AIC Art Exhibition
· IGCSE 艺术展 ·
在AIC,创造力没有局限。本学期,我们才华满满的IGCSE艺术学生致上充满魅力的2024艺术展,以“Landscape | 景观”为主题。在Ms. Jasmine的指导下,学生们开始了一场发现、探索和艺术实验的旅程。他们研究了艺术家Tarsila、Christa的作品风格,实验各种不同的艺术媒介,最终创作了意义深远的作品,体现他们作为艺术家的成长。
At AIC, creativity has no limits. This semester, our amazing IGCSE Art students are thrilled to present the 2024 Art Exhibition, themed “Landscape.” Guided by Ms. Jasmine, the students embarked on an inspiring journey of discovery, exploration, and artistic experimentation.They studied the artistic styles of Tarsila and Christa, experimented with various artistic media with different techniques, and created meaningful pieces that reflect their growth as young artists.
In the IGCSE Visual Arts course, students transform their initial inspiration into meaningful works of art through reflection, evaluation, and evolution. Drawing inspiration from mountains, islands, beaches, forests, or urban landscapes, they delve deep into the essence of their subjects through keen observation, extensive research, and exploration. This process not only showcases their creativity but also reflects their profound consideration of environmental and societal issues.
Students experiment with various techniques and media, gradually transforming initial sketches on paper into exhibition-worthy masterpieces. Each piece tells a unique story of passion, perseverance, and innovation, while highlighting the students' artistic growth and progress. By pushing the limits of their creativity, they produce one-of-a-kind visual narratives that reveal their unique perspectives and potential as young artists.
Student's work
A Ship's Toxic Trail
Elvis Lai
Elvis 的作品揭示了海洋污染的严峻现实。他反思了人类活动对海洋生态的摧毁,尤其是废弃物随波漂流的触目惊心。他通过亚克力和毛线等混合媒介,创作了污染景象与蓝色海洋的对比画面。Elvis 的反思引导观者意识到:我们每时每刻的污染行为,正摧毁着我们赖以生存的环境,呼吁人们关注并采取行动保护海洋。
Acrylics, crayon and wool on paper
Elvis created this artwork because he had noticed about how pollution has strongly affected our environment, so he created this artwork to show sea
pollution. This artwork is to let viewers see how strongly pollution has affected our sea to enhance the awareness of environmental protection of the viewers.
Running From the Fire
Isabella Li
Isabella 的作品聚焦于人为引发的森林火灾,指出了人类对环境破坏的责任。她反思道,75%的森林火灾由人为因素引起,给野生动物和自然生态带来了不可逆的伤害。她通过废弃城市与动物藏身的场景,传达了人类行为的“恶果”,并警示观者要珍惜自然,防止灾难重演。Isabella 的作品唤醒观者对环境保护的责任感,强调预防与保护的重要性。
Watercolour, Acyrlics and Fine Liner on paper
The work was created due to the inspiration of disasters caused by manmade fire and environmental damage. The painting scene appears in an abandoned city, seeming to be a place for animals to hide and take up residence.
Nowadays, forest fires are caused man-made around 75%, whether it’s by the environment or with purpose, showing the importance of protecting and
prevent people from letting fire ruin the forest further. The painting shows the wickedness and evil-doing from bits of human. I hope readers should know the importance of protecting the nature, and prevent these disasters from happening once again.
Raindrop Rhapsody
Yiyi Lu
Yiyi 的作品通过极端天气的表现,深刻表达了情绪中的忧郁与反思。他选择使用蜡笔描绘巨浪,以粗犷而有力的笔触展现了情绪的波动和内心的挣扎。而最显眼的闪电则用水彩表现,轻盈而锐利的线条形成了鲜明的对比,象征着冲突后的冷静与思考。
Yiyi 的灵感来自于争吵后的平静时刻,他希望通过这幅作品引导观众反思人际关系:如何在情绪的风暴中找到平和的出口,学会以更成熟、更冷静的方式去处理人与人之间的矛盾。这种情绪化的视觉表达,不仅传递出个人的内心世界,也在自然景观与情感体验之间构建了一座桥梁,让观者能够从中找到共鸣与启发。
Crayon and watercolour on paper ,acrylics on board
This painting is to express the emotions of melancholy, by using extreme weather to convey mood. The inspiration comes from calmness after an
argument. The giant waves are painted in crayon, while the most prominent lightning bolt is painted in watercolor. I hope to the viewers can reflect on how to deal with relationships between people.
Mikhail Galskii
Mikhail 通过作品反思了社会贫富差距与自然之美的对比。他以俄罗斯城市 Kirovsk 为灵感,将灰色的贫穷建筑与宏伟壮丽的雪山形成鲜明对比,提出关于社会不平等与城市化的深刻思考。
Marker and Crayons on Paper
In 2022 , I was in Russian city Kirovsk. I went there to ski. We rent a small apartment in a very dark house. When you go out of this house, you see a lot of buildings but all of them are grey color. But the mountains is very beautiful and very big. So in this picture I want to see a contrast between very poor people, who live in this grey buildings, and rich people who came to this city to ski.
