

喜讯丨剑桥国际考评部正式授权,爱莎荔湾又添权威认证!CAIE Authorisation

10-08 08:15发布于广东


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经过严格审查和全面评估后,爱莎荔湾正式获得世界权威教育机构英国剑桥大学国际考评部(Cambridge Assessment International Education,以下简称“剑桥国际”)的授权认证,授权代码CX279,成为CAIE授权的IGCSE及A Level教学与考试中心,为爱莎荔湾学子增添全新助力!

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We are thrilled to announce that, following rigorous scrutiny and comprehensive evaluation, ISA Liwan has officially received authorization from Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE), a globally renowned educational institution affiliated with the University of Cambridge.

With authorization code CX279, ISA Liwan is now an officially authorized IGCSE and A Level teaching and examination centre, further empowering our students!

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As one of the most influential and trusted international education and examination bodies, CAIE conducted an extensive review of ISA Liwan based on five key dimensions and 27 assessment criteria. These include a clear mission and educational values, a learner-centred teaching environment, high-quality curriculum planning, sufficient resources and qualified staff support, a positive learning environment with appropriate teaching facilities, and a commitment to strict health, safety, and child protection regulations.

This accreditation not only underscores ISA Liwan's educational strength and international recognition of its educational management but also provides a wealth of high-quality teaching and assessment resources to support the future development of our international students.

Comprehensive International Curricula 


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在此之前,爱莎荔湾已成功获得IB DP和MYP授权,同时,也获得了爱德思考试局(Edexcel)IGCSE/A Level、AP课程和培生BTEC(Pearson BTEC)的授权,为学生提供了通往世界名校的多元途径。


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Prior to this, ISA Liwan successfully obtained IB DP and MYP authorization, meaning students can receive high-quality education recognized by the International Baccalaureate Organization. ISA Liwan is also an authorized IGCSE and A Level center under Edexcel, and the school holds AP and Pearson BTEC authorization, providing multiple pathways to world-renowned universities.


Since its founding, ISA Liwan has been committed to providing high-quality holistic education, aiming to cultivate future innovators and policymakers of the world. The achievement of the full accreditation in mainstream international curricula not only demonstrates ISA Liwan's comprehensiveness and professionalism in international education but also offers students a diverse range of international course options, allowing them to explore their strengths and choose the right courses and pathways for their future academic plans.


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ISA Liwan will continue to deepen cooperation and exchanges with internationally recognized educational institutions, actively introducing more quality educational resources, enhancing the quality of education and teaching standards, while focusing on cultivating students' global perspectives, innovative spirit, and practical skills.

About Cambridge Assessment International Education



剑桥国际所颁发的IGCSE、A Level等证书,在学生升学与就业方面具有极高的国际认可度,可凭借其申请入读包括美国、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大及其他国家或地区的著名大学。

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CAIE is one of the world’s largest providers of international education, affiliated with the University of Cambridge. As a leading global nonprofit organization for international examinations and certifications, CAIE’s course design is meticulously crafted to offer students a variety of choices that cater to the educational needs of different countries and regions worldwide, while ensuring both rigour and cultural diversity. 

The IGCSE and A Level certificates issued by CAIE are highly recognized internationally in both higher education and employment, enabling students to apply to prestigious universities in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and other countries or regions.

✓课程选择灵活:IGCSE和A Level课程提供广泛的科目选择,学生可以根据自己的兴趣和未来规划自由搭配课程,实现个性化学习。



✓为海外学习做准备:IGCSE和A Level课程为学生进入海外大学打下坚实基础。部分A Level科目的优秀成绩甚至可以转换为大学学分,减轻学生的学业负担。


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✓Flexible Course Selection: IGCSE and A Level offer a wide range of subjects, allowing students to tailor their learning based on personal interests and future plans, creating a personalized learning experience.

✓Diverse Assessment Methods: CAIE’s assessments go beyond written exams, including oral tests, practicals, projects, and coursework, ensuring a comprehensive and fair evaluation of students' learning achievements.

✓Quality Assurance in Teaching: Authorised schools undergo rigorous supervision and quality checks from Cambridge International to ensure world-class teaching standards. In addition, Cambridge International provides extensive professional development resources and support for teachers.

