Student Union
The Student Union at CEP serves as both a platform for self-service, self-management, and personal growth and a key venue for developing leadership and social skills. Students gain invaluable experience in team management, event organization, and communication—assets crucial for their future.
This stage is critical for junior high students transitioning from dependence to independence, where self-management skills are still developing. We encourage all capable and passionate students to join the Student Union, where they can learn to manage themselves, serve others, and develop essential skills for personal growth and future success.
Students grow and thrive within this community, moving on to broader stages. As the seasons change, the Student Union welcomes new members. Between the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, the Student Union holds its annual recruitment and election activities, providing more students with opportunities to showcase themselves and serve others.
Refine Yourself, Serve Others
This is an energizing and challenging time for each brave little defender who will stand on the campaign stage, and though there may be some nervousness in their hearts, they show confidence and generosity.
Student Union President Election
Student Union Department Head Election
The candidates were full of enthusiasm and actively competed for the posts of ministers of the Logistics Department, the Discipline and Inspection Department, the Etiquette Department, the Secretarial Department, the Culture and Sports Department and other departments.
The successful candidates will lead the departments to contribute to the orderly development of campus life and culture with professionalism and enthusiasm, and work hand in hand to create a better future for the campus.
The process is the reward.
During the election process, they must not only make their own declaration to their classmates, but also demonstrate their ability and determination. They understand that the process of refining themselves and serving others is a reward in itself. Through these experiences, they will learn how to work better with others, how to solve problems more effectively, and how to lead a team. These experiences become valuable assets that will grow with them and help them succeed in their future studies and in life.
——804 班吴沁彤
学生会,是校园里温暖有力的存在。我们帮助同学解决生活琐事,在他们迷茫时给予指引,于困难前伸出援手。在这里,我从一个懵懂贪玩的少年,成长为心怀热忱、懂得担当的青年。我明白了,每一次付出,都是在编织校园美好的纽带;每一份努力,都让 “同学情” 愈发醇厚。未来,我愿带着这份初心,在竞选之后,继续在学生会发光发热,与同学们携手共进,让青春在奉献中熠熠生辉。
——802 班谢依宸
The election results are coming soon. Please stay tuned.
The newly elected cadres will play an important role. In terms of cultivating leadership ability, they will exercise decision-making, organizational, coordination, and through organizing activities such as the campus cultural festival and academic competitions, learn team cooperation and motivate members, laying the foundation for the future.
For the school, the Student Union makes numerous contributions. It carries forward the culture, promotes academic excellence, and cares for the well-being of students. The Student Union also serves as a bridge for communication between the school and its students, aiding in the optimization of school management. In the future, the Student Union will innovate and develop further, working hand in hand with all students to achieve brilliance and allow youth to flourish vibrantly within the campus.
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