The Depths of Eyes with Polluted Shadows
Baha Xie
Baha 的作品通过一只眼睛的形象,深刻反映了人类活动对地球环境的持续污染。他使用亚克力颜料,通过精细的笔触和色彩的对比,揭示了环境污染的多重形式,包括空气污染、水污染和光污染等。他将“正常的环境”和“被污染的环境”并置于眼睛的不同区域,象征着人类视野中的两种现实——一边是未被破坏的自然美景,另一边是被污染所侵蚀的生态。
Baha 反思道,人类的每一个日常行为都可能对地球造成无法挽回的影响。他用眼睛作为窗口,邀请观众直面污染的现状,唤起人们内心的责任感与环保意识。他希望每个人都能看清眼前的“阴影”,积极行动起来,共同守护我们的星球。这幅作品不仅是一种视觉的冲击,更是一种发自内心的呼吁,提醒我们珍惜并保护唯一的家园——地球。
Acrylics on Board
Baha created this acrylic painting cause he realized that human beings are polluting the earth every moment. Air pollution, water pollution, light
pollution etc.. He used an eye to present the polluted environment and normal environment. This painting is appeal to every human beings to protect the planet.
Miracles in December
Cicely Zhang
Cicely 的作品通过油画、厚涂媒介和纸塑结合聚苯乙烯等材料,呈现出一幅充满梦幻与希望的场景。这幅作品是她对十二月的美好幻想和憧憬,也寄托了她内心的希望与愿景。Cicely 的灵感来源于韩国组合 EXO 的歌曲《Miracles in December》,以及大海与鲸鱼的意象。在她的表达中,鲸鱼象征着希望与力量,带领观众暂时摆脱现实的束缚,进入一个理想化、纯净的精神世界。她通过表现主义的画风,将现实与幻想交织在一起,传达了一种对美好世界的向往与追求。
Cicely 反思道,我们的生活中常常被琐碎和真实所牵绊,而艺术提供了一种超越现实的途径,让我们可以追寻内心的平静与理想。她的作品邀请观众放下真实世界的负担,敢于沉浸于属于自己的理想国度,寻找内心的奇迹与安宁。这不仅是对个人情感的表达,更是一种精神上的释放与寄托。
Oil painting, Impasto Medium and Papier-mâché with Polystyrene on Wooden Board
Cicely created this oil painting from November to December, which is her beautiful vision and fantasy of December, and also put her hopes on this
painting. She was inspired by an EXO song, as well as the sea and whales. This is an expressionist painting, and her hope rests on the whale. This painting invites everyone to put aside their authenticity and enter their ideal world.
Snow Mountain Meditation
Otto Qin
Otto 的作品通过亚克力与蜡笔相结合,展现了北极地区的自然景观,同时反思了人类对自然资源的无情掠夺。他的灵感来自于北极环境的污染现状,通过在互联网上搜集到的北极污染图像,他将这种视觉冲击转化为艺术创作,以唤醒观众对自然环境的关注。作品中,壮丽的雪山与宁静的自然景色构成了表面上的和谐,但在这背后,隐藏着人类开采石油、破坏自然的深层问题。Otto 用画面传达了对环境污染的反思:人类为了获取资源而不断开采,导致生态系统被破坏,冰川融化,极地生物面临生存危机。
Otto 希望通过他的作品,让观众意识到保护自然的重要性,不要为了短期的利益而牺牲地球的未来。他的作品不仅展现了自然的美丽,更揭示了我们作为地球公民的责任,提醒人们只有珍惜与守护自然,才能让这一份宁静与壮丽得以延续。
Arcylics and Crayons on Paper
I created this work because I observed that there is environmental pollution in the world. My artwork is about people getting oil from nature. My inspiration comes from the Arctic. I found pictures on the Internet about pollution of the Arctic. I hope the viewers can learn not to destroy nature.
Landscapes and animals
Rose Chen
Rose 的作品通过水彩的柔美笔触,展现了自然景观的宁静与和谐。她的灵感来自家乡天空中美丽的日落景象,这一刻的色彩与光影触动了她内心对自然的热爱与敬畏。她通过画作向观众传达了大自然的纯粹之美,同时唤起人们对环境与动物保护的关注。
Rose 反思道,随着人类活动的加剧,许多美丽的自然景观逐渐被破坏,生物的栖息地也面临威胁。她希望通过描绘大自然中那些令人心动的风景和生灵,让观众停下来重新审视人与自然的关系。画中的柔和色调与细腻笔触不仅捕捉了自然的宁静之美,更蕴含着她对环境保护的真挚呼吁:我们应当珍惜大自然赐予的美景与生命,共同守护这份宝贵的和谐。
Rose 的作品既是对家乡美景的纪念,也是对全球自然保护的深刻反思,激励观者用心去感受自然之美,并付诸行动保护我们的地球家园。
Watercolor on paper
Rose created this watercolor in order to reflect the beauty of nature and call on people to protect animals and the environment. The beautiful sunset in
the sky of my hometown inspired me to create this work. My work is about nature. I hope viewers can pay more attention to nature.
