
开启通往世界的任意门 | FCG国际文化节圆满落幕




Experiential learning goes beyond just developing language skills; it also involves exploring the rich cultures that shape those languages. This approach helps students become open-minded individuals who can appreciate diverse cultures. On October 25, the FCG International Culture Festival successfully concluded, offering students a "telescope" to view the world and helping them open the "dimension door" to new experiences. 

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借此机会,我们很荣幸地宣布,广州斐特思已获得“苹果杰出学校认证”!在这意义非凡的时刻,苹果公司中国教育行业业务发展总监Harry Wang先生亲自向中方总校长郑雷女士及外方总校长Jeroen Gakes先生颁发了苹果杰出学校的官方证书。作为一所注重创新和科技赋能课堂的学校,这是对我们矢志不渝追求卓越教育、创新精神的肯定。未来,广州斐特思将继续以开放的心态拥抱新科技,致力于为学子创造探索解决问题的多种可能途径,构筑全方位促进学生潜能释放的教学环境。

We take this opportunity to announce that FCG has achieved the Apple Distinguished School Accreditation! On this remarkable occasion, Mr. Harry Wang, Apple's Director of Business Development for the Education Industry in China, presented the official Certificate of Apple Distinguished School to the Heads of College, Mr. Jeroen Gakes, and Ms. Julie Zheng. This recognition highlights our commitment to excellence and innovation as a school that focuses on innovation and technology-enabled education. In the future, FCG will continue to embrace new technologies with an open mind, committed to creating multiple possible ways for students to explore and solve problems and building a comprehensive teaching environment to promote the full potential of our students.

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A Bite of the World


With the support of parent volunteers, the International Culture Festival features 23 food booths showcasing unique flavors from around the globe, including the UK, Italy, France, Mexico, India, Turkey, Thailand, Japan, and Korea. In addition, representative dishes from various regions of China—such as Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong, Fujian, Hunan, Hakka, Chaoshan, Northeast, Xinjiang, Yunnan, and Hainan cuisines—highlight the rich diversity of Chinese culinary traditions for festival-goers. 

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While foreign teachers explore China, 

FCG students discover the world. 


Through delicious cuisine, 

we celebrate the richness of global cultures. 


Interpret the Mystery of the Book


Books are like time machines, enabling readers to traverse time and space to explore the beauty of the world. Children share bilingual stories and use role-playing to bring book characters to life. Dressed in creative costumes, they embody classic characters, showcasing their understanding of the stories in an engaging way. Through this experience, they not only celebrate friendship and family ties but also learn the values of bravery and honesty. 

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Two students from the Secondary School shared their personal growth journeys with the audience, illustrating how they challenge themselves and become better individuals through the power of innovation. 

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Book Recommendation Exhibition

“对人类,阅读是对文化精神的集体守望;对个体,阅读是一种弥补差距的向上之力;对生命,阅读是一条通向幸福的重要通道,是构建幸福精神世界的根本途径。” 为鼓励同学们从小培养对阅读的热爱,本次书籍推荐展云集了全校同学们最想推荐的珍藏好书,愿每一个孩子都能与书为友,用眼界到达脚步无法丈量的地方。

Reading is a profound reflection of life and a collective glimpse into the human spirit. For individuals, it serves as a force that helps bridge gaps; for life, it is a vital pathway to happiness and a foundation for building a joyful inner world. To encourage students to develop a love of reading from an early age, the book recommendation exhibition showcased the titles most recommended by students across the school. We hope every child can form a lasting friendship with books. 

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The International Culture Festival has come to a successful close, but the students' journey into diverse cultures and their passion for reading will continue. FCG remains committed to helping students gain a deeper understanding of various cultures through interdisciplinary learning and enhancing their cross-cultural communication skills. This is just the beginning of their journey toward broader horizons. 

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广州斐特思摄影社团 Georgii, John, William同学



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