

“百年百青,到黄埔去” | 中学部公社科参加湾区青年纪念黄埔军校建校100周年系列纪念活动

07-09 08:49发布于广东



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每小队抽出研习任务卡后,便在黄埔军校各个红色文化教育地点开展研习旅程了。行程中,教官为各小队安排了讲解员讲述黄埔革命历史和先烈事迹,透过“学、思、践、悟”方式,让少年黄埔使者们感受到「爱国 · 革命」的黄埔精神。





在结营仪式上,少年黄埔使者代表、老师代表、黄埔贺奎光先生和贺青女士轮流上台发言,一连串激荡人心的演讲,完美地弘扬出「爱国 · 革命」的黄埔精神。















On June 29, 2024, the Citizenship and Social Development Department of the Secondary School of Affiliated School of JNU for Hong Kong and Macao Students (ASJ) went to the former site of the Huangpu Military Academy to participate in the "Hundred Years, Hundred Youths, Go to Huangpu" series of commemorative activities for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Huangpu Military Academy by the Bay Area Youth.

At the invitation of the Guangdong Youth Huangpu Military Academy Promotion Association, outstanding students of ASJ were invited to visit the Huangpu Military Academy as "Young Huangpu Messengers". The students personally experienced the historical and cultural atmosphere of the Huangpu Military Academy, experienced the connotation and value of the Huangpu spirit, comprehended the essence and essence of the Huangpu spirit, and learned the Huangpu spirit.

Now, let us relive the 100-year Huangpu experience trip of the day with the ASJ Young Huangpu Messengers.

Eight ASJ Huangpu Envoys gathered at the old site of Huangpu Military Academy early in the morning, and then the Huangpu instructors formed a study team for us.

The ASJ team instructors organized the formation for this event and gave a speech to open the camp, explaining the study rules, and then all the young Huangpu Envoys marched towards the "Army Officers School".

After arriving at the "Army Officers School", the opening ceremony was officially launched under the witness of Ms. He Qing, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of the Guangdong Youth Huangpu Military Academy Cultural and Education Promotion Association, and the instructors.Everyone sang the national anthem in unison, and patriotic sentiments surged.

After the instructors awarded the camp flag and team flag to the captains of each young Huangpu envoy, the activity officially began.

During the group study activity, the instructors and young Huangpu envoys were divided into four teams, and then the Huangpu teachers explained the upcoming "Red Cotton Study" activity. After each team drew the study task card, they started the study journey at various red cultural education sites of the Huangpu Military Academy.

During the trip, guides were arranged for each team to tell the history of the Huangpu Revolution and the deeds of the martyrs. Through the method of "learning, thinking, practicing, and understanding", the young Huangpu envoys felt the Huangpu spirit of "patriotism and revolution".

The staff of the museum led the team to visit the military academy, including: the prologue hall, four exhibition halls, three calligraphy and painting exhibitions, the recruit department and the political department classroom, etc., and explained the paper documents, badges, bills, etc. on display in detail and vividly. In these mottled historical traces, the students seemed to touch that period of turbulent years and felt the strong patriotism and revolutionary spirit. Finally, each team successfully completed the "Red Cotton Study" task.

Before lunch, the Huangpu teacher explained the history and significance of the establishment of Huangpu to each team. During the period, the ASJ young Huangpu envoy was invited to the stage to exchange opinions with the Huangpu teacher and other teams. Finally, the Huangpu teacher and instructor summarized and commented on the effectiveness of the "Red Cotton Study".

In the afternoon activities, the students walked into the Huangpu Military Academy Theater and watched the large-scale light and shadow immersive stage play "Huangpu! Huangpu! ”, the play recreates the century-old story of the Huangpu Military Academy and tells the heroic, tenacious and moving stories of the martyrs. The immersive theater experience makes the students feel as if they have traveled back to the war-torn era a hundred years ago.

At the last stage, student representatives from each school, teacher representatives, Mr. He Kuiguang and Ms. He Qing from Huangpu Military Academy will take turns to speak on stage. A series of inspiring speeches perfectly promote the Huangpu spirit of "patriotism and revolution".

The captain of the ASJ Youth Huangpu Envoy came to the stage to speak. He believed that standing at the starting point of the new era, as young people, they should inherit and carry forward the Huangpu spirit, take the Huangpu martyrs as an example, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, be determined to serve the country, be brave to take on responsibilities, and work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Eight outstanding ASJ students demonstrated great enthusiasm for exploration and teamwork spirit during the event. They completed the event tasks through group discussions, collaboration, and careful preparation. In the final award ceremony, they received the "Young Huangpu Envoy" certificate.










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