

景美月圆情满丨爱莎荔湾中秋庆典回顾 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Review

09-14 08:12发布于广东



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The full moon shone brightly over ISA Liwan as we celebrated a joyous Mid-Autumn Festival, filled with laughter and festivity.


The Garden Party by the Cantonese Opera Pavilion was bustling with excitement. People gathered for traditional games like 'Huashang Pot Toss,' while up on the pavilion, melodious songs and graceful dances entertained the crowd. Beneath the full moon, this Mid-Autumn celebration not only vividly passed down Chinese traditional culture but also served as a cultural gala, bringing together Chinese and international students and teachers to celebrate youth and vitality.


Mid-Autumn Garden Party: Joy Shared Together

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At the Garden Party, the scene was illuminated by lanterns, accompanied by the sounds of wind instruments, the fun of tossing arrows into pots, and the delight of enjoying food. This atmosphere combined to create the unique Mid-Autumn rhythm of ISA Liwan. Students, teachers, and parents dressed in Hanfu joyfully roamed from one unique booth to another, brimming with excitement. They made their own lacquer fans, shared laughter while guessing lantern riddles, and indulged in the rich flavors of mooncakes.


At the 'Jade Rabbit Pot Toss' booth, participants held their breath and focused intensely, with each throw met by cheers and encouragement from the crowd. At the 'Jade Rabbit Carrot Fishing' booth, students carefully tried to fish out carrots from the water using poles. In the 'Monkey Reaching for the Moon' game, students showcased extraordinary teamwork and creativity as they used chopsticks to lift entire lemons from a basin filled with soapy water and delicately transported them to a bucket. In the 'Sandbag Tic-Tac-Toe' game, children threw sandbags into a grid, trying their best to line up three in a row.



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Beyond the games, the beauty of Chinese poetry also graced the ISA Liwan campus. Students dressed in traditional costumes gathered at the 'Flying Flowers, Poetry Gathering' booth, engaging in a Mid-Autumn-themed poetry relay. They expressed their thoughts on the moon and reunion, sharing their understanding and blessings for the festival. A special 'Parent-Child Poetry Competition' segment allowed parents and children to compete side by side, fostering a love and pride for the Chinese language in a fun and relaxing environment.


The festival was further enriched by booths showcasing exquisite handicrafts and international cuisine. We made sure everyone had a safe and enjoyable time by strictly adhering to current education policies and campus food safety regulations. Notably, 20% of the proceeds from the food booths were donated to the ISA Charity Fund, allowing everyone to enjoy the moon together and share in the spirit of giving.


Lanterns, Song, and Dance: Talents Unleashed

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爱莎荔湾的小学生们载歌载舞,创意融合醒狮与舞蹈的《奇狮妙想》博得阵阵掌声,悠扬动听的歌曲《光亮》温暖人心,音乐剧表演《Any Dream Will Do》以激昂的旋律,激励着每一个追梦的心灵;舞蹈《霍元甲》和《青玉案·元夕》以曼妙的舞姿,勾勒出一幅幅古色古香的佳节夜景;广府文化《三句半》以其诙谐幽默,让观众在欢声笑语中领略孩子们在学校的所感所悟;动感的舞蹈《Show Time》点燃了全场的激情,而歌曲《青春不打烊》传递出爱莎荔湾“活力、创新、终身学习”的教育表达。

中学生们融合了多元文化的表演也同样精彩。舞蹈《Break My Heart Myself》勇敢展现自我,联唱《上春山》悠扬祝福,古典舞《反弹琵琶》与《落》巧妙转换,展现文化融合之美,温馨演唱《童话镇》唤醒纯真梦想,律动舞蹈《跃动青春メロ》释放青春激情。经典歌曲《天空之城》引领心灵飞翔,钢琴独奏《彩云追月》演绎宁静美好。英文朗诵《水调歌头》碰撞东西方文化,舞蹈《Easy & Attention》炫目收尾。


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By the waterside at the Cantonese Opera Pavilion, the highly anticipated performance began. Students took to the stage like shining stars, expressing their youthful energy and dreams through dance, song, and poetry recitation.


Students from the Kang Youwei Memorial Primary School in Guangzhou’s Liwan District captivated the audience with their heartfelt performance of the classic Cantonese opera, "Five-Colored Lotus Platform," their every move revealing their understanding and love for Cantonese culture.


ISA Liwan’s primary school students impressed the audience with a creative blend of lion dance and contemporary dance in 'The Amazing Lion,' earning rounds of applause. The heartwarming song 'Light' touched everyone’s hearts, while the musical performance 'Any Dream Will Do' inspired all to pursue their dreams. The dances 'Huo Yuanjia' and 'Green Jade Case' elegantly depicted scenes from a festive night, while the humorous 'Three and a Half Sentences' performance gave the audience a glimpse into students' thoughts and experiences at school through wit and humor. The energetic dance 'Show Time' ignited the crowd’s passion, while the song 'Youth Never Ends' conveyed ISA Liwan’s educational philosophy of vitality, innovation, and lifelong learning.


Middle school students presented equally spectacular performances that embraced a multicultural perspective. The dance 'Break My Heart Myself' boldly expressed individuality, while the medley 'Spring Mountain' offered heartfelt blessings. The classical dances 'Strumming the Pipa' and 'Fallen' skillfully transitioned between themes, highlighting the beauty of cultural fusion. The touching song 'Fairy Tale Town' awakened pure dreams, while the rhythmic dance 'Youth Pulse' unleashed a wave of youthful energy. Classic songs like 'Castle in the Sky' inspired imagination, and the piano solo 'Clouds Chasing the Moon' captured a sense of peaceful beauty. The English recitation of 'Prelude to Water Melody' created a cultural bridge, while the performance of 'Easy & Attention' dazzled as the show’s grand finale.


The entire performance was not only a showcase of the students’ diverse talents but also a vivid demonstration of ISA Liwan’s encouragement of self-expression, cultural fusion, artistic growth, and global awareness. As the Mid-Autumn Festival celebrates reunion and dreams, it also provided an opportunity to experience the power of youth and pursue well-rounded development.

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ISA Liwan remains committed to holistic education. Through a variety of events, students experience the charm of traditional culture while developing teamwork, creativity, and cross-cultural communication skills. Through the integration and collision of different cultures, students grow happily, learn through participation, and lay a solid foundation for their future academic and personal lives.

As the moonlight and lanterns intertwined, all the teachers and students at ISA Liwan, both Chinese and international, came together to celebrate, creating unforgettable campus memories. Year after year, ISA Liwan hopes to continue sharing the beauty of a moonlit campus with you."


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