




Scoring 113 on the TOEFL, passing the IELTS test on her first attempt, self-studying for AP exams, winning numerous international competition awards, and securing internships in a range of different industries: Rita, a Fettes College Guangzhou full scholarship recipient, is known for her outstanding academic performance in science subjects, boundless energy, and not following the beaten path. 

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Find a Suitable Learning Soil

在转入广州斐特思前,Rita曾就读于一所学习模式较为传统的学校:“AP方向的升学非常需要学生能够自主探索学习,当我发现一板一眼的教学方式已不再带给我更多提升时,便开始主动寻找更适合我的学习环境。” Rita渴望追求一片能够自由探索的学习土壤,让注重理解与实践的教学风格给予她在学术上的更多可能性。

Before transferring to FCG, Rita studied at a school with a more traditional learning mode however found she needed an educational setting where she could explore freely, where the teaching style which focused on understanding and practice, and would open up more academic possibilities. "The AP program requires students to explore and learn independently. When I found that the standardized teaching method could no longer improve me, I sought a more suitable learning environment."

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“在上博文老师的物理课前,我很难想象会有老师课后作业只布置一道题。但这一道题往往是非常经典的、涵盖了今天一整堂课的知识点,甚至能够激发我去自发探索更多题目以外的知识。相比起用刷题巩固所学的知识,这种注重培养解题思维的教学模式更让我受益。” Rita分享道。更让她感到惊喜的是,即使是学习微观物理等较为抽象的知识内容,老师也经常带着他们去做各种不同的小实验,通过观察帮助学生真正理解物理公式的概念。“有时候感觉博文老师像一台题目智库,每当他在生活中看见了什么有趣的现象,就会立刻联想到对应物理知识的题目分享给我们,特别好玩。”

"Before taking Mr. Bowen's physics class, I couldn't imagine a teacher who would only assign one question for homework after class. But it was always a classic one that covered the entirety of the day's lesson and even sparked me to explore more knowledge beyond the assigned problem. This teaching approach emphasised problem-solving skills so was more beneficial to me than using endless exercises to reinforce what was learned,” Rita shared. What surprised her was that, even when learning abstract concepts such as microphysics. Mr. Bowen often took students to do various small experiments, helping them understand the concepts of physical formulas through observation. "Sometimes it feels like Mr. Bowen is a subject encyclopedia. Whenever he sees something interesting in life, he immediately connects it to a corresponding physics problem and shares it with us. It's really fun," she said. 

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Unlock the Infinite Possibilities of 

After-school Exploration

如果说是不服输的性格使得Rita对理科学习保持着极大的兴趣,那么善良与乐于助人的天性则促使她对人文社科议题进行深入探究与积极实践。几年前,Rita对女性主义和女性权益等议题逐渐发展出浓厚的研究兴趣,想要创建一个“卫生巾互助盒”项目的想法逐步成形。“其实这个想法已经在我脑海中生根发芽很久了,我甚至为此写了二十多页的项目方案书,但一直没有找到机会实践。我很庆幸斐特思的老师们都很愿意倾听我的想法,也给我提了很多建议,鼓励和推动着我想方设法去将一个还是雏形的想法真正落地。” 提起这个项目,Rita仍然深受感动:在老师们的帮助下,她召集起一群志同道合的同学,一起尝试着向学校的后勤部门寻求帮助、学习如何与卫生巾品牌供应商洽谈赞助合作。尽管这个项目由于忙碌的申请季到来而不得不暂时中止,但这向前迈出的一步对Rita而言意义非凡:“哪怕我的项目还未能在学校里真正落地,这其中的经历已让我收获良多。现在我有勇气确信,在将来、在某一个地方,我会继续推动这个项目的发展,让我心中那份小小的善意真正造福于有需要的女性。”

Her empathetic and altruistic nature led Rita to delve into social and human science issues and she developed a strong interest in women's rights. From this the idea of creating a "sanitary napkin mutual aid box" project was formed. "The idea has been rooted in my mind for a long time. I even wrote a 20-page project proposal book, but I never found an opportunity to put it into practice. I am very fortunate that the teachers at FCG were willing to listen to my ideas and gave me many suggestions. They encouraged and pushed me to find ways to make a still-nascent idea a reality." With the help of teachers, she gathered a group of like-minded classmates and sought help from the school's logistics department, and she learned how to negotiate sponsorship cooperation with sanitary napkin brand suppliers. Although the project had to be paused due to the busy university application season, this forward step was significant. Most importantly, I learned that if you have an idea, you should have the courage to put it into practice." 

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“更重要的是,我在斐特思学到了有想法就勇敢去实践。” 在今年5月,为对感兴趣的国家非物质文化遗产“女书”进行深入研究,Rita与朋友结伴踏上了前往湖南江永调研学习的道路。在那里,她探寻女书的起源与存在意义,向当地女书传人学习如何书写与保护这一独特文字,研究女书与父权制社会产生的联系、女书在父权制社会的发展及影响。

In May of this year, Rita set out on a research trip to Jiangyong, Hunan, with her friends to study the national nonmaterial cultural heritage of Nüshu. There, she explored the origins and significance of Nüshu, learning from local inheritors how to write and protect this unique script, and while studying the connection between Nüshu and patriarchal society, its development, and impact. 

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As an energetic Slash Youth, Rita has already had several internships across different fields: conducting background checks for academic summits at the Yale Center in Beijing, doing market research for a non-heritage products company, and operating new media accounts at the Digital Humanities Center at Peking University. Rita admits, "It was difficult to balance university applications and internships during the busy application season. Fortunately, I had guidance from the school University Guidance Officers who helped me manage my time effectively preparing for future study while exploring a bigger and more real world."

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Looking back at the growth path at FCG, Rita is very grateful for persuading her parents and bravely travelling alone from Northeast China to Guangzhou to pursue her studies: "FCG has given me the warmth of home and  provided me with the space to explore many academic and non-academic interests freely; it is a place that  has teachers who listen to me and encourage me, as well as more like-minded friends who progress together." 

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A young woman who refuses to be defined and bravely pursues freedom and love, is still growing. Rita hopes more classmates will be able to follow their dreams and use courage and pure passion to write new and brilliant chapters. 

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