家校携手,共筑教育梦想 | 爱莎荔湾国际教育园区家委会会议回顾 Home-School Partnership
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会议伊始,荔湾爱莎国际教育园区总校长霍剑华先生和外籍校长David Griffiths先生在欢迎致辞中对家长的到来表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢。他们深刻阐述了家校合作在孩子成长道路上的重要性和必要性。霍校指出,在爱莎荔湾这样多元⽂化融合的学习社区,致力于为学生提供全人教育的融合课程,培养具有民族根基与国际情怀的终身学习者和负责任公民,基于这样的情怀理念,家委会的成立与壮大,无疑为学校与家庭之间搭建了一座坚实的桥梁,共同书写着家校共育的新篇章。
On the 23rd, ISA Liwan Campus held its Parent Support Group meeting, marking the beginning of a new chapter in home-school collaboration and serving as a significant step towards deepening cooperation and promoting educational innovation.
At the start of the meeting, Mr. Tony Huo, Head of ISA Liwan Campus, and Mr. David Griffiths, Head of ISA Liwan International School and Co-Principal of ISA Wenhua Liwan School, warmly welcomed the parents and expressed their sincere gratitude for their attendance. They emphasized the vital role of home-school collaboration in children’s development. Mr. Huo highlighted that, in a multicultural learning community like ISA Liwan, the goal is to provide students with a holistic education through an integrated curriculum, nurturing lifelong learners and responsible citizens with both national roots and international perspectives. He noted that the establishment of the Parent Support Group serves as a strong bridge between the school and families, enabling them to continue shaping a new chapter in collaborative education.
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The meeting brought together representatives from various divisions, each with diverse professional backgrounds. Despite their varied experiences, they all share a commitment to education and a deep concern for the children’s well-being. The representatives expressed their dedication to leveraging their strengths and actively fulfilling their roles on the Parent Support Group, thereby serving as a vital link between the school and families and contributing to the growth and education of the students. Their speeches provided insightful analyses of the current educational landscape and articulated hopeful visions for future cooperation, showcasing the limitless possibilities and broad prospects of home-school partnerships.
Amidst warm applause, Mr. Li Haihong was elected Chair of the Parent Support Group, recognised for his impressive personal background, extensive parenting experience, and exceptional leadership skills. Mr. Li shared that his children had attended top public schools in Guangzhou during their primary and middle school years before transitioning to international education at the high school level. This experience has given him valuable insights into both domestic and international education, enabling him to better support and coordinate the work of the Parent Support Group for both domestic and international students.
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Following the election, the school presented appointment letters to the new Parent Support Group members and organized a group photo session. This gesture not only served as formal recognition of the new members but also conveyed the school’s hopeful expectations for future home-school cooperation. The committee members expressed their commitment to meeting these expectations, diligently fulfilling their responsibilities, and contributing positively to the growth of the school and its students.
The working meeting continued in a relaxed and engaging atmosphere. The school outlined the structure of both the campus-wide Parent Support Group and the divisional Parent Support Group, detailing the division of responsibilities among the campus committee’s leadership team. Additionally, the school provided an overview of several large-scale events planned for the academic year, offering the new committee members a clearer understanding of their roles and the school’s upcoming activities.
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The meeting concluded on a warm and enthusiastic note, but the journey of home-school collaboration has only just begun. ISA Liwan firmly believes that a strong home-school partnership is essential to achieving educational goals. The school will continue to enhance communication and collaboration with the Parent Support Group, jointly exploring new models and pathways for cooperation to provide students with higher quality and more comprehensive educational resources.
Looking ahead, ISA Liwan remains committed to its original mission and will continue to make strides in advancing home-school collaboration. With the joint efforts of parents and the school, students will thrive under the nurturing care of love and wisdom, growing into future leaders with national sentiments and an international outlook. The school also encourages more parents and community members to join in this collaboration, contributing to the growth and education of the children and together writing an even more brilliant chapter in education.
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The inaugural Parent Support Group meeting not only reflects ISA Liwan’s dedication to and determination in fostering home-school collaboration but also provides an opportunity to reflect and look ahead. Let us work hand in hand, continuously advancing along the path of education, and together pave a road of growth filled with love and hope for our children’s future.
