喜讯 | 我校荣获苹果杰出学校认证
We are excited to announce that ISA Science City has achieved the Distinguished Apple School Accreditation! This recognition highlights our commitment to educational innovation and excellence since our founding in 2020. By integrating Apple’s advanced hardware and software into our teaching and learning practices, we have created an environment that maximizes support for both student learning and staff productivity.
On last Wednesday, we had the honor of welcoming Mr. Harry Wang, Apple's Director of Business Development for the Education Industry in China, who presented the Apple Distinguished School certificate to our Head of School, Mr. Paul Bawden. This momentous occasion not only celebrates our achievements but also opens the door to a wealth of opportunities for our school community.
上周三,我们荣幸地迎来了苹果公司中国教育行业业务发展总监Harry Wang先生的莅临。在这意义非凡的时刻,Harry Wang先生亲自向校长Paul Bawden先生颁发了苹果杰出学校的官方证书。这场仪式不仅是对我们既有成就的热烈庆祝,更是为我们学校大家庭开启了一扇通往无限科技与探索可能的大门。
Receiving this accreditation comes with significant advantages that will enhance our educational offerings:
ISASC is now recognized for its leadership and excellence in educational innovation, placing us at the forefront of similar institutions worldwide. This recognition ensures that we provide an efficient and convenient teaching and learning environment for our teachers and students
学校在教育创新、领导力以及卓越成就等方面备受高度认可,其在相关 APP 的使用和管理上更是达到世界同类学校的先进水平,为师生提供高效、便捷的教学与学习环境。
Our students will have the invaluable opportunity to participate in the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), where they will be exposed to cutting-edge technological trends and innovative ideas. This experience will expand their horizons and stimulate their creativity.
学生拥有参与 WWDC 苹果全球开发大会的宝贵机会,能够接触到全球顶尖的科技动态和创新理念,拓展视野,激发创造力。
As an Apple Distinguished School, we will have priority access to Apple’s advancements, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence. This will enable us to keep our teaching aligned with the latest technological developments, providing our students with forward-looking educational resources.
学校可优先获取苹果在先进领域的成果分享,尤其是在 AI 领域,使教学紧跟科技前沿,为学生提供更具前瞻性的教育资源。
Our educators will have the chance to participate in Apple’s global ADE seminars, allowing them to learn from and share experiences with outstanding educators worldwide. This collaboration will continuously enhance their teaching standards and professionalism.
学校老师有机会参加苹果全球 ADE 研讨会,与世界各地的杰出教育工作者相互学习、分享经验,不断提升教学水平和专业素养。
The accreditation will significantly improve the technological literacy of both our teachers and students, laying a solid foundation for future learning and career development.
We aim to promote active participation and cooperation between the school, parents, enterprises, and the community. This collaboration will strengthen communication and enhance our school’s social influence.
Students who excel in the National Mobile Innovation Competition will have the chance to participate in WWDC, providing them with a broader platform for development.
学校学生若在全国移动创新赛中获奖,将有机会参与 WWDC 苹果全球开发者大会,为学生提供更广阔的发展平台。
As we celebrate this significant milestone, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated staff, supportive parents, and enthusiastic students. Together, we have built a thriving educational community committed to excellence and innovation. We are excited about the future and the opportunities that lie ahead as we continue to harness the power of technology to enrich the educational journey for all.
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