
PSPE课程:重视背后的多元价值 | IB PYP



在 IB PYP(国际文凭小学项目)的教育蓝图里,PSPE(个人、社会与体育教育)宛如一颗璀璨明珠,散发独特光芒。让我们从活动、课程与比赛维度,探究 IB PYP 重视它的缘由。

In the educational blueprint of IB PYP (International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme), PSPE (Personal, Social and Physical Education) is like a bright pearl, emitting unique and charming light. Let's explore the reasons why IB PYP attaches great importance to it from the dimensions of activities, courses and competitions.

Vibrant Activities: 
Developing The Whole Person

PSPE 的活动丰富多彩,似神奇钥匙开启成长之门。户外徒步中,孩子锻炼体能、耐力,亲近自然时学会观察、思考与应对挑战,崎岖山路与多变天气培养了他们坚韧与勇气。情感交流工作坊里,孩子们围坐分享喜怒哀乐,倾听心声,提升人际交往能力与同理心,为和谐人际关系打基础。

The activities of PSPE are rich and colorful, like magic keys opening the doors to growth. During outdoor hikes, children exercise their physical fitness and endurance, and learn to observe, think and meet challenges when getting close to nature. The rugged mountain paths and changeable weather cultivate their tenacity and courage. In the emotional communication workshops, children sit around to share their joys, sorrows, angers and fears, listen to each other's hearts, and improve their interpersonal communication skills and empathy, laying the foundation for harmonious interpersonal relationships.


A Carefully Designed Curriculum: 

Laying a Comprehensive Foundation


PSPE 的课程设计如精巧大厦,板块相连助力孩子成长。基础身体机能训练迈向高级社会情感认知,层层递进。

The curriculum design of PSPE resembles an elaborate mansion, with interconnected components facilitating the growth of children. It advances progressively from fundamental physical function training to advanced social-emotional cognition.


The physical function training encompasses the teaching of a wide variety of sports skills. In basketball classes, children commence with dribbling and passing and progress until they master techniques such as shooting and layups, enhancing their hand-eye coordination, reaction, and control capabilities. Football classes allow children to experience teamwork and competition, while also toning their muscles, building endurance, and improving flexibility. Gymnastics training boosts flexibility, strength, and balance. Track and field includes sprints, long-distance running, high jump, and so on, each respectively testing speed, endurance, explosive power, and coordination. There are also courses in hula hoop, skipping rope, frisbee, cheerleading, baseball, badminton, etc., each emphasizing different aspects of exercise to comprehensively enhance children's physical fitness.

社会情感教育板块借助角色扮演、案例分析,引导孩子认识自我理解他人社会规则。如 “校园社区” 角色扮演,孩子通过模拟校园场景,学会尊重他人、重视团队合作,掌握解决矛盾冲突方法。

The social-emotional education segment utilizes role-playing and case analysis to guide children to recognize themselves, understand others, and abide by social rules. For instance, in the “Campus Community” role-playing activity, children learn to respect others, value teamwork, and grasp methods for resolving conflicts by simulating campus scenarios.


Simultaneously, the curriculum places great emphasis on cultivating health awareness and living habits. Teachers employ interesting classes and practical activities to impart knowledge of nutrition, hygiene, and mental health. Children thus learn to maintain a balanced diet, practice good hygiene, and can face stress and setbacks optimistically.


A Passionate Race: 

Inspiring Unlimited Potential


PSPE 的比赛是孩子展示、挑战的极限的舞台,也是培育团队与竞争意识的契机。

The competitions of PSPE are platforms for children to display and challenge their limits, as well as opportunities to cultivate team spirit and competitive awareness.


The school sports meet is wonderful. On the sprint track, children make precise adjustments to break through by just a few tenths of a second and strive for their speed limits. In the relay race, the teamwork tacit understanding is crucial to success. They encourage each other and understand the true meaning of honor. On the softball field, the young players concentrate wholeheartedly on gauging the angle and strength of their throws, aiming to make the ball fly farther and more accurately, demonstrating the perfect combination of strength and skill. At the tug-of-war scene, the atmosphere is lively. The children grip the rope tightly, push their feet against the ground, lean backward, and shout in unison. Amid the deafening cheers, they experience the power of teamwork. In the skipping rope competition, the individual skippers are as light as a swallow, swinging the rope quickly to challenge their speed limits. In the long jump competition, the contestants take off, soar into the air, and land in one smooth motion. They stretch their bodies in the air to challenge their jumping and explosive power limits, going all out to pursue a greater distance.


U8 棒球队在广州市荣获冠军。比赛时,面对强劲对手的猛烈攻势,他们沉着冷静、镇定自若,凭借精湛娴熟的技艺与天衣无缝的默契配合,一次次巧妙化解危机,化险为夷,最终荣耀登顶,站上最高领奖台,欢呼声响彻云霄。

The U8 baseball team won the championship in Guangzhou. During the competition, facing the fierce attacks of strong opponents, they remained calm and composed, With skillful technique and seamless cooperation, repeatedly and skillfully resolved crises and turned danger into safety. Finally, they climbed to the top of the podium with glory, and the cheers rang through the sky.

U11 男篮在常春藤华南赛区逆转晋级全国赛。赛场上,他们敢打敢拼、勇往直前,即便比分落后,也毫不气馁,始终紧紧咬住对手,凭借坚韧不拔的顽强斗志与紧密无间的团结协作,抓住每一个战机,实现绝地逆转,充当通往全国赛的宝贵门票,向着更高目标迈进。

The U11 boys' basketball team reversed and advanced to the national finals in the South China Region of the Ivy League. On the court, they were brave and fought hard. Even when they were behind in the score, they never gave 把,always clung to their opponents, With perseverance, tenacity and close-knit solidarity, seized every opportunity and achieved a desperate reversal, winning the precious ticket to the national finals and moving towards a higher goal.

U12 男篮征战黄埔区获季军。全力以赴、奋力拼搏,最终荣获季军。比赛全程,他们毫无保留、倾尽所有,为每一个篮板、每一次得分拼尽全力,用滚烫的热血与挥洒的汗水书写属于自己的荣耀时刻。虽与冠军奖杯擦肩而过,但季军的荣誉同样熠熠生辉,见证着他们的付出与毕业,拼搏精神永载史册。

The U12 boys' basketball team won the third place in Huangpu District. They went all out and fought hard, and finally won the third place. Throughout the competition, they held nothing back, exhausted all their endeavor,fought for every rebound and every score, and wrote their own glorious moments with their hot blood and sweat. Although they missed the champion trophy, the honor of the third place also shone brightly, witnessing their efforts and growth, and their fighting spirit will be remembered in history.


The Cheerleading Team won the third place in Huangpu District. In order to prepare for the competition, they trained hard, from the basic movement standardization, to the complex formation changes, they always strive for excellence. After school, you can always see them sweating and practicing over and over again, just to show the most energetic side in the competition and win glory for the team.

IB PYP 重视 PSPE 意义非凡,通过多元途径,为孩子打开身心全面发展、综合素质提升之门,助其成长为优秀个体,期待更多孩子在此绽放光彩,收获成长幸福。

IB PYP emphasizes the significance of PSPE, which opens the door for children's all-round physical and mental development and comprehensive quality enhancement through diversified pathways to help them grow into outstanding individuals, and looks forward to seeing more children blossom here and reap the benefits of their growth and happiness.









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