新星闪耀 | 我校学子在2024世界机器人大赛选拔赛斩获佳绩,荣耀归来
这份荣誉不仅属于他们个人,更是我校ECA 3D代码虚拟编程竞赛班课程教学成果的有力证明和我校在科技教育领域不断探索创新的辉煌见证。
世界机器人大赛由中国电子学会主办,包括选拔赛、锦标赛和总决赛,围绕科研类、技能类、科普类设置相关竞赛项目。大赛自 2019年连续得到国家自然科学基金委员会的指导,2020年连续入围教育部办公厅公布的面向中小学生的全国性竞赛活动名单,并实现了多个竞赛项目的大赛成绩国际互认。
自2015年以来,WRC世界机器人大赛吸引了全球20多个国家,20余万名对机器人感兴趣的选手在赛场上巅峰对决,被誉为机器人界的 “奥林匹克”。其中,ICode太空探险挑战赛作为世界机器人大赛的重要组成部分,为孩子们提供了一个展现自我、拓展视野的绝佳平台。
ICode国际青少年编程竞赛是由ICode组委会发起的一项公益性质的全球竞赛,旨在为全球 6-18 岁青少年提供优秀的编程学习内容,普及编程知识,培养他们对计算机编程的兴趣,帮助建立计算思维。其证书具有一定的含金量,能为参赛者的未来发展提供帮助。
在学校积极开展编程教育的背景下,3D代码虚拟编程竞赛班为同学们开启了通往科技世界的大门,蔡同学和廖同学因此踏上了 2024 WRC世界机器人大赛ICode太空探险挑战赛的征程。
赛前,他们在课堂上努力学习。课程从基础编程知识起步,涵盖变量、数据类型、逻辑结构等内容,并通过实际操作让他们理解如何用代码控制机器人。面对 ICode 大赛,他们深入研究规则,在模拟太空环境中不断尝试优化算法,只为让机器人更高效收集能量。团队协作中,他们根据各自优势分工,共同攻克难题。
比赛开始后,选手们需要在 60 分钟内完成 30 道题。他们在各自的电脑前紧张而有序地进行编程,现场气氛紧张而热烈。在比赛的最后阶段,选手们有的陷入思考,有的面对难题无从下手,有的在思考如何优化代码以取得更好的成绩。但无论结果如何,他们都在这个赛场上留下了光辉足迹。
小组合作项目中,廖同学所在小组接到任务:在有限时间内控制 Dev 收集尽可能多的能量。小组同学们积极讨论,廖启铭凭借对循环结构的深入理解,提出设置多层循环来控制机器人在不同区域进行搜索的方案。在实施过程中,遇到了机器人在边界区域判断失误的问题,小组成员们共同分析代码,发现是循环条件设置不够严谨。经过修改,机器人能够准确地在整个场景中高效收集能量,小组顺利完成任务,同学们也在合作中加深了对编程知识的理解。
经过在 3D 代码虚拟编程竞赛班的学习与实践,同学们都收获满满。在编程知识与技能方面,他们熟练掌握了 Python 语言的基本语法和常用编程技巧,能够灵活运用变量、数据类型、逻辑运算符、循环结构和条件判断等知识编写复杂程序。在控制 Dev 收集能量的任务中,他们能够根据不同场景快速编写高效代码,实现精准控制。
在这里,不得不提到学校的 ECA 课程。ECA(Extra-Curricular Activities)课程丰富多样,为学生提供了广泛的兴趣选择和发展机会。在编程教育方面,ECA课程与3D代码虚拟编程竞赛班相互补充,共同为学生打造了一个全面的科技学习环境。
ECA 课程中的编程相关活动,让学生在课余时间能够进一步深入探索编程世界。这些活动不仅提供了更多的实践机会,还促进了学生之间的交流与合作。通过参与 ECA 课程的编程活动,学生们能够拓宽视野,接触到不同的编程项目和挑战,激发他们的创新思维和解决问题的能力。
In the ICode Space Adventure Challenge Creative Python Match of the 2024 World Robotics Competition Selection, two of our students, Cai and Liao, won the second prize of the Guangzhou Selection with their solid programming skills and excellent teamwork.
ICode Space Adventure Challenge
The World Robotics Competition, organised by the Chinese Institute of Electronics, consists of selection rounds, championships and finals, and sets up relevant competition items around scientific research, skills and popular science. The competition has been continuously guided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China since 2019, and has been continuously shortlisted in the list of national competitions for primary and secondary school students announced by the General Office of the Ministry of Education in 2020, and has realised international mutual recognition of the competition results of a number of competition items.
ICode International Youth Programming Contest is a global competition initiated by the ICode organising committee for public welfare, aiming to provide excellent programming learning content for 6-18 year olds around the world, to popularise programming knowledge, to cultivate their interest in computer programming, and to help build computational thinking. Its certificate has a certain degree of gold, which can help the future development of the participants.
Getting your foot in the door of a programming competition
Against the backdrop of active programming education in schools, the 3D Code Virtual Programming Competition class opened the door to the world of science and technology for the students. As a result, Cai and Liao embarked on the ICode Space Adventure Challenge at the 2024 WRC World Robotics Competition.
Before the competition, they worked hard in the classroom. The course started with basic programming knowledge, covering variables, data types, logic structures, etc., and gave them an understanding of how to control their robots with code through practical exercises. In the ICode competition, they studied the rules in depth and tried to optimise their algorithms in a simulated space environment, just to make their robots collect energy more efficiently. In teamwork, they divided the work according to their own strengths and worked together to solve the problems.
When the competition started, the contestants had to complete 30 questions within 60 minutes. They programmed in front of their computers in an intense and orderly manner, and the atmosphere of the scene was tense and warm. But no matter what the result was, they all left a glorious footprint on this field.
3D Code Virtual Programming Course
In the in-school 3D Code Virtual Programming programme, the class is conducted in the form of unique task levels. Students use block codes to control the actions of the robots in the level to complete a variety of required tasks.
In the group cooperation project, Liao's group was given the task of controlling Dev to collect as much energy as possible within a limited time. The students in the group actively discussed the problem, and Qiming Liao, with his in-depth understanding of the loop structure, proposed to set up multi-layer loops to control the robot to search in different areas. In the process of implementation, the robot encountered the problem of misjudgment in the boundary area. The team members analysed the code together and found that the loop conditions were not set rigorously enough. After modification, the robot was able to accurately and efficiently collect energy in the whole scene, the group successfully completed the task, and the students also deepened their understanding of programming knowledge through cooperation.
Faced with various problems in the programming process, such as abnormal robot movement, substandard energy collection, etc., they were able to analyse them calmly and apply their knowledge and debugging skills to locate the root cause of the problem and solve it quickly. Whether it is to optimise the robot path or to improve the efficiency of energy collection, they can always come up with unique solutions, showing the potential of innovation.
It is important to mention the school's ECA (Extra-Curricular Activities) programme, which is rich and varied and offers students a wide choice of interests and opportunities for development. Programming-related activities in the ECA programme allow students to further explore the world of programming in depth outside of school hours. By engaging in programming activities in the ECA programme, students are able to broaden their horizons and stimulate their creative thinking and problem-solving skills.
ASJ will continue to lead students to challenge themselves and raise their level in various science and technology competitions, striving for more brilliant results!
