

Announcement丨Head of ISALWIS 欢迎David Griffiths校长加入爱莎荔湾

09-14 08:12发布于广东


At this moment filled with hope and opportunity, ISA Liwan is delighted to announce that Mr. David Griffiths has officially joined us on 1 Sep 2024 and assumed the post of the Head of ISA Liwan International School and Co-head of ISA Wenhua Liwan School

在这个充满希望与机遇的时刻,爱莎荔湾很高兴地向大家宣布:David Griffiths先生已于2024年9月1日加入爱莎,担任广州荔湾爱莎外籍人员子女学校校长及广州荔湾爱莎文华学校联席校长。

David Griffiths

Deputy Director of School Improvement Services for ISAIEG


Head of ISA Liwan International School


Co-head of ISA Wenhua Liwan School


-Graduated from Southampton and subsequently completed his PGCE at University College Chichester (UCC).

-Possesses extensive teaching and management experience, honed through years of service in prestigious private schools across the UK. Principal of its secondary school div.

-The former Principal of The Mount School in the UK.

-The former Headmaster of Wycombe Abbey School & Director of BE Education Group.





David’s leadership has been marked by his success in school branding, academic development, pastoral care, staffing, oversight of major construction projects, and summer school organization. Under his guidance, both schools experienced significant growth in student numbers and academic achievement. David is also deeply committed to the development and promotion of extra-curricular education. Notably, he has coordinated and led student expeditions to Arctic and sub-Arctic regions, including Iceland and East Greenland, which have cultivated students' academic interests and encouraged their scholarly pursuits.

Griffiths 先生在学校品牌建设、学术发展、人文关怀、人员配置、重大建设工程督导、暑期学校开展等方面,展现出卓越的领导能力。在他的领导下,所任职的两所学校的学生人数和学术成就方面都有了显著增长。Griffiths 先生还致力于发展和推广课外教育活动。值得一提的是,他曾协调和带领学生前往包括冰岛和东格陵兰岛的北极和亚北极地区进行探险活动,这些活动有效地培养了学生们的学术兴趣,进一步激发了他们对学术的追求。

During Mr. David's previous tenure in China 2015 - 2021, he served as a technical advisor to the Chinese National Rugby Team, contributing to the objectives of the Chinese Olympic Committee. This dedication to fostering excellence and being in the service of others will remain when he joins Liwan School. As David will continue his role as a Governor at Terrington Hall Prep School, UK, and will remain active through various sub-committees of other leading independent schools in the North of England. 

2015-2021年在中国任职期间,Griffiths 先生还担任中国奥委会中国橄榄球(国家队)技术顾问,助力中国奥委会斩获佳绩。加入爱莎荔湾后,他将把追求卓越、关爱集体的精神延续下去。同时,也将继续担任英国特灵顿霍尔预备学校(Terrington Hall Prep School, UK)校监,并作为多所顶尖私立学校的小组委员会成员,为英格兰北部的教育事业贡献力量。

* David Griffiths (centre) helps promote rugby in China by coaching the national youth rugby team. David Griffiths(居中)协助指导国家青年橄榄球队,促进中国橄榄球事业。

A Global Perspective in Education


For Mr. David Griffiths, fostering a global perspective in students is key to their personal and academic growth. Having studied and worked across different continents, David believes that the diversity within international schools plays a crucial role in shaping young minds. 

对于Griffiths 先生而言,培养学生的全球视野是学生个人与学术成长的关键。在多个大洲学习和工作过的经历,使得Griffiths 先生深信国际学校中的多样性在塑造年轻心灵方面发挥着至关重要的作用。

He states:" Exposure to different cultures at a young age gives students an understanding of the world beyond their immediate environment. It allows them to appreciate diversity, respect other perspectives, and develop skills that are essential in an interconnected global society. It’s not just about the curriculum; it's about how they learn to interact with the world around them."


David also emphasizes that this global perspective doesn’t just prepare students for academic success but also builds character and leadership. "When students understand the world from multiple perspectives, they learn to be empathetic and responsible leaders," he adds.

Griffiths 先生还强调,这种全球视野不仅帮助学生在学术上取得成功,还塑造了他们的性格和领导力。他补充道:“当学生从多角度理解世界时,他们会学习成为富有同理心和责任感的领导者。”

Holistic Development Through Extracurriculars


David is a firm believer in the power of extracurricular activities for holistic development. He has long advocated for a well-rounded education that goes beyond textbooks, emphasizing sports, arts, and community service.

Griffiths 先生坚信课外活动对全面发展的重要性。他一直倡导全面的教育,认为教育不仅局限于课本,而是应强调体育、艺术和社区服务。

"Extracurriculars provide students with opportunities to discover their passions and strengths. Whether through sports, drama, or music, students learn essential life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and resilience. More importantly, they build lasting friendships that extend far beyond their school years."


David’s leadership in student expeditions to Arctic regions is a testament to his commitment to experiential learning. "These expeditions challenge students both physically and mentally, pushing them to their limits. It’s a journey of self-discovery where they learn to overcome obstacles and build a strong sense of self-reliance."

Griffiths 先生领导的学生赴北极地区探险活动,是他对体验式学习承诺的有力证明。他说道:“这些探险不仅在体力上也在心理上挑战学生,将他们推向极限。这是一段自我发现的旅程,他们学会了如何克服困难,培养了强烈的自立意识。”

Mr. David Griffiths brings a wealth of experience in both education and management. ISA Liwan is confident that David's leadership will seamlessly integrate with the existing team, leveraging his forward-thinking and global perspective to enrich ISA's strategic initiatives. We are thrilled to have him join our thriving community, and we look forward to achieving new heights under his expert guidance. Welcome, David Griffiths! We are eager to embark on this exciting journey of growth and development together.

David Griffiths先生在教育与管理领域拥有丰富的经验。爱莎荔湾深信,Griffiths 先生的领导能力将无缝融入现有团队,并利用其前瞻性和全球视野来丰富ISA的战略举措。我们非常高兴他能加入我们蓬勃发展的社区,期待在他的专业指导下实现新的高度。欢迎David Griffiths 先生!我们期待与您一起踏上这段令人兴奋的成长与发展的旅程。

Thank you for your attention and support to ISA Liwan. Be the change, make a difference. We are willing to join hands to create the future of ISA Liwan and start a new chapter.



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