Hazel Zhu
Hazel 深入探讨了海洋污染,她反思人类将海洋当作“垃圾场”,将废弃物和有害物质随意倾倒,导致海洋生态的崩溃。她的作品通过拼接马赛克形式,将海洋的不同状态呈现在观众面前。她运用丙烯酸树脂颜料将画面分割成多个小块,每一块都代表着海洋的一部分——纯净的蓝色海水与被污染的灰暗水域交替出现,形成强烈的视觉对比。
Hazel 通过这种独特的艺术形式,将复杂的主题具象化,既表现了她对海洋污染问题的忧虑,也向观众发出了强烈的环保呼吁:我们必须立即行动,修复受损的生态系统,守护海洋的纯净与美丽。
Acrylics on Paper
My work discusses marine pollution in the form of artistic creation. In recent years, people have regarded the ocean as a trash can. Household waste,
industrial waste, and even nuclear sewage. The once blue ocean is now devastated. Losing beauty, the ecology is also seriously damaged. Countless marine creatures have lost their homes, their lives have been
taken by chemicals, and garbage is used as food. What did they do wrong? I hope to arouse people's awareness of environmental protection and their
sense of responsibility with my works, so that we can jointly safeguard our homeland, the Earth.
Nature's Palette
Joey Wu
Joey 的作品以抽象的方式诠释了自然景观的美与力量。他通过亚克力颜料和沙子等媒介,将大自然的山峦、悬崖与蓝天抽象化地呈现在画面上,表达了对自然景色的个人理解和情感。
在创作过程中,Joey 并未拘泥于写实的表达,而是选择用色彩、形状与肌理来传达自然的氛围与能量。他使用鲜艳而富有对比感的颜色,比如深邃的紫色、亮眼的绿色与点缀的粉红色,赋予画面一种强烈的视觉冲击力。此外,沙子与颜料的结合增强了作品的层次感与触感,让观者更直观地感受到大自然的质感与粗粝之美。自然不仅仅存在于具体的山川和天空,它更是一种能量与情绪的体现。他希望通过这幅作品,让观众从抽象的角度重新感受自然的力量与美感,捕捉到大自然中流动的生机与氛围。
Acrylics and Sand on Paper
I painted this picture to show my abstract interpretation of the natural landscape, not in a realistic way. I am inspired by the natural scenery,
mountains, cliffs and blue sky I have seen. I show the beauty and power of nature from an abstract perspective. I hope the audience can feel the
energy and atmosphere of the natural landscape.
The Confrontation of Future and Nature
Berry Fang
Berry 的作品探索了未来科技与自然的冲突与平衡。他通过深浅色调的对比,展示了未来城市与自然景观的冲突,反思科技发展带来的环境代价。他借鉴艺术家 Bob Moran 的风格,提醒观者要在科技进步与环境保护之间找到共存之道,避免对自然的过度掠夺。
Fine liner and Coloured Pencil on Paper
This drawing is for showing the future what I think will be and the nature landscape. I used dark colours and light colours to compare the future and nature landscape. I was inspired by the artist Bob Moran’s pencil drawing. I used pencil, fine liners, colored pencils. There are mountains, sky, clouds, people, robots, buildings, airships in my drawing. I would like the viewers to learn about the reflect on the relationship between protecting environment and technology.
Ocean Landscapes
Anna Pan
Anna 的作品通过亚克力颜料、沙子与厚涂媒介等多种材质,将海洋的美丽与宁静呈现于画布上。她的创作灵感来自亲自拍摄的海滩照片,通过艺术的方式表达对海洋的热爱,同时引发观众对海洋环境保护的关注。作品中,层次分明的蓝色海水与金黄色的沙滩形成鲜明对比,营造出宁静而和谐的氛围。Anna 使用厚涂技术使海浪与山脉更具立体感,结合细腻的笔触与纹理,增强了画面的视觉表现力。而沙子的运用不仅增添了作品的真实感,也象征着自然与艺术之间的融合,传达出对纯净自然的珍视。尽管海洋的景色美丽动人,但人类的污染行为正逐渐侵蚀这份美好。她希望通过这幅作品唤起人们的环保意识,让观者珍惜这片湛蓝的海洋,减少对海洋环境的污染,共同守护海洋的宁静与纯净。
Acrylic and sand on canvas, impasto medium on cardboard paper
Anna created this painting to depict the beauty of the ocean and hope that people can reduce the pollution of the marine environment. Anna was inspired by the photos she took when she went to the beach.
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