✓Preparation for Overseas Study: IGCSE and A Level courses lay a solid foundation for students aiming to attend overseas universities. Excellent scores in some A Level subjects may even be converted into university credits, reducing students’ academic workload.

✓Promoting Holistic Development: CAIE’s curriculum is designed to foster critical thinking, communication, teamwork, and other essential skills that benefit students in both future study and work.

接受A Level成绩申请的全球前100大学名单



Open Day

We sincerely invite you to participate in the ISA Liwan Open Day and Trial Lessons on 19th October. You will witness firsthand how Holistic Education launches an extraordinary journey of exploration for children, and together we will witness the moment when children's dreams take flight!


International High School


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11-12年级开设IBDP、A Level、艺术、DSE等不同课程项目供学生选择,并为学有余力的学生开设AP选修课程,帮助每个学生找到适合自己的课程项目,通往世界名校。

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The International High School of ISA Liwan offers a wide range of curriculum options for students from grade 9 to 12. Under the framework of IB, the high school encourages and respects the differences of students, and provides the most suitable education programme for each individual. 

Built upon the IB framework, students of G9-G10 will study the IGCSE integration programme, enabling improvements in the subject foundation, learning skills and getting to know a wide range of subjects. It is to help students to find out their interests and passions and set up the preparation for G11 and G12. 

Grades 11-12 offer different courses such as IBDP, A Level, Art and DSE for students to choose from, and AP elective courses for students who have spare time to learn more. Each student can find a suitable curriculum to lead to a world-famous university.

ISA Liwan provides a one-stop service assisting students to achieve their dreams in global top universities and prepare them becoming a lifelong learner for future study and life.

Outstanding Performance of Our Graduates


2023 First Graduate  


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In 2023, 34 first ISA graduates received 252 admissions from prestigious universities around the world, including the UK, Hong Kong, the US, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Singapore, and others, with a total of approximately 1.52 million US dollars in scholarships. 30% of students were admitted to the top 30 global universities in QS rankings, and 100% of students were admitted to the top 100 universities or top 100 majors in QS rankings.

2024 ISA Liwan Graduate Performance 

2024 爱莎荔湾毕业生录取成果

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- 66%学生获QS全球前20院校录取,88%学生获QS全球前50院校录取;

- 获得剑桥大学录取(广州地区五所学校之一)获得英国G5大学录取共19枚;

- 新加坡方向,获新加坡国立大学、南洋理工大学录取;

- 中国内地方向获得清华、北大录取;

- 中国香港方向前三顶尖名校共34枚录取,香港院校申请者延续100%录取的优异记录

- 美国方向,获美本排名第9的约翰霍普金斯大学录取,获美本排名第15的加州大学洛杉矶分校录取,获享有⌈南方哈佛⌋ 美名的范德堡大学录取,获与麻省理工、加州理工并称为美国理工学院三巨头的佐治亚理工学院录取等。

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As of 19 August, 2024, 62 prospective graduates in 2024 have received: A total of 560 offers from countries and regions including the UK, the USA, China (Mainland & HK), Canada, Australia, with a total scholarship of approximately 5.12 million US dollars.

Highlights of ISAIEG Student Offers in 2024:

- 66% of students have received offers to QS Top 20 universities, and 88% of students have received offers to QS Top 50 universities;

- According to available data, ISA has the distinction of being one of the five schools in Guangzhou to secure an acceptance to the University of Cambridge; the UK direction has received 19 offers from G5 universities

- Singapore direction has received offers from National University of Singapore & Nanyang Technological University

- Mainland of China direction has received offers from Tsinghua University, Peking University, etc

- The China (Hong Kong) direction has received 34 offers from Top 3 University in HK, offers from HK continue excellent record of 100% admission;

- The USA direction has received offer from Johns Hopkins University (US News #15), offer from University of California, Los Angeles, offers from Vanderbilt University, which enjoys the reputation of Harvard University of the Southern US, and Georgia Institute of Technology (one of the ‘Big Three’ engineering schools), etc.

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ISA Liwan Graduates

ISA Liwan Graduates


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If you are interested and excited about the whole person approach to international education at ISA Liwan, and would like to learn more about how to develop our children into confident, independent and lifelong learners, you are welcome to contact our professional admissions:


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