12-20 08:42发布于广东
As the 2024 application season progresses, we warmly congratulate SSAL’s outstanding students on receiving interview invitations from The University of Hong Kong (HKU)! This is not only a testament to their hard work but also a reflection of SSAL’s exceptional teaching quality.
The University of Hong Kong
The University of Hong Kong
香港大学(The University of Hong Kong,简称“港大”或“HKU”)在2025年QS世界大学排名中位列全球第17位,彰显其卓越的学术地位。作为香港历史最悠久的高等学府,港大以其国际化视野、严谨的学术氛围和卓越的科研能力闻名,是亚洲顶尖学府之一,亦被誉为亚洲的“常春藤”。
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) ranks 17th globally in the 2025 QS World University Rankings, highlighting its outstanding academic reputation. As the oldest higher education institution in Hong Kong, HKU is renowned for its global outlook, rigorous academic atmosphere, and exceptional research capabilities. It is one of Asia’s top universities, often referred to as the “Ivy League of Asia.”
HKU uses English as the primary language of instruction and offers strong academic programs in fields such as economics, finance, accounting, biomedical sciences, dentistry, education, humanities, law, linguistics, political science, and social sciences, earning widespread global recognition.
Highlights of the Interviewed Programs
The programs for which students received interview invitations are not only highly competitive but also offer significant value and promising career prospects:
Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance
• 量化金融专业,是香港大学的传统强势领域之一。该专业对学生的数学能力、编程技巧要求极高,同时也为未来从事金融工程和量化分析奠定坚实基础。
• This program, a traditional strength of HKU, demands strong mathematical abilities and programming skills. It lays a solid foundation for future careers in financial engineering and quantitative analysis.
HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
• 作为全球医学、护理、公共卫生、药学及中医学领域的领先者,李嘉诚医学院拥有顶尖的科研与教学资源。其医学类专业在香港的就业前景极佳,医生职业更享有优厚待遇与崇高社会地位。
• A global leader in medicine, nursing, public health, pharmacy, and Chinese medicine, this faculty boasts top-tier research and teaching resources. Medical programs at HKU offer excellent career prospects in Hong Kong, where doctors enjoy high salaries and esteemed social status.
SSAL 2024届录取喜讯仍在持续更新中!再次祝贺所有成功获得港大面试机会的学子,这是属于他们的荣耀时刻,也期待未来更多的录取捷报传来!让我们共同见证SSAL学子的闪耀未来!
The admissions success stories of SSAL’s 2024 cohort are still unfolding! Congratulations once again to all students who secured HKU interview opportunities. This is a moment of pride for them, and we eagerly anticipate more exciting admission news in the future. Let’s continue to witness the bright achievements of SSAL students!
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