
捷报 | Gabrielle Lei在John Locke全球英文写作比赛中荣获殊荣



喜报 Congratulations!

热烈祝贺AIC学生Gabrielle Lei同学在John Locke Institute 2024 Global Essay Prize全球英文写作比赛中获得佳绩,成功入围“Theology

”主题类别的shortlist(入围名单)。在全球超过34,000名参赛者中,脱颖而出,荣获Very High Commendation,这一奖项仅次于冠亚季军展现了Gabrielle同学卓越的学术能力与批判性思维。

Congratulations to AIC student Gabrielle Lei for her outstanding achievement in the John Locke Institute 2024 Global Essay Prize competition. Gabrielle successfully made the shortlist in the "Theology" category. Out of over 34,000 participants globally, Gabrielle stood out and earned a Very High Commendation, an award just below the top three winners. Her remarkable performance in such a highly competitive environment demonstrates her exceptional academic ability and critical thinking skills.

赛事背景 Background of the Competition

John Locke Institute 2024 Global Essay Prizes 是一项面向全球中学生和高中生的学术写作竞赛,旨在通过写作鼓励年轻人深入思考哲学、政治、经济学、历史、心理学、神学等学科领域的复杂问题。参赛者可以根据自己的兴趣选择题目,撰写学术论文,并有机会赢得荣誉。该比赛不仅为学生提供了展示写作才能和批判性思维的舞台,同时也帮助他们为未来的学术生涯奠定基础。

此项比赛牛津大学有着紧密的合作。John Locke Institute通过与牛津大学及其学院的协作,进一步提升了比赛的学术影响力。许多相关的讲座和学术活动在牛津大学校园内举行,获奖者也有机会受邀参加在牛津大学举办的特别活动。这种合作为参赛者创造了与世界学者和学术机构互动的宝贵机会,使得比赛不仅是一场学术挑战,也成为通向全球学术圈的桥梁。

The John Locke Institute 2024 Global Essay Prizes is a prestigious academic writing competition open to high school and secondary school students worldwide. It aims to encourage young people to engage deeply with complex issues in fields such as philosophy, politics, economics, history, psychology, and theology through essay writing. Participants can choose from a range of topics based on their interests and submit an academic essay, with the opportunity to gain recognition. This competition provides students with a platform to showcase their writing skills and critical thinking, while also laying a foundation for their future academic careers.

The competition has close ties with Oxford University. Through collaboration with Oxford University and its colleges, the John Locke Institute enhances the competition's academic prestige. Many of the lectures and academic events related to the competition take place on the Oxford campus, and prize winners may be invited to participate in special events held at the university. This collaboration offers participants a unique opportunity to interact with world-renowned scholars and academic institutions, making the competition not only an academic challenge but also a bridge to the global academic elite.

Gabrielle 的参赛作品

Gabrielle的参赛作品《Why Should We Not Thank God for His Protection: Social Caused Harm by God’s Evil Intention》探讨了上帝意图与人类感恩之间的复杂关系。她在文章中分析了自然灾害和社会因素导致的伤害之间的区别,并提出了在某些情况下,感恩的必要性可能需要进一步审视。作品通过两部分展开:

  • 自然灾害的类型:Gabrielle区分了基本自然灾害和由社会因素诱发的自然灾害,认为社会因素引发的伤害可能不应简单归结为感恩的理由。

  • 上帝的初衷与社会影响:她进一步探讨了上帝在创造世界时的初衷,特别是关于社会条件和累积影响的问题,提出在某些情况下,早期的不公可能会影响后续救赎的意义。


Gabrielle's essay, “Why Should We Not Thank God for His Protection: Social Caused Harm by God’s Evil Intention”, explores the complex relationship between God's intentions and human gratitude. In her essay, she analyzes the distinction between natural disasters and harm caused by social factors, suggesting that in certain cases, the necessity of expressing gratitude may need to be reconsidered. The essay is structured around two key points:

  • Types of Natural Disasters: Gabrielle differentiates between basic natural disasters and those induced by social factors, arguing that harm caused by social influences may not necessarily warrant gratitude.

  • God's Intentions and Social Impact: She further examines God's initial intentions in creating the world, particularly concerning social conditions and cumulative effects, proposing that in some cases, early injustices may affect the significance of subsequent acts of salvation.

Through rigorous philosophical and theological analysis, Gabrielle critically evaluates the traditional notion of gratitude in classical theology, demonstrating her deep reflection on ethical and social issues.









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