;中秋佳节的特色早集会,不仅共赏明月,更开启了CAS活动的序章,House competition激发了探索与服务的热情。


收获之秋:十一月,English A的文学盛宴展现了语言之美,跨学科艺术展跨界融合,DP1的ASDAN商业模拟赛锻炼了实战能力,CAS之旅则将学习与公益紧密相连,深入连南与清远。


启智之春:一月,心理讲座师生辩论大赛启迪智慧,中国文化周则让传统文化焕发新生机,激发了更深的文化认同感。AIC got Talent 展现了师生们的多才多艺.


探索之春:四月,Mock Literary Defence模拟文学答辩挑战思维极限越南CAS之旅与伦敦游学预告点燃了海外探索的热情;DP2早集会图书品鉴会,则是知识与趣味的双重享受。




With the collective efforts of all teachers and students in the AIC learning community, the 2023-2024 academic year has come to a successful and fulfilling end. This year has captured many unforgettable moments and valuable growth experiences.

Autumn of New Beginnings:From gatherings during the welcome season in September to the inspiring visit from admission of UBC, we embarked on a new academic journey together. The Mid-Autumn Festival themed assembly not only allowed us to appreciate the full moon but also kicked off the CAS activities, igniting enthusiasm for exploration and service.

Autumn of Growth:In October, the STUCO elections brought fresh energy, and the TOK exhibition broadened our intellectual horizons. The AIC Spirit Week fostered team spirit and strengthened our sense of community belonging.

Autumn of Harvest:November saw the literary feast of English A showcasing the beauty of language, while the art exhibition bridged different fields. The DP1 ASDAN competition honed practical skills, and the CAS trip connected learning with public service as we ventured to Liannan and Qingyuan.

Winter of Prospects:As winter approached, visits from university admission officers provided wings for our dreams, and the lecture on telecom fraud prevention built a safety net. The Winter Solstice and Christmas celebrations blended international cultures at AIC, warming every heart.

Spring of Enlightenment:In January, the psychology lecture and the student-teacher debate competition inspired wisdom, while Chinese Culture Week revitalized traditional culture and deepened cultural identity.AIC Got Talent showcased the diverse talents of both teachers and students.

Spring of Vitality:March was marked by the energy and sweat of Sports Day and the creative sparks of the DP2 art exhibition. The continued progress of CAS registrations and activities ensured that theory and practice went hand in hand in a relentless pursuit of exploration.

Spring of Exploration:April's Mock Literary Defence challenged the limits of thought, and the Vietnam CAS trip along with the London university visit preview ignited the passion for overseas exploration. The DP2 final assembly and Library Book Taster offered a blend of knowledge and fun.

Early Summer of Celebrations:May saw the lively IG1 assembly and the transformative moments of the graduation ceremony. The DP1 art exhibition and assembly provided a stage for talent and dreams.

Summer of Closure:June was filled with the intellectual collisions of the Battle of the Books, the cultural experiences of the Dragon Boat Festival, the melodies of Music Night, the brilliance of the IG1 drama performance, the warmth of the Foundation assembly, and the joy of the STUCO games night, weaving a tapestry of warmth and joy as the academic year drew to a close.

This year, every AICer combined exceptional personal talents with strong team spirit, integrating knowledge with practice to achieve personal growth and take solid steps toward becoming globally aware and responsible citizens. Through these activities, AIC not only achieved excellence in knowledge transmission but also fostered international perspectives, critical thinking, teamwork, and social responsibility through practical activities and multicultural exchanges. AIC perfectly embodied the core values of the IB educational philosophy by excelling in knowledge transmission and comprehensively cultivating students' global awareness, critical thinking, teamwork, and social responsibility through practical activities and multicultural exchanges.

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请观赏2023-2024 Semester 2 视频

在学期末的最后一天, AIC举行了颁奖典礼, 由Misty与Leo Xia老师主持, 这是对过去一学年的总结, 也是对过去一学年同学们在学业上的嘉奖!

On the very last day of the academic year, AIC held its end of the year award assembly, which was presided over by teacher Misty and Leo Xia. This is a summary of the past academic year. 


2023-2024 Awards 

英语学科优异奖 English Awards

Felipe Gomez

Avianna Cheng


Isabella Li

Pianpian Wu

Amy Zhang

艺术学科优异奖 Art Awards

Art  (艺术)

Avianna Cheng

Berry Fang

Isabella Li

Yiyi Lu

Pianpian Wu

Music (音乐)

Sofie Huang

Amy Zhang

Shaun Zheng

Drama (戏剧)

Shirley Lau

中文学科优异奖 Chinese Awards

Mandarin ab initio:

Alexander Storti

Chinese B:

Alexander Storti

Chinese Foreign Language:

Felipe Gomez

Petr Melnichuk

Chinese A:

Yoyo Deng

Berry Fang

Gabrielle Lei

Yoyo Shi

人文学科优异奖 Humanities Awards

Business Management (商务管理)

Felipe Gomez


Economics (经济学)

Avianna Cheng


Iven Zhang

 Psychology (心理学)

Gabrielle Lei

 Humanities (人文)

Elvis Lai

Global Perspectives (全球视野)

Yauyau Qin

科学学科优异奖 Sciences Awards

Science (科学)

Berry Fang

Environmental Systems & Societies 


Pianpian Wu

Physics (物理学)

Alexander Storti

Computer Science (计算机科学)

Alexander Storti

Avianna Cheng

General Science (通用科学)

Elvis Lai

数学学科优异奖 Mathematics Awards

Alexander Storti

Berry Fang

Shirley Lau

Gabrielle Lei

Yoyo Shi

体育学科优异奖 Physical Education Awards


Felipe Gomez

The Learner Profiles Stars Awards 学习者目标奖

Reflective (自我反思)

Pianpian Wu

Knowledgeable (学识渊博)

Ivan Puskinov

Thinker (善于思考)

Alexander Storti

Balanced (全面发展)

Sofie Huang

Open-minded (思想开放)

Shirley Lau

Risk-taker (敢于冒险)

Roy Zhou

Communicator (善于沟通)


Caring (关爱他人)

Gabrielle Lei

Principled (有原则)

Felipe Novoa Gomez

Inquirer (积极探究)

Yoyo Deng

AIC公民奖 Citizenship Awards

Alexander Storti

Roxie Du

Sofie Huang

校长奖特别 Head of School Award



This year, a new award has been introduced: the IB Learner Profile Award, which is voted on and presented by the AIC Student Council to the teachers.

AlC IB Learner Teacher Award

Reflective (自我反思)

Yoke Lin Yap

Knowledgeable (学识渊博)

Donnie Xia

Thinker (善于思考)

Christopher Jupp

Balanced (全面发展)

Leo Xia

Open-minded (思想开放)

Eddy Ibrahimov

Risk-taker (敢于冒险)

Heather Zhao

Communicator (善于沟通)

Caroline Zhao

Caring (关爱他人)

Jane Rao

Principled (有原则)

Miguel Zhong

Inquirer (积极探究)

Misty Karmakar









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